Резюме від 19 жовтня 2023 Файл



28 років

Контактна інформація

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Манусевич Ксенія Юріївна

Date and place of birth: November 12, 1995, Poltava Oblast, Kremenchuk city.
Native language: Ukrainian, Russian.
Other languages: Polish A2, English A2.
Marital status: Single, no children.
Contact information: Phone: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
Email: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
Field of professional interests:
Event organization and management
Child development and upbringing
Computer work
Interacting with people

2001-2012 - Secondary School No. 29, Kremenchuk.
2012-2016 - Bohdan Khmelnytsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University
Faculty: Department of Practical Psychology
Specialty: Bachelor's Degree in Practical Psychology

2016-2018 - Bohdan Khmelnytsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University.
Faculty: Department of Pedagogy and Pedagogical Mastery.
Specialty: Master's Degree in Management.
2016-2018 - Bohdan Khmelnytsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University.
Faculty: Department of Practical Psychology.
Specialty: Master's Degree in Practical Psychology.

Additional education:
December 2013 - March 2014 - "School of Young Journalists" course at MTV television company.
May 22-24, 2014 - International Conference "Social-Psychological Features of Activities in the Social Sector: Social Aspects of Modernity."
April 16-18, 2015 - Training on "School of Tolerance in Gender Equality and Women's Rights."
November 29, 2015 - Educational and Practical Seminar on the "Diagnostic and Therapeutic Potential of Mandalas.
"September 2016 - November 2017 - Art Therapy courses "Working with Children and Parents."
April 18-20, 2017 - "School of Tolerance on LGBT and HIV/AIDS Issues."
November 27, 2017 - Methodological Seminar on the use of the educational exhibition "My Place."
February 5-8, 2018 - Courses in the "Intel Education for the Future" program.
December 9-11, 2019 - Professional development: "Training Specialists to Implement Programs for Victims."

Work experience:
June 2014 - August 2014 - Camp Counselor at "Zoryany" Children's Camp.
September 7, 2014 - December 18, 2015 - Psychologist Volunteer at the Melitopol City Office for Displaced Persons from Donetsk and Luhansk Regions.
January 20 - May 15, 2015 - Volunteer at the "Good People Foundation" charity organization.
July 31 - August 15, 2015 - Camp Counselor at "Sokil" Children's Camp.
May 9 - November 30, 2016 - Kiosk Attendant at "Press."
December 1, 2016 - April 1, 2017 - Housekeeper at "Melitopol Hotel."
April 26 - August 21, 2017 - Art Manager at Fly Kids Melitopol (Fly Kids, Fly Park).
September 12, 2017, - February 15, 2018 - School Psychologist at Danilo-Ivanivska Primary and Secondary School and concurrently at Novenska Primary School.
April 29 - September 10, 2018 - Confectioner at the "Gerlah" Polish Bakery.
October 10, 2018, - April 12, 2019 - Pedagogical Organizer and Practical Psychologist at Astrakhanska Primary and Secondary School.
April 17 - August 16, 2019 - Waitress at "Sweet Gate Sweet" in the United Arab Emirates.
September 10, 2019 - March 12, 2020 - Waitress at Hookah bar.
September 2, 2019 - February 5, 2021 - Psychologist at Novenska Primary School.
November 1, 2019 - May 31, 2020 - Psychologist at Sadivska Primary School.
September 1, 2020, - February 5, 2021 - Part-time Psychologist at Danilo-Ivanivska Primary and Secondary School.
August 25, 2020 - December 29, 2020 - Cook and Salesperson at "Ne Chamkay" Fast Food.
January 14, - July 20, 2021 - Sales Manager for Board Games at "GeekachShop."
March 8, - October 8, 2021 - Waitress at "White Smoke.
November 1, 2021, - March 8, 2022 - Customer Relations Manager at "IlionGrup."
July 15, 2022, - February 28, 2023 - Dispatcher at "Taxi 838."
March 1, 2023, - August 15, 2023 - Sales and Customer Support Manager at "IT STEP ACADEMY."

Skills, interests, and personal qualities:
Honest and responsible execution of public tasks, hardworking, a serious attitude towards duties, tactfulness, attentiveness, concentration, good memory, an adequate response to criticism, sincerity, and communicativeness. On the negative side, I can be emotional. Also I have experience working with CRM, Google Sheets and Workspace, Microsoft Word and Excel. I have a clear and articulate voice and do not have any harmful habits.

Personal Opinion:
I am a very cheerful and versatile person. I enjoy learning new things. Also emotional. I adore children and love spending time with them. I cannot sit still, as I am driven by the desire for personal development and self-improvement.

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