Резюме від 25 квітня 2024 Файл



37 років
Місто проживання:
Готовий працювати:
Дистанційно, Інші країни, Одеса

Контактна інформація

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Zoe Lubitska
Content writer, Copywriter, Translator

Remote work
Full-time, part-time

Contact information

City of residence: Odessa, Ukraine
Phone number 1:[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація») (calls / Viber / Whatsapp)
Phone number 2: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація») (calls only)
Email address:[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)

Telegram: https://t.me/zoe_voiceover (Zoe Lubitska, [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»))

LinkedIn: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
Instagram: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)

Portfolio 1
(sample of copywriting in English): https://docs.google.com/document/d/10H_ELj8xUCOX_Ud7NyCBA19LqR4IHLuddWaad3MXESI/edit?usp=sharing

Portfolio 2
(cultural translation + localization & internationalisation; English to Portuguese, Brazil):
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1zxDr7FGGFmLs_uXW8PtomMg77KZ-aenPtJOax4rBg2U/edit?usp=sharing :

General work experience
Linguistic expert, Translator, Content writer
from 2011 to now
Content Studio of Translation and Voiceover

Total working experience - 19 years (writer, translator, teacher)

Working experience in content marketing sphere - 12 years (started in 2011 - the year of launching our own Studio as family business)

Wide range of text services - any level of complexity.

Professional skills for providing full-cycle language services, such as:

• Artistic text writing, analytical writing, technical writing

• Translation, proofreading, text-based editing, text language refining

• Author text work: writing essays, course papers, analytical references, book/film reviews, research works, press releases, comparative reviews

• Copywriting (SEO, UX, LSI + 6 types), content-writing: social media posts, blogs, commercials, ads marketing, fashion & trend magazines (web-version), email-marketing campaigns

• Localization services:

- website translation & adaptation for a specific target audience

- website culture-adjusting with consideration of regional differences, dialectal
varieties and technical requirements of a target market

- interface and content localization on websites with multilingual target audience
- keywords localization;
- software localization (translation of user interface and support documentation)
- translation and localization of video games & apps

• Creative writing for content-makers: Youtube video scenarios, commercial integrations, advertising content; creating scripts for interviews, product comparative reviews, mottos, motivational sayings

• Web content writing: product description, education manuals, guidelines, user manuals, tutorials; useful content (lifehacks, recipes, lessons/courses description)

• Audio/video transcription

• Voiceover x Video editing x Subtitling

Language proficiency:

I. translation services:

• Ukrainian/Russian [native]

• English [С2 - Proficiency]
(dialectal variations: Great Britain - England, Scotland; Ireland; USA, Australia)

• Spanish [С2 - Advanced]
(dialectal variations: Spain, Mexico; Latin America - Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Cuba, Peru, Chile, Venezuela)

• French [С1 - Upper-intermediate]
(dialectal variations: France, Quebec, Africa - Northwest and Eastern Africa)

• Portuguese [С1 - Upper-intermediate]
(dialectal variations: Portugal, Brazil)

• Italian [С1 - Upper-intermediate]

• German [В2 - Intermediate]

• Swedish [В2 - Intermediate]

• Indonesian [В2 - Intermediate]

• Hindi [В2 - Intermediate]

• Thai, Vietnamese, Filipino [В2 - Intermediate]

II. copywriting services:

• Ukrainian/Russian

• English

• Spanish

• French

• Italian

Project work experience


Email marketing analyst, Creative Copywriter (emails)

employer: Vlad Kitov Email marketing agency
sphere: Marketing, eCommerce, advertising
time period: 2022

Job Description

Copywriter for part-time work on the eCommerce project, target audience - USA.
Project-based work: 2-month project.

Detailed description of the project + samples of texts for this project:


Duties and Responsibilities


- Writing texts for USA market
- Knowledge of peculiarities upon writing emails (official & non-official correspondence, email structure)


- Writing texts in English, language proficiency level - Advanced or higher;
- Creating titles;
- Writing email letters 600-1000 symbols each - 4-5 emails per week designed for certain promo-campaigns;
- Working with Asana, saving information upon each project/campaign, maintaining correspondence with co-employees


YouTube video script writer, creative copywriting

employer: Home Workout Everyday (Youtube channel)

sphere: fitness & online training, celebrity sport influencers

time period: 2020

Duties and Responsibilities:
Writing scenarios and tech.requirements for each video on Youtube channel “Home Workout Everyday”; upon submitting the scripts the author of this channel created videos, after that I created the actual scripts which I used for my voiceover

