Резюме від 28 травня 2024 Файл


Frontend developer

22 роки
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Дистанційно, Чернівці

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Volodymyr Kozak
Frontend developer
Linkedin | Github | Email
English – upper intermediate

Summary of Experienced developer with a passion for architecture, design, and refactoring.
Qualifications I'm a quick learner, highly motivated, and responsible, with a strong commitment
to creating high-quality solutions. I thrive in collaborative environments and excel
as a team player. My specialization lies in front-end application development
using React, along with related technologies and tools. I aspire to continually
improve my interface development skills, with my goal being to create intuitive
and visually appealing user interfaces. My enthusiasm for cutting-edge
technologies and my desire to stay updated on the latest trends in the
development world make me an excellent choice for projects related to front-end

Furthermore, I have a solid understanding of blockchain technology and expertise
in web3, enabling me to contribute to projects in this exciting and innovative
Usually, I would like to work with, JavaScript, typescript react js, .net core,
I am a flexible, sociable, responsible and capable person.
Volodymyr Kozak
Frontend developer

Skills Programming Languages/ Frameworks/Libraries
▪ React
▪ JavaScript
▪ React-native
▪ TypeScript
▪ Redux/Redux Toolkit
▪ Html/Css
▪ Redux-thunk/redux-saga
▪ React-query
▪ Next.js
RDBMS ▪ Framer-motion
▪ SQL Server/SQL/MSSQL ▪ Notifee
▪ MySQL ▪ Typeorm
▪ MongoDb ▪ react-i18next
▪ Sqllite ▪ ASP.NET core 3.1/5/6

Methodologies Development Tools
▪ Agile, Scrum,
▪ VS code
▪ Visual studio

Testing Tools
▪ Jest
▪ Postmsn

▪ Swagger

Volodymyr Kozak
Frontend developer



Project Description: Developed a comprehensive Baby Diary Sleep Tracker app, facilitating effortless
monitoring of children's sleep patterns for parents. Features include detailed
sleep cycle calculation, sleep norms guidance, multi-child support, graphical
analysis, reminders, and backup functionality. The app fosters healthy sleep
habits while providing convenience and ease of use for busy parents.

Customer: Spain

Involvement Duration: 3 months
Project Role: React native developer

Responsibilities: ▪ Development UI.
▪ Implementing DB structure
▪ Implementing new screens
▪ Implementing unit-tests
▪ Writing documentation
▪ Debugging code
▪ Version Control.
▪ Code review
▪ Bug fixing.

Project Team Size: 5

Tools & Technologies: React.js, react-native, expo, react-i18next, typescript, typeorm, sqllite, notifee,
CI/CD, gitlab-runner, redux, redux-thunk

Web3 Decentralized NFT game

Project Description: Created a cutting-edge NFT DApp with a wide range of features, including
minting, burning (to generate ERC721 tokens), and a captivating in-game
mechanism designed to simulate the degradation of NFT quality over time. The
project involved the deployment of highly secure and efficient smart contracts on
the blockchain networks of Binance Smart Chain (BSC), Polygon, and Ethereum.
The NFT DApp seamlessly integrates these functionalities, offering a holistic NFT
experience for users and demonstrating proficiency in blockchain development
and decentralized application design.

Customer: Ukraine

Involvement Duration: 18 months

Project Role: Frontend developer

Volodymyr Kozak
Frontend developer

Responsibilities: ▪ Development UI.
▪ Version Control.
▪ Integrate Wallet Connect functionality.
▪ Implementing merkle tree algorithm for data verification.
▪ Bug fixing.

Project Team Size: 4

Tools & Technologies: React.js, react-i18next, react-router-dom, merkletreejs, styled-components,
web3js ,hardhat, moralis, wagmi, smart contracts, solidity, remix


Project Description: This application caters to large retailer companies, streamlining business process
monitoring. It encompasses warehouse tracking, order and shipping
management, and the recording of payments and credit memos for both
company vendors and retailers. Simplifying operations and enhancing efficiency

Customer: U.S. customer

Involvement Duration: 6 months

Project Role: Frontend developer

Responsibilities: ▪ Implementing pagination, datagrid, authorization.
▪ Version Control.
▪ API integration.
▪ Data visualization.
▪ Collaboration with Back-end developers.
▪ Testing and debugging.
▪ Developing new features

Project Team Size: 10

Tools & Technologies: React, typescript, redux, react-router-dom, react-i18next, styled-components,,

Asp.Net blog-like project

Project Description: The platform is designed to offer registered authors the ability to post engaging
HTML blogs that feature rich multimedia content, including pictures and videos.
Authors can also integrate Google advertisements into their posts, creating
potential revenue streams. Users of this platform have the freedom to engage
with the content in various ways. They can leave comments to foster discussions,
show their appreciation by liking the content, and effortlessly share their favorite
posts across their social networks, enhancing the sense of community and
interaction. This platform is committed to modern content creation and seamless
social sharing, catering to the needs of both authors and users, ensuring a user-
friendly experience for all parties involved.

Customer: Ukraine

Involvement Duration: 12 months

Project Role: Software engineer

Volodymyr Kozak
Frontend developer

Responsibilities: ▪ Implementing DB structure.
▪ Creating Data Access Layer.
▪ Creating Business Logic Layer.
▪ Code development and bug fixing.
▪ Update rich text functionality.
▪ Implement post structure.

Project Team Size: 3 team members

Tools & Technologies: C#, .NET 4.0/4.5, MS SQL Server 2012-2014, JavaScript, Visual Studio, ASP.net,
AutoMapper, EntityFramework, EF Code First, Github.

Education Junior specialist diploma
Chernivtsi polytechnic college
Software engineering
Bachelor’s degree
Chernivtsi National University
Computer Science Intelligent Data Analysis in Computer Systems and Network


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