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Taras Kazantsev, PhD
GIS analyst, expert in remote sensing and aerial mapping, biophysicist, UAV operator
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Date of birth 15.11.1982
Nationality Ukraine
Expertise GIS analysis, remote sensing, aerial mapping with UAV, photogrammetry, processing of UAV and
satellite data, plant phenotyping, research in plant biology, environmental research, academical writing.
Sofware ArcGIS, QGIS, ENVI, ERDAS, SNAP, Google Earth Engine, Python, Pix4D, Agisoft, ImageJ,
Photoshop, MS Office, UAV-related software
Work Senior GIS analyst in ACTED (2023-2024). Coordination and executing of war-induced damage
experience detection in settlements with high-resolution satellite imagery.
GIS analyst in UNDP in Ukraine (August-December 2022). Evaluation, analysis and visualization of
geo-spatial data regarding damages in Ukraine caused by russian aggression.
Founder of the project Spatiolab.com (2020-present). Spatiolab is a trademark and geoportal for
analysis and visualisation of geo-spatial data in 2D and 3D.
Private entrepreneur (2016-present). Implementation of GIS projects in area of environmental
research, urban study, forestry and agriculture. Aerial survey, processing of drone and satellite data,
ground measurements, scientific research. Selected clients: NAS of Ukraine, WWF, Sylvalitics
(Ireland), Agronomeyey (Australia), Geocampo (Colombia)
GIS analyst in Drone.UA (2015-2022). Coordinating and implementation of GIS projects in area of
environmental research, urban study, forestry and agriculture.
Aerial survey, processing of drone and satellite data, ground measurements, scientific research.
Scientific Centre for Aerospace Research of the Earth, Kyiv, Ukraine (2014-2015).
Research associate. Research areas: agromonitoring, environmental monitoring.
Estonian University of Life Sciences, Tartu, Estonia (2011-2014). Research associate. Research
areas: vegetation indices, photosynthesis, VOC, plant stress.
Institute of Plant Physiology and Genetics, Kyiv, Ukraine (2008-2011) Research associate.
Research areas: vegetation indices, fluorescence, photosynthesis, plant stress.
russian- Spring 2022: volunteer of Special Operation Forces of Ukraine. Aerial survey, fire adjustment, UAV
Ukrainian war data decoding, trainings of UAV pilots.
2022-2024: assistance with maintenance, updates and testing of drones, analytics of war actions
Selected Interactions between Aquatic Plants and Cyanobacterial Blooms in Freshwater Reservoir
articles Ecosystems. Water, 2023, 15, link
Urban Green Infrastructure Inventory as a Key Prerequisite to Sustainable Cities in Ukraine
under Extreme Heat Events. Sustainability. 2021, 13, link
Determination of nitrogen and chlorophyll content in two varieties of winter wheat plants
means of ground and airborne spectrometry. Ukrainian Journal of Remote Sensing. 2020, 26, link
COTS UAV-borne multispectral system for vegetation monitoring. Proc. of SPIE. 2018, 107830A,
Education Institute of Plant Physiology and Genetics, Kyiv, Ukraine (2004-2008).
PhD in remote sensing of vegetation
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (1999-2004).
Faculty of Biology, Department of Biophysics
Languages Ukrainian, Russian: native, English: fluent, Spanish: beginner.
Additional Experienced traveller and participant of expeditions (Europe, Asia, Oceania, South America, Arctic,
info Antarctic).
Experienced driver (A, B)

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