Резюме від 10 квітня 2024 Файл

Особисті дані приховані

Цей шукач вирішив приховати свої особисті дані та контакти, але йому можна надіслати повідомлення або запропонувати вакансію.

Цей шукач вирішив приховати свої особисті дані та контакти. Ви можете зв'язатися з ним зі сторінки https://www.work.ua/resumes/10215752

Logistics manager, Executive assistant, Team leader, Customer support

Місто проживання:
Готовий працювати:

Контактна інформація

Шукач приховав свої особисті дані, але ви зможете надіслати йому повідомлення або запропонувати вакансію, якщо відкриєте контакти.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Завантажений файл

Версія для швидкого перегляду

Це резюме розміщено у вигляді файлу. Ця версія для швидкого перегляду може бути гіршою за оригінал резюме.

CONTACTS Denis Dmitrenko
9 Kharkiv i Age: 26 years old

Professional experience

2019/11/05–2023/15/10 Export documentation manager/ team leader in ocean
freight logistics (NVOCC)

A remote position of an export documentation manager/ team leader in the
US freight forwarder (NVOCC) company.
Key aims are as follows:
• executive Assistant / team leader role in company consists of:
spreading tasks among team members, supervising afterwards,
Phone number [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
coaching, composing analytical reports for CEO, holing team
meetings, business meetings with sales representatives, working with
Email [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація») Microsoft Outlook , issue solving, customer support.
• to communicate with warehouses, loading facilities and customers to
fulfill their request on rate/routing/shipping line/equipment/document
• to provide bookings with different shipping lines (Maersk, CMA CGM,
MSC, OOCL, COSCO, Hapag Lloyd, Evergreen)
• checking vessels/ the US terminal schedules for truckers to complete
appointments successfully
• English (B2) • monitoring main outlook folder and cope with task management among
our colleges, providing them with tasks, supervising afterwards.
• German (A1)
• creating items (dry cargo/vehicles) in WMS for further entering them
• Russian (Native) into transactions to complete sailing manifest and receive Bill of Lading
for proofreading
• Ukrainian (Native)
• matching export and import restrictions to ship vehicles without

additional fines and eliminate potential customs holds in order to save
funds of our company.

SKILLS • filing AES (Automated Export System) to declare cargo in the US CBP
system (Customs and Border Protection) and communicate with the
customs officers.
• Interact with WMS
• release cargo at destinations and determine release type according to the
• Compose and complete sailing Bill of Lading and customers’ requests.
• working with destination agents for them to clear cargo.
• File AES
• Trainings complete: • checking and sending validated auto titles to shipping lines.
digital marketing courses,
• working with shipping companies, export booking managers, sales
courses of teaching English
• Strong communicative abilities • perfect knowledge of shipping lines specifics.

• Office 365 knowledge 2016-2017 an English tutor for adults and children

• Google Docs/Sheets knowledge The main goal is to develop student’s communicative competence
by providing certain number of exercises enhancing vocabulary,
• Incoterms 20220 knowledge reading, grammar, listening and speaking. This was a freelance job that
• Critical thinking allowed me to build my own lessons leaning on basic teaching principles.
• Discipline and page 1 of 2
business responsibility
2018\02 – 2018\06 SkyEng online school (a teacher of English)

The main goal is to develop student’s communicative competence by providing
certain number of exercises enhancing vocabulary, reading, grammar, listening
and speaking based on already built material.

2018\07\07 –2019\30\09 SkyEng online school (methodologist and sales

• To work with CRM
• To research teaching materials and provide feedback on it
• Working with different kind of information in Google Sheets.
• Completing students’ profiles.
• To sell a bundle of lessons and work with customers’ objections both in
Russian and English languages.
• To meet with a native speaker to improve English skills.
• To reach a sales plan, analyzing KPI.
• Provide teaching material and make amends.
• To give feedback on lessons and tests.

Education ---
2015 - 2019 Skovoroda National Pedagogical University
Bachelor's degree

major in English language and worldwide literature, minor in German language
and course of stylistics, linguistics, practical and
theoretical grammar.

Personal information
I am an easy-going and enthusiastic person, interested in learning English
language in terms of stylistics, linguistics, and theoretical grammar. Being an
issue solver is a main aim. Using some experience is an essential feature
of mine that allows me to be a fast learner and quite adaptive to new spheres
and different conditions. I also estimate myself as a responsible,
confident, inventive person and it helps me to
overcome any kind of stumbling blocks. My daily routine maintains
healthy lifestyle and consists of basic exercises for physical strength.
There are also a couple of guitars that I enjoy playing when there is
some spare time. In addition, I like photography, especially when it
comes to shooting film portraits using a retro-camera.

New position expectations
Salary: $1000 and higher
Working schedule: 9:00 – 18:00 Kiev, UK time (other options could be
reviewed) Looking for a remote position in a responsible and decent company
with clear goals. Scamming people is not acceptable for me as it breaks my
moral principles, please do not disturb and waste my time with such positions.

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Схожі кандидати

Executive assistant, customer support manager
75000 грн, Дистанційно

Personal assistant, client support manager, візовий менеджер
30000 грн, Дистанційно

Логіст, customer support manager
Дистанційно, Київ

Sales manager, Customer support representative (Logistics)
18000 грн, Дистанційно

Logistics specialist, sales manager, customer support supervisor
23000 грн, Дистанційно, Київ, Інші країни

Усі схожі кандидати

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