- Файл
Frontend developer
- Вік:
- 22 роки
- Місто проживання:
- Черкаси
- Готовий працювати:
- Дистанційно, Дніпро, Київ, Львів, Одеса, Черкаси
Контактна інформація
Шукач вказав ел. пошту.
Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.
Отримати контакти цього кандидата можна на сторінці https://www.work.ua/resumes/10043812/
Завантажений файл
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Frontend developer
I am a Frontend developer with almost a year of commercial experience and Cherkasy, Ukraine/ Remote/ Relocate
a Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering. I possess a comprehensive [
understanding of the technologies and techniques necessary for the
development of sophisticated products, as well as a profound knowledge of
software development life cycles (SDLC) and systems development life cycles
(SDLC). My skillset encompasses JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML, CSS, React,
and Vue/Angular fundamentals. Furthermore, I have a robust foundation in
Redux, web development, and JavaScript testing. Additionally, I have an
intermediate proficiency in English.
Main Technologies: HTML, CSS, Sass,
FrontEnd Developer, Gremcy | Mar’24 - Present
JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Node.js
Provided support and maintenance for company-developed websites
Frameworks & libraries: React,
on the front end, ensuring cross-browser compatibility and responsive
Redux, FETCH, Express.js, Bulma,
jQuery, GSAP, Swiper, Slick, Nunjucks
Helped implement new frontend projects, adapting them for WordPress
Design Tools: Photoshop, Figma
and doing my best to ensure seamless functionality across different
Tools: Git/Github/Gitlab, VS Code,
devices and platforms.
NPM, API, Chrome Developer Tools
I have worked with many JavaScript libraries, including React, jQuery,
(incl. React, Redux)
GSAP, Swiper, Slick, and Nunjucks. This has allowed me to create
Basics of OOP, PHP
dynamic, interactive, and performant web experiences.
Knowledge of SDLC & STLC
Contributed to the development of new features and improvements, with a
Operating systems: Windows, Linux,
particular focus on enhancing the frontend performance and user
Agile concepts knowledge (Scrum,
Worked closely with my colleagues, attending regular meetings and doing
Kanban, Scrumban) + Waterfall
my best to contribute to the project goals and objectives.
Task-managers:WorkSection, Clockify
ClickUP, Trello,
Fullstack Developer Intern | Aug’23 - Mar’24
English: Intermediate
Created new and modified existing websites using JavaScript, HTML, and
CSS, and implemented web applications, using modern technologies
(JavaScript, React, Angular, Redux, Typescript);
Developed new features and functionality according to the provided
requirements and optimized components for maximum performance in
different browsers;
Performed code reviews, investigated, reproduced, and fixed defects,
and communicated with external web services; Cherkasy State Business College
Attended regular Zoom meetings with the team and actively worked in a
Junior Bachelor of Software Engineering
team and communicated with team members to achieve development 2017-2021
Bachelor of Computer Engineering
Weather App Demo GitHub Code
This app offers a sophisticated yet user-friendly solution for accessing accurate FreeCodeCamp (HTML, CSS, JavaScript)
weather information, making it an essential tool for users seeking to stay informed Learn.javascript (JavaScript)
about current and forecasted weather conditions.
CodeWars [31 Kata Completed]
Technologies used: HTML, CSS, SASS, React, TypeScript, Redux Toolkit,
Fullstack course at Mate academy (Git,
lodash, i18n, recharts
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Typescript,
Marketplace with phones ‘Nice gadgets’ Demo GitHub Code
React, Web, SQL)
My role involved designing the user interface in alignment with product Basics of Web UI development 2022 at
specifications, creating reusable components, and leveraging UI libraries for future Prometheus (HTML, CSS, JavaScript)
Machine learning at Prometheus
Technologies used: HTML, CSS, SASS modules, React + TypeScript, Redux
Toolkit, Context, Swiper, lodash, react-toastify, react-
Demo GitHub Code
Task Trecker
Within this application, users have the ability to add new tasks, indicate when
they are completed, and delete tasks from their lists.
Technologies used: HTML, CSS, SASS modules, React + TypeScript
Instructor, Rope Park | Mar’21 - Nov’22
Implemented new safety protocols, reducing accidents by 30%.
Developed a professional development program for instructors,
ensuring consistent and effective instruction.
Improved customer satisfaction by providing guidance and addressing
participant concerns.
Collaborated to redesign training materials for better clarity and
My contributions resulted in increased safety, higher-quality instruction, and
enhanced customer experiences, positively impacting the park's reputation
and business.
Developed my own device on Arduino, and programmed it in C++ while
writing my diploma.
100+ Algorithmic Tasks solved during the last 2 months
Схожі кандидати
.Net-програміст, C++ developer, front end розробник
Дніпро, Дистанційно -
Front-end розробник, Drupal developer, кризовий адміністратор сайту (HTML, CSS)
30000 грн, Київ -
Програміст WordPress, frontend developer
Львів -
Python-програміст, Front-end developer
25000 грн, Київ, Одеса , ще 2 міста -
Front-end програміст, Web Developer
Дистанційно -
Front end, Back end, Full Stack Developer