Резюме від 15 лютого 2024 Файл



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Контактна інформація

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Завантажений файл

Версія для швидкого перегляду

Це резюме розміщено у вигляді файлу. Ця версія для швидкого перегляду може бути гіршою за оригінал резюме.

Name: Maksym Humeniuk

Role: JavaScript Blockchain Developer

Max Humeniuk
City: Lutsk
Email: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
Phone: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
LinkedIn: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
WebSite: https://sivium.solutions/

I appear to be a highly skilled and experienced individual with expertise in multiple domains, including
software engineering, leadership, and water supply management.

My programming background has equipped me with the ability to design and maintain software
applications that support the operations of the water supply company, as well as collaborate with other
departments to develop software solutions that meet their needs.

Additionally, my expertise in front-end and back-end technologies has given me a deep understanding of
software engineering principles and best practices. I always eager to learn new programming languages
and frameworks and enjoy collaborating with other IT professionals to develop efficient and effective
software solutions.

As a Full-Stack JavaScript Developer with expertise in blockchain development, I am passionate about
leveraging my skills to deliver high-quality applications that combine the power of blockchain technology
with seamless user experiences. I am dedicated to staying updated with the latest trends and best
practices in both full-stack development and blockchain technology, and I thrive in collaborative
environments where I can contribute my problem-solving and analytical abilities to drive successful
development projects.

Overall, my diverse set of skills and expertise have equipped me to make a positive impact in the
domains in which i work, and my dedication to staying up-to-date with the latest technology developments
further highlights my commitment to excellence.

1. Proficiency in JavaScript: I have a solid understanding of JavaScript, which is the primary
language used for blockchain development on platforms like Ethereum and modern ES6+
features, which is crucial for both front-end and back-end development..
2. Blockchain fundamentals: I am familiar with key blockchain concepts, consensus algorithms,
cryptography, and smart contracts.
3. Smart contract development: I have experience with Solidity, the programming language
used for Ethereum smart contracts, and I understand how to write basic smart contracts.
4. Web3.js or similar libraries: I am comfortable using Web3.js, a popular JavaScript library for
interacting with Ethereum and other blockchain networks. I can communicate with the
blockchain, handle transactions, and interact with smart contracts using these libraries.
5. Familiarity with blockchain networks: I understand how different blockchain networks function,
their consensus mechanisms, and the tools and frameworks available for development on
those networks.
6. Problem-solving and analytical skills: I possess strong problem-solving skills and can analyze
and optimize code for efficiency and performance.
7. Front-End Technologies: I am experienced in utilizing HTML, CSS, SCSS, PHP and
JavaScript frameworks/libraries like React, and Vue.js to craft interactive and responsive user
8. Back-End Technologies: I possess expertise in server-side JavaScript frameworks such as
Node.js and Express.js. I am proficient in developing APIs, handling requests, and managing
application logic on the server.
9. Database Management: I am well-versed in database systems like MongoDB, MySQL,
MsSQL and PostgreSQL. I understand data modeling, query optimization, and integrating
databases with the back-end.
10. Version Control: Git is a familiar tool to me. I am adept at version control, branching, merging,
and collaborating with other developers effectively.
11. RESTful APIs: I have experience building and consuming RESTful APIs for efficient
communication between front-end and back-end components.
12. Deployment and Infrastructure: I am capable of deploying applications to servers or cloud
platforms and managing infrastructure components. I am well-versed in leveraging services
like AWS or Azure.
13. Communication and Collaboration: With excellent teamwork and communication skills, I
foster productive collaborations with designers, developers, and stakeholders.
14. Blockchain Knowledge: I possess a comprehensive understanding of blockchain technology,
including consensus mechanisms, block validation, and the mining process.
15. Network and Infrastructure Setup: I am skilled in configuring and managing network
infrastructure, including server setup, security measures, and network protocols.
16. Stratum Protocol: I am familiar with the Stratum protocol and have hands-on experience in
implementing it to facilitate efficient communication between the mining pool and mining
17. Payment System Integration: I have successfully integrated payment systems for
cryptocurrency transactions and incorporated wallet systems for mining rewards distribution.
18. Security and DDoS Protection: I prioritize implementing robust security measures to
safeguard mining pools from attacks. I am proficient in DDoS protection implementation and
SSL encryption to ensure the integrity of the mining process.
19. Monitoring and Maintenance: I possess expertise in implementing comprehensive monitoring
tools and mechanisms to monitor the performance and health of mining pools. I am adept at
addressing and resolving issues promptly to maintain optimal operation.


1. Designed and implemented smart contracts: I have successfully designed and deployed
basic smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain, ensuring their functionality and security.
2. Integrated with blockchain networks: I have connected JavaScript applications with various
blockchain networks, enabling data access, transaction handling, and interaction with smart
3. I have successfully developed and deployed numerous full-stack JavaScript applications,
encompassing both front-end and back-end components.
4. I have built interactive user interfaces using modern frameworks like React, and Vue.js,
ensuring seamless user experiences.
5. Leveraging Node.js and Express.js, I have designed and implemented robust APIs and
efficiently handled server-side logic.
6. I have worked with databases such as MongoDB, MySQL, MsSQL and PostgreSQL,
ensuring efficient data management and integration with the back-end.
7. Developed and deployed mining pools for the Alephium cryptocurrency, enabling efficient
mining operations and rewards distribution.
8. Configured and managed network infrastructure, ensuring secure and reliable communication
between mining clients and the pool.
9. Implemented the Stratum protocol to facilitate effective and efficient communication of mining
work and shares.
10. Integrated payment systems for seamless distribution of mining rewards to participating
11. Implemented robust security measures, including DDoS protection and SSL encryption, to
protect mining pools from attacks and maintain data integrity.

Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
Graduate, Computer Software Technology/Technician
2021 – 2023

Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
Baccalaureate, Computer Software Technology/Technician
2017 - 2021

Схожі кандидати

Адміністратор сайту, програміст (OpenCart)
Дистанційно, Хмельницький

Дистанційно, Миколаїв

Дистанційно, Миколаїв , ще 2 міста

49000 грн, Дистанційно, Дніпро

Intern web developer

Frontend Web Developer
36000 грн, Дистанційно

Усі схожі кандидати

Кандидати у категорії