Резюме від 31 січня 2024 Файл


Ruby developer

27 років

Контактна інформація

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ANTON MOKHONKO Experienced Ruby Developer with solid skills in JavaScript and Vue.js. Over four years of
practical experience building applications with Ruby, Roda, Sequel, Vue 2/3, and
PostgreSQL. Dedicated to learning and growing in technology to excel in new challenges.

Work experience
JS developer, Ruby developer Nov 2018 - Present
Qpard, Kharkiv
1. Learning Platform (FE)
Personal ‑ Developed a Vue.js application focused on education within the political sphere.
‑ Enhanced proficiency in frontend development, particularly Vue.js and Vuex.
Kharkiv ‑ Acquired familiarity with new frontend technologies.
‑ Gained valuable experience in frontend development practices.
Phone number
[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
Email 2. Web Scraping Tool (FE)
[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація») ‑ Developed web scrapers to extract pricing and product characteristics for analytical
Date of birth purposes.
26-10-1996 ‑ Used PhantomJS library for data extraction and Vue.js for data presentation.
Male 3. Technical Document Scraper (FE/BE)
LinkedIn ‑ Developed a scraper for technical documents, integrating Node.js, Express, and Vue.js.
[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
4. E‑commerce (FE/BE)
‑ Implemented unit tests for backend services using RSpec.
‑ Expanded backend knowledge by learning Ruby alongside test writing.
Programming ‑ Mastered RSpec, Ruby, Sequel, and Roda while enhancing existing frontend and
Volunteering backend components.
5. Government Project (FE/BE/AQA)
‑ Built the main structure of the unit tests along with creating conventions for them.
‑ Developed the gem to create structures, required gems, and CLI to add/remove not
Languages required parts of the tests.
Ukranian ‑ Orchestrated integration tests covering all microservices within the project using RSpec.
russian ‑ Architected and developed microservices using a custom framework based on Roda,
English Rack, and Sequel.
‑ Demonstrated leadership by assuming a lead role, responsible for documentation,
feature development, and technology selection in collaboration with stakeholders.

Education and Qualifications
Bachelor's degree Sep 2014 - Jul 2018
NTU "KhPI", Kharkiv
got acquainted with programming, learned C++, JS

Diploma work:

Created a web app with voice‑activated navigation using Google Speech API. This
solution enables users to easily navigate the web interface without traditional input
devices. Technologies used include Google Speech API for voice recognition, React for
the front end, and Express with Node.js for the server side, ensuring a strong and
efficient implementation.

Master's degree Sep 2018 - Jul 2020
NTU "KhPI", Kharkiv
Diploma work:

Developed an online learning web app using Vue.js and Express. The platform includes
virtual classrooms with video calls, interactive journals, and other features to improve the
online learning experience. A notable feature is the integration of peer‑to‑peer (P2P)
video and audio calls, enhancing communication in virtual classrooms. Vue.js for the
front‑end and Express for the back‑end ensure a strong and efficient architecture for
delivering educational content seamlessly.

Ruby on Rails

Additional skills
Docker, Sequel, Redis, RabbitMQ, Rspec
Sequelize, Vuex

Developed a small volunteering organization

JS, React Oct 2017 - Feb 2018
Learned JavaScript, React, Basic information how web application works

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