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Software Engineer

22 роки

Контактна інформація

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Distinguished software engineer with a Bachelor's degree in Software Engineering from Taras Shevchenko National
University of Kyiv. Expertise in blockchain-based e-voting system development and AI, with a focus on reinforcement
learning. Proven track record in community engagement and leadership in student initiatives.

SOFTWARE ENGINEER AUG 2022 – AUG 2023 Academic Accomplishments:
EPAM Ukraine | Kyiv, Ukraine | Remote ● Bachelor's diploma titled “Development of a
● Spearheaded a personal project, receiving mentorship Decentralized Voting System Based on Blockchain
from senior Golang experts and team leads. Technology”
● Proficiently utilized and integrated tools such as ● Second-degree diploma in All-Ukrainian student research
Kubernetes, Docker, and CI/CD into development competition in Software Engineering.
Professional Development Programs:
IT/DATACOM INTERN AUG 2021 ● Completed "Genesis Software Engineering School 3.0".
Huawei Ukraine | Kyiv, Ukraine ● Graduated from "Genesis Entrepreneurship School 2.0".
● Selected for "Huawei: Seeds for the Future 2021" from
● Immersed in an in-depth exploration of the company's
200 applicants.
product suite, enhancing product knowledge and
● Collaborated on an environmental project at
technical expertise.
● Conducted comprehensive testing of communication
equipment, ensuring optimal performance and reliability.
Hackathons & Competitions:
● Implemented AI assistant for delivery service at Nova
EDUCATION Poshta {innovation hackathon}
● Developed a surveillance system at "Explore AI @
Master of Computer Science 2023-2025 NYCU" using model-based CNN.
Educational program: Mathematical methods of artificial ● Created the "Pampushka Chatbot" at "Cohere
intelligence Hackathon".
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv ● Completed a computer vision task at "FTI_HACK 2022".

Bachelor of Software Engineering 2019-2023
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv LANGUAGES
Achieved a GPA of 4.0, ranking 99.2 out of 100, and English: B2+ (EPAM internal test)
graduated with honors. Ukrainian: Native Speaker

● Programming: Golang, Python, C++, Java, Ruby AND VOLUNTEER WORK
● Databases: SQL (PostgreSQL, Oracle), NoSQL
● An active member of the faculty student parliament.
(MongoDB), Redis, RabbitMQ
● Played a pivotal role in organizing local initiatives and
● DevOps: Docker, Kubernetes
● Web Development: HTML (Bootstrap), CSS, JavaScript
● Leveraged programming skills to raise over 100 000
UAH for charitable causes.
● Mathematical Tools: SageMath, Matlab, Wolfram
● Managed the faculty's social media channels on
Mathematica, Maple
Telegram and Instagram.
● Version Control: Git, GitHub, GitLab
● Served as a class representative, bridging
● Miscellaneous: Windows OS, Linux OS, Microsoft Office,
communication between students, faculty, and university
Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe Photoshop

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