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Контактна інформація

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Alexey Lipach

Work with international companies (such as DTEK, METINVEST, Arcelor Mittal, Vestas,
[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
General Electric, Mammoet, Liebherr, Fairwind, Holleman, Torkcheck, LUCOIL, Zagrebtrans,
etc.), taking part in different construction projects from industrial factories to wind farms.
[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
Take part in contract negotiations with client, financial and technical management during all
Ukraine, Odessa process from “zero” to “handover”. In my current role developed company from beginner to
the leader position in market segment in Ukraine and have recognition of authority from

http://[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація») worldwide companies. Have passion to take a new development challenge.
https://https://www.facebook.co Project manager ( CTO+CFO)
Crane Ukraine || Odessa || 03/2014 – Present

E D U C AT I O N  Manage financial and engineering activity of a company.
 Plan and manage the maintenance of all equipment and urgent repairs solutions.
International Economics Relations,  Supervision of crane assembling and working process to comply with H&S Policy 
 Manage logistic processes during crane relocation by roads and sea. 
Master || Odessa National 'I.I.
 Take part in development of a “daughter” company in Berlin
Mechnikov' University || Ukraine
 Negotiate with our international clients, partner companies, customs and equipment
2001‐2006 manufacturers
Head of Estimation Depar tmen t
TRAININGS Petrogas Corporation || Kyiv || 02/2013 – 03/2014
 Health & Safe trainings  Manage estimate department
 Fire Safety  Take part in estimation of Turkmenbashi Oil Refinery OCGT Power Plant
 Work at height Turkmenistanreconstruction costs according to Turkmenistan legislation
 Work in danger areas
 HTML, CSS course (Go IT)
 PM360 courses (genius space) JSC Globalstroy‐Engineering || Odessa || 10/2006 – 02/2013
 Estimation of Odessa Oil Refinery reconstruction costs according to local legislation
IT technician/Junor Accountant
SKILLS TEPLONET II Teplodar II 06/2000‐06/2006
 PROFESSIONAL  Managing a billing system, Accounting, Client technical connection and support

 Project management & planning
 Construction management PERSONAL PROJECTS
 Account Management  “Pace Terminal”, Georgia, Poti (08/21‐11/21) Assembling 2 Gottwald harbor cranes
 Site management  Nordex “Sivash Windfarm” (01/22‐04/22) Disassembling burnt turbine. 
 Local contract management  PJSC "Zaporizhstal", Zaporizhia (08/20 – 12/20). Reconstruction of an agglomerate
 International contract workshop with LR1400
management  GE Windfarm Ukraine, Primorsk (06/20 – 08/20). Gearboxes replacement with
 Business development from “0” LR1600
 Risk assessment  Vestas Windfarm Ukraine, Botievo, Myrne, Novotroitsk (01/20 – 05/20). Gearbox and
 Business Management Blade replacement with LR1400
 Health, Safety and Environment  Ochakov, Toozly "Fuhrlander" Windmill Park (11/19 – 12/19) Wind turbine
 Estimation expenses costs installation
 Budget management  Windfarm Ukraine, Toozly ( 11 / 19 ‐ 11 / 19 ) Wind turbine installation
 Customs & Tax legislation
Alexey Lipach


 Vestas Windfarm Ukraine, Lazurne ( 10 / 2019 ‐ 10 / 2019 ) Old generator
ABK (estimation software) replacement with LR 1400
 Vestas Windfarm Ukraine, Myrne ( 0 9 / 2019 – 10 / 2019 ) Duty a s a
Adobe products coordinato r on site between Zagrebtra ns and Crane Ukraine
 South‐Ukraine electric power producing complex (EPPC) (07/2019 ‐ 10/2019) Old
AutoCad equipment replacement using LR1400 and installation of new equipment.
 DTEK‐GE Windfarm Ukraine, Promorsk II (07/2019 –08/2019) Wind turbine
Microsoft Office Suite installation with LR1600
 PJSC “AZOVSTAL IRON & STEEL WORKS”, Mariupol (03/2019 – 06/2019) Blast
furnace reconstruction with LR1600 & LR14000
 Vestas Windfarm Ukraine, Novotroitsk ( 01 / 201 9 – 02 / 2019 ) Duty as a
coordinator on site between Vestas and Mammoe t
Liccon planner
 DTEK‐ GE Windfarm Ukraine, Primorsk ( 08 / 2018 – 0 1 / 2019 ) GE’ s
Onshore Wind provided 26 3 MW‐ c lass turbines for the
Cloud exchange software
Primorskaya wind electric plant. Project was with M ammoet and
Felbermayr companies
1c (accounting software)  GURIS‐ GE Wi ndfarm Ukraine, Ovidiopol ( 06 / 2018 – 0 8 / 2018 ) The
plant consists of 9 units of 3 . 6 MW GE turbines. T h e project
Ligazakon (legislation base software) was with Mammoet and F elbermayr co mpanies
 Arcelor M i t tal Kr iv i y Rih ( 03 / 2018 – 05 / 2018 ) Reconstruction of
converter fallen roof on Arcelor Mittal
 Arcelor M i t tal Kr iv i y Rih ( 03 / 2017 – 08 / 2017 ) Reconstruction of
converter №4 on Arcelor Mittal
 Mammoet 1502898 6 : B last furnace №3 reconstruction ( 0 9 / 2016 –
04 / 2017 ) Demontage/ Montage of blast furnace elements with PTC
35 DS. Assembling new big elements of blast furnace with LR 1600 / 2
LANGUAGES Transporting big elements to PTC working a rea with SPMT
 " Sea port Yuzhny" ( 09 / 201 6 – 0 9 / 2016 ) Equipment installation with
English (fluent)
LR 1600 / 2
Ukrainian (native)
 Stariy Sambir Vestas Windmill Park ( 07 / 2016 – 08 / 20 16 )
Russian (native)
Installation of Windmills for Vestas with LR 1600 / 2
Polish (beginner)
 " Sevgok M et invest Krivoy Rog" Demontage of concrete roof panels
German (beginner)
( 03 / 2016 – 07 / 2016 ) Demontage concrete roof panels with
Dutch (beginner)
LR 1600 / 2
 Ochakov, Toozly " Fuh r lander" Windmill Pa rk ( 01 / 20 16 – 02 / 2016 )
Installation of windmills for Fuhrlander
 Arcelor Mittal Kr iv i y Rih ( 05 / 2015 – 10 / 2015 ) Reconstruction of
converter №5 on Arcelor Mittal
INTERESTS  Arcelor Mittal Kr iv i y Rih ( 05 / 2014 – 02 / 2015 ) Reconstruction of
 Travelling converter №6 on Arcelor Mittal
 Languages
 Education References
 Innovations  Vestas site manager Mattias Griebenov [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація») [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
 Vestas site manager Sergey Kotelnikov [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація») [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
 GE site manager Alexender Sherle [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
 GE site manager Bogdan Ionescu [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація») [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
 Mammoet UA General Manager [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація») [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)


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