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Android Developer

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Vadym Yaroshchuk
Munich, Bavaria, Germany | [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація») | [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація») | [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація») | github.com/y9vad9

18-year-old Kotlin Software Engineer specializing in client-server applications. Contributed to Ajax Systems, a leader in
wireless security systems in Europe with 2 million active users. Proficient in building mobile solutions and inspiring
others through tutoring, course development, and writing articles about Kotlin development.

Middle Android Software Engineer December 2022 – April 2023
Ajax Systems Ukraine, Kyiv
• Improved application loading time by more than 50% through optimizing client-server update events parsing.

• Spearheaded the development of core components, achieving a 20% enhancement in team performance.

• Optimized outdated Java codebase by transitioning to Kotlin, resulting in a 30% reduction of errors in production.

TimeMates | Kotlin (Multiplatform), Compose, RSocket, Gradle, PostgreSQL, Docker, Git April 2023 – Present
• Cut testing and developing time for 3 platforms by implementing the app using Kotlin Multiplatform.

• Reduced design adaptation time on 50% by implementing a cross-platform UI with Compose Multiplatform.

Kotlin Course | Docusaurus, Kotlin, Gradle, Git June 2022 – December 2022
• Authored beginner-friendly Kotlin and Gradle courses, ensuring accessible learning for over 50 participants.

• Managed content, addressing over 20 student inquiries, and adapted curriculum based on 90% positive feedback.

• Mentored 8 university peers, elevating their Kotlin proficiency and software development skills significantly.

Sketchcode | Java, Retrofit, PHP, MariaDB May 2018 – April 2021
• Built and nurtured a vibrant community of developers, reaching a peak of 5,000 users.

• Optimized client-server, managing 10M+ monthly requests with only 1GB RAM, ensuring seamless performance.

• Secured 400+ private projects through advanced file encryption, bolstering data integrity during backups.

• Stored over 1000 heavy files in a 30GB server setup by implementing advanced client file compression.

Task Manager | Java, C++, XML April 2019 – December 2019
• Developed an Android app for processes and startup management reaching over 4,000 user base.

Technical Skills
Programming Languages: Kotlin, Java, SQL
Frameworks: Android Jetpack, jUnit, Espresso, Mockk, Dagger, Koin, etc.
Developer Tools: IntelliJ, Android Studio, Git, Jira, Jenkins
Architectures: Clean Architecture, MVVM, MVI, DDD
Libraries: Jetpack Compose, Kotlin Coroutines (kotlinx.coroutines), kotlinx.serialization, Ktor, Room, SQLDelight,
Retrofit, gRPC, RSocket and so on.

English: Professional working proficiency (B2)
Ukrainian: Native speaker (C2)
Russian: Native speaker (C2)

Open International University of Human Development ”Ukraine” Kyiv, Ukraine
Bachelor of Computer Science, ongoing (online) September 2022 – Present

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