Резюме від 19 січня 2024 Файл


Java software engineer

42 роки

Контактна інформація

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Roman Tsapyk
Khmelnytskyy, Khmelnytsky, Ukraine

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Passionate developer, engineer and entrepreneur with wide range of interests.

• PHP, CodeIgniter, Laravel
• Javascript, HTML, CSS, AngularJS, React
• MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB
• Java, Spring
• Expertise in full project life cycle development from implementation to integration.
• Solid background in Object Oriented Programming and Software Development
• Database design and analysis

Software Engineer
EPAM Systems
Jun 2021 - Present (2 years 1 month)
Technologies: Java, Scala, Spring, ElasticSearch

Software Engineer
Clascal INC
Feb 2019 - Jun 2021 (2 years 5 months)
Clascal - is a service for posting classifieds in local and ethnic publications.

- Project developing using HTML5, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL and other technologies
- Discussing and implements new features
- Integration of the product with 3rd party services
- Fixing and improveing existing software
- Problem solve, troubleshoot and debug
- Code review
- Linux administration

Technologies: PHP, Codeigniter, Laravel, Javascript, Angular, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap

Software Developer, Product Owner
2001 - Feb 2019 (18 years)
Built from scratch custom ERP/WMS/CRM system for the local cloth retail network. Unique software/
hardware complex providing automation of wholesale and retail trade, warehouse management, client

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management. Main competitive advantage of the system is using barcode printers, portable data
terminals, and thin clients.
Program has become a core element of business infrastructure from the first days of usage. Some
of features are still up-to-date and have no competitors on the market. Revenue has increased
significantly since the implementation.

Nowadays my efforts focused on the developing web based version of solution. Current prototype is
modern single page application build on NextJS with PHP backend.

- Evaluate business processes, anticipate requirements, uncover areas for improvement
- Stay up-to-date on the latest process and IT advancements to automate and modernize system
- Work closely with users, Gather critical feedback, Perform requirements analysis
- Produce working, efficient code based on specifications
- Select and integrate software components and third-party programs
- Verify and deploy programs and systems
- Troubleshoot, debug and upgrade existing software
- Recommend and execute improvements

Technologies: Delphi, Microsoft Access, MySQL, PHP, Javascript, HTML, CSS

Software Developer, 3D Modeler, Embedded software engineer, CNC developer
Private entrepreneur
2001 - Feb 2019 (18 years)
Huge amount of various engineering projects were made for local customers and for own interest.
State-of-the-art home laboratory was build day by day. Main areas of interest are smart home and
automation, microcontrollers programing, custom electronics, embedded systems programing.

Projects I proud of:
- Smart home implementation. Weather station built on FreeBSD server. Custom hardware part based
on Atmel microcontroller, sensors.
- Custom C/C++ component was developed to control the frequency converter Danfoss Micro Drive FC
51 using HAL
- Old heavy metalworking machines were restored and upgraded by CNC features.

- software development
- microcontrollers programing
- printed circuit boards design and production
- custom machinery design
- unix-based systems administration

Tools and Technologies:
C/C++, LinuxCNC, Ubuntu, FreeBSD,
ArtCAM, CAD/CAM SolidWorks, Altium Designer, CNC machines.

Aircraft Engineer, 3D Modeler
Kray Technologies
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2015 - Dec 2018 (3 years)
Ukrainian agrotech startup, CRDF Global STEP GPS 2016 grant recipient. Nowadays American based
company led by founder and CEO, Dmytro Surdu. Kray Technology provides new generation drone-
based solution for aerial crop protection which replaces agriculture planes and ground sprayers. Drones
demonstrates outstanding performance of crop dusting while lowering farmers’ expenses.

- Create and manage 3D model of drone that meet technial requirements
- Perform iterative improvements based on feedback from team members
- Provide technical drawings for production team
- Keep abreast with the latest developments in 3D design

Tools and Technologies: SolidWorks

Khmelnitsky Institute of Regional Management and Law
Master's degree, Administrative management
2001 - 2007

Khmelnitsky Politechnical College
Engineer's degree, Development and maintenance of computer systems and networks
1997 - 2001

PHP • Software development • JavaScript • HTML • SolidWorks • MySQL • Git • С/С++ •
Delphi • Altium Designer

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Інженер-електронщик, програміст МК, схемотехнік (embedded software)
Хмельницький, Дистанційно

Хмельницький, Дистанційно

Frontend-розробник, WordPress-developer
35000 грн, Хмельницький, Дистанційно

Хмельницький, Київ

Back-end NodeJs Software Engineer
Хмельницький, Київ, Львів

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