Резюме від 29 травня 2024 PRO


Finance manager

Місто проживання:
Інші країни
Готовий працювати:
Дистанційно, Інші країни

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон та ел. пошту.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Досвід роботи

Finance Manager

з 08.2023 по нині (10 місяців)
Goit, Дистанційно (Освіта, наука)

• P&L (cash & accrual basis) preparation, forecasting & analysis for international markets,
• Payments approval & processing,
• Costs optimization, etc.

Finance Business Partner

з 07.2019 по нині (4 роки 11 місяців)
Herbalife Nutrition, Інші країни (Хімічна промисловість, фармацевтика)

• Planning, forecasting, budgeting and analysis of SGA, marketing costs, Volume Points metrics,
• Acts as Finance business partner providing help in steering Regional finances to achieve desired operating income,
• Interpret the company’s financial results and recommend improvement activities; engage in ongoing cost reduction analyses in all areas of the company.

Financial analyst

з 07.2016 по 06.2019 (2 роки 11 місяців)
IAG GBS, Другие страны (Транспорт, логистика)

Take part in budgeting, Revenue Consolidation, monthly forecast for Operating expenses, provide variance analysis, comments, Processing Incentive payments, accruals, recharges, calculate rebates, Prepare BS reconciliation, Depreciation calculation and posting, etc.

Financial Analyst (acting as Finance Manager)

з 12.2015 по 08.2016 (8 місяців)
Valeant pharmaceuticals, Киев (Химическая промышленность, фармацевтика)

• Developed financial & sales analytical reporting from scratch (P&L analysis, margin analysis by brands, BU, EBIT-A analysis, etc.), • Business cases analysis, worked with contracts, prepared Additional agreements etc.

Business Process Coordinator

з 12.2014 по 04.2015 (4 місяці)
Sigma Software, Харьков (IT)

Sales analyst

з 11.2013 по 08.2015 (1 рік 9 місяців)
Philip Morris Ukraine, Харьков (Пищевая промышленность)

• ensured proper date submission into all required sales systems and structured and accurate input of sales data from the Field Force, tracked and took part in implementing KPIs, • provided Regional Management and Field Force with key information in terms of market dynamics, industry performance (sales analysis by regions, channels, brands), Sales & Distribution force performance and other key indicators. Supported Regional Management in preparation and planning of sales cycles and data analysis for presentations, worked with Nielsen reports, • supported sales systems implementation. Ensured first level sales systems support for users.

Cost Controller

з 04.2012 по 12.2013 (1 рік 8 місяців)
Philip Morris Ukraine, Харьков (Пищевая промышленность)

• timely prepared the company's budgets in costing area, consolidated and maintained budget data, analyzed variances vs. prior year and provided explanations, • tracked actual spending, made variance analysis, analyzed variances vs. budget, prior year, month, quarter (by drivers: price, currency, business, by GL account, cost centers etc.) and regularly estimated/proposed future development, • ensured correct reflection of fixed & variable on the P&L (Profit and Losses), • validated the figures which were provided by cost center managers in order to ensure its accuracy and suitability for budgeting and forecasting, provided cost center managers with actual spending on a monthly basis, • prepared presentations on a monthly basis and during budget cycle for management and HQ, • as per management request provided ad hoc information (calculated different scenarios of losses, calculated recharges to other affiliates, prepared price-lists etc.), • calculated standard price (cost) of new components and finished goods on every day basis; calculated and budgeted intercompany price, • controlled and analyzed losses of goods and components, • took part in month end closing activities (including Armenia and Georgia affiliates), • controlled accuracy of accruals, calculated and processed in SAP provisions


Kharkiv national university of economics

International economic, Харьков
Вища, з 2002 по 2007 (5 років)

Знання мов

  • Англійська — вище середнього
  • Польська — вище середнього
  • Українська — вільно
  • Російська — вільно

Схожі кандидати

Бухгалтер, фінансист

Київ, Дистанційно

Finance manager

Бухгалтер, економіст, фінансист
Київ, Дистанційно

Finance manager, influence marketing
Київ, Дистанційно

Фінансист, помічник фінансиста

Усі схожі кандидати

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