Резюме від 17 квітня 2024 PRO


.Net Developer

36 років
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Досвід роботи

.NET Developer

з 07.2021 по 10.2023 (2 роки 3 місяці)
GlobalLogic Ukraine, Львів (IT)

Contributed to the development of the operating system for elevators, escalators and moving walkways, using C# and based on MQTT, BacNet, and Azure IoT Hub. Actively worked on the system's functionality, completing assigned tasks in a timely and high-quality manner. Served as a mentor to one trainee and one QA, providing support and assisting in their professional development. Responsible for writing unit tests to ensure the reliability and stability of the code. Collaborated with teams from Germany and Switzerland and actively participated in addressing development issues and task planning. Engaged in discussions with the client, ensuring the consideration of their requirements and instructions in the development process.

Full stack developer

з 05.2019 по 06.2021 (2 роки 1 місяць)
Evinent, Дистанційно (IT)

Actively contributed to the development of one of the largest e-commerce platforms in Kazakhstan (sulpak.kz) and content management system, ensuring its effective functionality and user-friendly interface. Successfully executed a database migration project from MSSQL to PostgreSQL, ensuring seamless operation and data optimization. Developed a SQL agent based on C# and Cron, contributing to automation and efficient data processing within the system. Actively engaged in writing unit tests to ensure high code quality and system reliability. Collaborated with the team, aligning requirements with stakeholders to achieve the successful completion of the project.


Odesa Technological University "Step"

Software development, Одеса
Незакінчена вища, з 2016 по 2019 (3 роки)

Знання і навички

C# Entity Framework SQL .NET Framework ASP.NET Core JavaScript ASP.NET ASP.NET MVC CSS MS SQL Server Git PostgreSQL HTML Знання принципів ООП JQuery Redis NUnit MSTest MongoDB

Знання мов

Англійська — середній


Третя група.

Інші резюме цього кандидата

Схожі кандидати

Дистанційно, Київ

.Net developer
Дистанційно, Київ

Дистанційно, Київ , ще 2 міста

.NET, Web, DB Developer
Дистанційно, Харків

Trainee/Junior .Net Developer
Дистанційно, Київ

.NET/C# Developer, ASP.NET/Core
Дистанційно, Хмельницький

Усі схожі кандидати

Кандидати у категорії

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