Резюме від 19 вересня 2023 Файл


Full stack програміст

24 роки
Місто проживання:
Готовий працювати:
Київ, Луцьк, Львів

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон та ел. пошту.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Завантажений файл

Версія для швидкого перегляду

Це резюме розміщено у вигляді файлу. Ця версія для швидкого перегляду може бути гіршою за оригінал резюме.

Oleksandr Hirych
Fullstack developer
LinkedIn.com [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
Telegram [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
GitHub Kyiv, Ukraine

I am a responsible, detail-oriented Fullstack developer with a passion for continuous improvement.
Proficient in JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML, CSS, React, and Node.js, I hold a Master's Degree in
Cybersecurity. During my Computer Science studies, I gained foundational knowledge in MongoDB, C, and
My strengths lie in perseverance and diligence, as I tackle challenges with personal dedication. I was
involved in digital art and drew 1 art about my favorite fictional universe. I posted this art on Reddit in a
thematic group and in 2 days this art collected more than 1500 upvotes. Moreover, I am known for being
the first to arrive and the last to leave, as my commitment extends to the gym.
Currently seeking a FrontEnd/Fullstack Developer position, I am eager to enhance both my technical and
soft skills both in Ukrainian & international teams (with the help of my Upper Intermediate level of English).

Click here for my portfolio


Languages: JavaScript (ES6), TypeScript Full Stack Developer
Frameworks: React.js, Node.js, Express Freelance,
Technologies: HTML5, CSS3, Developed UI and API for Music Studio website
on customer's requirements. The website has a
SASS(SCSS), JSON, BUG, Redux Toolkit,
responsive design and a user-friendly interface.
Mongoose, Sequelize
API relies on the MongoDB database and has
Methodologies: Pixel-perfect, BEM, login/sign-up functionality.
Cross-browser and adaptive layout, REST Created new and modified existing websites
API using JavaScript, HTML, and CSS, and
UI library: MUI, Tailwind implemented web applications, using modern
Tools: Figma, Git, Photoshop, NPM, technologies (JavaScript, React, Redux,
Webpack, Eslint Typescript);
Algorithms: Solved 200+ algorithmic Performed user interface design based on
tasks product requirements, as well as creating
reusable components and working with UI
Basic OOP understanding
libraries for further use;
Basic PHP, C, and C++ knowledge
Performed code reviews, investigated,
English: Upper intermediate reproduced, and fixed defects, and
communicated with external web services;
Attended regular Zoom meetings with the team
and actively worked in a group and
National Aviation University | 2021 - 2022 communicated with team members to achieve
Master’s Degree in Cybersecurity development goals.

Volyn National University | 2018 - 2021
Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science

Practical React Course, SoftServe Nice Gadgets - react group project. Gadget’s
Node.js, Express, MongoDB & More: The store with our own API. The website has a
Complete Bootcamp 2023, Udemy catalog for each category, details, favorites, and
The Complete JavaScript Course 2022: From cart pages.
Zero to Expert, Udemy Role: Frontend developer
Basics of software testing course, Prometheus Demo(Need to wait a little bit) | Code
Media literacy: practical skills course, Natours - MERN stack project. Tour catalog with
Prometheus (2020) auth, payment, and booking functionality. The
Basics of information security course, website has a catalog, details page for each tour,
Prometheus (2019) user cabinet, etc.
Codewars.com(near 40 tasks) Role: Backend developer
Demo(Need to wait a little bit) | Code
Sanime - responsive anime website with
100+ Algorithmic Tasks solved during the last pagination and routing. You can use the catalog
month for an overview and pick one title for detailed
After finishing my bachelor's degree, my information. Also, there are searching and
professors suggested me to join a university filtering functionality.
programming contest. I secured first place by Role: Frontend developer | Demo | Code
developing a software implementation of book
encryption. React ToDo App - Create, archive, edit, and
Created a full-stack project in TypeScript, remove your todos.
React.js, and Node.js as my master's thesis Role: Frontend developer | Demo | Code
Was involved in digital art and drew 1 art
about my favorite fictional universe. I posted Music App - Responsive music app. Search and
this art on Reddit in a thematic group and in 2 listen to top music or top Artists. Has similar
days this art collected more than 1500 functionality as Spotify and YouTube Music.
upvotes. Role: Frontend developer | Demo | Code

React Forecast App - My responsive forecast
application where I used OpenWeatherMap API.
You can check the weather forecast in your own
city, or you can use a search to find another one.
Role: Frontend developer | Demo | Code

Golden Store - Jewelry eCommerce responsive
website design.
Role: Frontend developer | Demo | Code

Bankist App - Application that simulates the
performance of certain banking functions such as
money transfers, transactions accounting, and
taking a loan.
Role: Frontend developer | Demo | Code

Dies Irae - Multiplayer game where each player
chooses a character and tries to win by using
different abilities.
Role: Frontend developer | Demo | Code

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