Sample of text for this project + video:



Support agent, Translator, Data analyst

employer: Advertising Agency AD TMA, Odessa, Ukraine
sphere: Marketing, advertising, PR
time period: 2015

Duties and Responsibilities:

- Maintaining the workflow as a Senior Manager, processing the researches in the sphere of the international market dwelling upon the segment of selling call-centers services;

- Searching for call-centers in major cities of Spain and Central/South America [mainly Argentina and Mexico], establishing contacts and communication with potential providers, analyzing our partners' commercial quotations and business proposals including the price lists;

- Translating [Spanish/English - Russian] commercial quotations and providing weekly reports with the analysis results;

- Searching for the foreign advertising places, organizing the negotiations between the foreign key suppliers and our company clients from Ukraine and Russia for them to open marketing campaign abroad, and vice versa - finding potential clients in Spain and Mexico, helping them with establishing business contacts for starting marketing campaign of their products/services on the territory of Ukraine and Russia.


1. Instituto Cervantes
Diplomas de Espaňol como Lengua Extranjera, Madrid
2006 - 2012
DELE - Diploma de Espaňol como Lengua Extranjera
[International Exam in Spanish language, held in Odessa, Ukraine]

Powered by Cervantes Institute (Madrid, Spain)

I'm in possession of the following certificates:

- B1 (nivel inicial / elementary level)
exam passed in 2006

- B2 (nivel intermedio / intermediate level)
exam passed in 2007

- C2 (nivel superior / advanced level)
exam passed in 2012

2. Odessa National University named after I. I. Mechnikov
Faculty of Romano-Germanic Philology [Odessa, Ukraine]
Bachelor’s Degree (2004 - 2008)
Chair of Lexicology and Stylistics of English language and literature
Second language: Spanish
Third language: French

Expertise and professional skills
I. Advanced PC user skills:
• standard set: MS tools: Word, Excel, PowerPoint; Libre Office, Google Workspace tools, DocHub; advanced Linux, Ubuntu, Mac Os X user;
• specialized programs:
> CRM: Asana, JIRA Atlassian, Bolt, Monday.com, Bitrix24, Zoho CRM, Zendesk;
> chat systems: Jabber, Slack;
> soft for calls: Five9, 3CLogic, Voicenter, Yolla;
> CAT-tools, SEO & Localization software: Trados, Reverso, ChatGPT, Wordfast, OmegaT, LingoHub, Catnip, TERMIUM, LogiTerm, MultiTerm, MemoQ, Translate Toolkit
> audio & video soft: Ableton Live, iMovie, Final Cut, Wondershare Filmora, Logic Pro, Adobe Premiere
> other soft: Visual Studio Code, TeamViewer, VPN (Zen Mate, HotSpot);

II. Data linguistic skills:
• content-creating, applying infographics, audio/visual design;
• go-beyond-KPI targeting strategy based on competent goal market analysis under semantic and contextual specification within actualizing multilingual translation and website/platform localization (specialized in up to 10 geolocations/countries with English- and Spanish-speaking target audience);
• data report services: expertise in data search, collection, analysis and optimization considering type of the product, reference market and industry it operates in;
• managing various models of marketing and development campaigns within usage of integral communication strategies with personnel;
• consecutive translation online/phone conference, simultaneous working activity with English, Spanish, Russian/Ukrainian languages knowledge

III. Personality & potential features:
• stress-resistant, tightly organized, balanced
• responsible, self-disciplined, result-oriented
• client-oriented, cooperative, compassionate towards others
• willing to undertake challenging tasks, good at managing escalations
• self-motivated, self-monitored, goal-oriented
• excellent time-management skills
• critical and self-corrective thinking
• attentive listener, natural ability to hear customers’ needs

• outstanding observational, multitasking, and creativity skills ∙

Інші резюме цього кандидата

Схожі кандидати

Інтернет-маркетолог, SMM-, SEO-спеціаліст
20000 грн, Дистанційно


SEO-спеціаліст, Linkbuilder

Помічник SEO-спеціаліста
8000 грн, Одеса

SEO copywriter

Middle SEO-специалист
50000 грн, Київ, Дистанційно

Усі схожі кандидати

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