• Файл


Software Engineer, Web, Frontend Developer (Angular, JavaScript)

33 роки
Місто проживання:
Готовий працювати:
Дистанційно, Запоріжжя

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон та ел. пошту.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Завантажений файл

Версія для швидкого перегляду

Це резюме розміщено у вигляді файлу. Ця версія для швидкого перегляду може бути гіршою за оригінал резюме.

Talina Shablii

Software Engineer / Front-End Developer

• Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine • [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
• Telegram: anilat24 • [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)


Consultlocus A/S

Bookkeeping System January 2024 - Present
Project Roles: Software Engineer

Project Description:
The Bookkeeping System is a sophisticated web application tailored to streamline financial accounting for small
and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). This system provides a robust platform for managing financial activities
including tracking income, expenses, investments, and taxes. It features comprehensive reporting and analytics
tools to facilitate informed financial decisions and supports multiple languages to cater to a diverse user base.

— utilized Angular framework along with TypeScript, JavaScript, HTML, and SASS/SCSS to develop
responsive and dynamic user interfaces;
— integrated Kendo UI components for UI/UX enhancements and consistency;
— writing unit tests;
— fixing bugs;
— refactoring and improving code. Conducted thorough code reviews and refactoring, which improved
system performance and maintainability;
— dividing of user-stories by tasks;
— investigating, creating and deliberation new user stories;
— migrating to Angular (NX) microfrontends;
— spearheaded the development of the mobile version using Angular, Ionic, and Capacitor, ensuring a
seamless, responsive, and intuitive mobile user experience.

Team Size: Front-End team – 4 persons, Back-End team – 4 persons, QA, DevOps, Project Manager

Tools & Technologies: Angular, TypeScript, JavaScript, HTML, SASS/SCSS, RxJS, Jasmine, Karma, Git, Jira, Postman,
AWS, Chrome DevTools, REST API, Kendo UI, Swagger, Capacitor, Ionic, NX (Microfrontends)


RD LAB (Dnipro) September 2022 – January 2024
Project Roles: Software Engineer

Project Description:
Student Testing Tool (STT) is a tool for managing students' progress throughout their learning process on EPAM
STT provides an easy way to manage student's progress starting from the applicant selection stage, including
assigning technical/English tests and TA interviews, composing said tests from separate questions, automatically
sending letters to notify students of different events, such as tests being assigned to them or about them
successfully completing applicant selection stage. When student passes applicant selection stage, STT provides a
way to manage course schedule and continue managing students individually.

— fixed HTML markup and CSS styles;
— partially refactored code including performance optimizations;
— created new components, directives, services, pipes;
— customized numerous elements according to the requirements;
— tested certain parts of the application for inconsistency and possible bugs;
— covered self-written code with unit tests;
— refactor code of some components;
— writing unit tests;
— fixing bugs;
— participation in Code review of other FE team members.

Team Size: Front-End team – 8 persons, Back-End team – 4 persons, 3 Team Leads and a Project Owner

Tools & Technologies: Angular, TypeScript, JavaScript, HTML, SASS/SCSS, RxJS, Jasmine, Karma, Git, Jira, NPM,
Postman, Chrome DevTools, REST API, Fiddler, Angular Material, Miro, Display, Scrum

Student (Dnipro) April 2022 – August 2022

Tools & Technologies: Angular, TypeScript, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, SASS/SCSS, BEM, jQuery, Bootstrap, OOP, SOLID,
Webpack, Postman, Google Maps API, Сross-browser layout, Common browsers API (history, storages), TMDB API,


Tools & Technologies:
Angular, React (basic), JavaScript, TypeScript, RxJS , Swagger, Capacitor, Ionic, Kendo UI, jQuery, HTML, CSS,
SASS/SCSS, BEM, Bootstrap, Node.js, Materialize, Tailwind, Angular Material, GitLab, GitHub, Postman, Fiddler,
REST API, Chrome DevTools, Jasmine, Karma, OOP, SOLID, WordPress, PHP (basic), Webpack, MAMP, DRY, KISS,
ES6, Google Maps API, Cross-browser layout, AWS, NX (Microfrontends);
Work Management tools: Jira, Kanban, Trello, Confluence, MS Teams;
IDE’s: VS Code, WebStorm, XCode, PhpStopm;
Operation Systems: macOS, Windows, Android, iOS;
Working with websites built on WordPress, Opencart, Bitrix, Magento, Joomla.
Additional skills:
● SEO, SMM, Google Ads, Google Analytics, Google Docs;
● Photoshop, Figma, Illustrator, AdobeXD, After Effects, Miro;
● LLM, Prompt Engineering Foundations
Soft skills:
Attention to details, teamwork, self-motivation, problem-solving ability, time management, planning, work
ethics, leadership, communication, initiative work, flexibility to work.


● AWS Cloud Practitioner Essentials. Issuer: EPAM
● Angular - The Complete Guide. Issuer: Udemy
● React - The Complete Guide (incl. React Router & Redux). Issuer: Udemy
● Scrum Foundation Professional Certificate (SFPC). Issuer: CertiProf
● The Complete JavaScript + React Course - From Scratch to Results. Issuer: Udemy
● JavaScript. Issuer: ITVDN
● Angular Advanced. Issuer: ITVDN
● TypeScript Fundamentals. Issuer: ITVDN
● WEB Developer. Issuer: Udemy


Zaporizhzhia State University, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine. Advertisement and Public Relations Division. 2007 – 2011


Ukrainian – C2
Russian – С2
English – B1

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