• Файл


Программист PHP

Місто проживання:
Готовий працювати:

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон .

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Завантажений файл

Версія для швидкого перегляду

Це резюме розміщено у вигляді файлу. Ця версія для швидкого перегляду може бути гіршою за оригінал резюме.

Marina Radchenko
Date of birth: the 6st of October, 1988
Desired position: PHP-developer
Phone number: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»).
E-mail: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
Skype: marrinaukr


University: Kharkov National University of Radioelectronics (KNURE).
Period: September 2005 – June 2010.
Department: Intelligent Decision Support Systems.
Qualifikation: Computer Systems Analyst.

Professional skills

- Yii2, Zend, Laravell, Codeigniter, Symfony;
- Ajax, JQuery, Vue JS, Bootstrap;
- Wordpress.

Work Experience

Company: Cruise Planner.

Role: PHP-Vue-developer.

Working period: 2023 January – 2023 June


Take part in development of application what allow to create plan of river cruise.
Work with such entities and tasks: User list, User Edit Form, Ship list, Ship edit page,
Holidays Settings, Holiday detection for tor item, Tour Edit Form, History of tour
changes, Role Edit Form, improve entities deletion (soft delete + reference checking),
send template of audit form for chosen emails.

Technologies: Laravel & Vue Js.

Company: Blazing Boost.

Role: PHP-developer.

Working period: 2021 January – 2022 December

The website is an e-shop where computer game coaches can sell their services. Some
of my tasks description see below.

Cascade email templates: service, category, game level.

Booster updates for service. The booster can give information about the current service
he performs.

All updates log into history. Admin can see updates. Updates can have read or unread

order item warnings.

service has time for its performance.

admin in order items list sees countdown to its completed state. If an order doesn't have
a completed state and count down reaches 0

admin will see a warning on the warning page.

After login popups.

Popups have:

- period and times of appearance;

- user statistic parameters restriction;

- user type restriction;

- Delay of appearance.

Discount limitation.

Usage of discount codes can be restricted by: expiration date, game & category.
Discount codes can be used one-time or multiple

The total discount sum can be restricted by the discount code limitation sum.

Injection of payment by mobile phone.

Technologies: Zend & JQuery.

Company: Uran.
Role: PHP-developer.
Working period: 2020 April – 2020 December
Take part in finish manufacture portal development on Laravel, support old crm, take
part in writing new module for editing documents.
Technologies: Laravel & Vue JS, fuelPHP.

Company: Paradox.
Role: PHP-developer.
Working period: 2019 August– 2020 March.
Support big B2B & ERP system of swim equipment trader.
Repair for group orders, group product processing, purchase documents, products list,
users list.
Write an application for VK and e-shop synchronizing.
Technologies: Laravel & Vue JS.

Company: CodeProduction web-studio.
Role: PHP-developer.
Working period: 2018 April – 2019 February.
- take part in development of places and events portal;
- take part in development of portal for the trading cooperative community.
- development of Advertising card site; theme development and adaptive mark up;
plug-in connection: gallery, callback form;
- WC shop; development of widget such as poll, wish-list; changes in checkout form;
connect ACF plug-in and pay-pall plus for advertising card site.
- social network; mark-up adaptation; authorization via other popular social network
- online credit site; change registration steps; connection WayForPay widget for bank
card verification; bug-fix; install sonata with user list.
- take part in MLM-network portal development; ware-house list – crud in admin, display
in map, display balance for manager; news page; display recursive partner list with
Mathematic task template development for online learning system.

Company: Factor Group of Companies.
Role: PHP-developer.
Working period: 2016 Jule – 2018 March.
Responsibilities: Support Factor Academy site (online education project). Rework
billing system (liqpay, invoice). Develop admin panel (5 block – complex edit and list
forms, complex reports with data filtering). Take part in ERP accounting system
development (repair php-office library, accounting reports development).

Company: Quadecco.
Role: PHP-developer.
Working period: 2015 November – 2016 Jule.
Responsibilities: Developing REST-API services and writing small web system for
generating licenses for hardware system based on Yii2.

Company: Stem.
Role: PHP-developer.
Working period: 2013 April – 2015 October.
Responsibilities: Development of e-shops for auto-business. Projecting and
programming system’s functionality. 1C SOAP web-services integration.

Company: 1C-Tellur.
Role: 1C-developer/ 1C-architect.
Working period: July 2009 – 2013 March.

From February 2011 – 1C Architect: coordinating programming process on support
project of accounting system, planning works, controlling on perform ability task from
analysts, proposing suggestion for technical realization of task.

Till February 2011 – 1C Developer: taking part in programming of fundamental
reworking in accounting systems and taking part in programming of accounting system
for state-financed organization.


Common English in pre-intermediate level (courses), technical English (reading English
books and documents about programming).

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