Резюме від 24 травня 2024 Файл


QA engineer

31 рік
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Контактна інформація

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Завантажений файл

Версія для швидкого перегляду

Це резюме розміщено у вигляді файлу. Ця версія для швидкого перегляду може бути гіршою за оригінал резюме.

Yevhen Horbachov
Tel.: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація») | [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація») | [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
| Zaporozhye,Ukraine
Languages: English - Intermediate, Ukrainian - Native, Russian, Turkish

• Over 4.5 years of experience in manual testing of Web/Mobile Applications, REST API, and back-end.
• Deliver end-to-end project and product software testing lifecycle (STLC) needs such as technical
assessment, estimation, meeting target timelines, support, and involvement in automation (PHP,
Dusk, PhpUnit).
• I have experience with info business projects, e-commerce, and price comparison tool projects.

• Testing: Theory, methodologies, test design techniques.
• Documentation: Test plan, test cases, checklists, bug reports, competency matrix, raci matrix.
• Operating Systems: Linux, Microsoft Windows, iOS, Android
• Tools: Chrome DevTools, Postman, Fiddler, Swagger, Android Studio, Docker, Selenium, TestNG/Junit,
Laravel Dusk, PHPUnit.
• Network: Client-server architecture, HTTP, HTTPS, XML, JSON.
• Databases: SQL, MySQL, MongoDB.
• Source Control: GitHub, Bitbucket.
• Test management tools: Jira, Confluence, Trello, TestRail, QASE, Mantis.
• Accounting programs: FileZilla, Visual Studio, PhpStorm.
FLEXI IT — Quality Assurance Team Lead - (October 2021 — February 2024)
• Conducting interviews, training and onboarding of new team members.
• Writing/reviewing documentation on internal audit and quality assurance activities.
• Analysis of the work of the team and each of its members to identify growth points and areas for
• Creating a workload plan for the team, assessing and developing test processes in the project.
• Executed efficient testing and defect management process, using JIRA and Confluence, that improved
the overall testing and quality of the final product.

FLEXI IT — Software Quality Assurance Engineer - (January 2021 — February 2024)
• Analyzing project documentation to ensure understanding of business and technical requirements.
• Performing different test types: smoke, functional/non-functional, system testing, regression, exploratory,
GUI, E2E testing. Acceptance artifacts and results including test automation.
• Responsible for writing and reviewing automation tests using Laravel Dusk, as well as developing a
comprehensive development plan for automated testing within the project.
• DB testing: created and executed SQL queries, including the implementation of CRUD operations.
• Developed and executed test suites to validate application business logic based on API documentation
using Postman as a testing tool.
• Writing/reviewing business requirements/functional specifications/user stories with clearly defined
acceptance criteria.
• Developed and executed detailed test cases, test executions, and capture test results using QASE.
• Identified, analyzed, and reported bugs, tracked the status of filed bugs, followed up on them with
developers to help resolve any arising issues.
• Generated test execution reports and presented test results at the team meetings. Participated in Team
work Planning, Retrospective, and Bug Triage meetings.

Freelancer - Software Quality Assurance Engineer (August 2019 — January 2021)
• Performing different test types: Functional, Database, Regression, Smoke, Positive, Negative, Black
box, White box, Front- End, Back- End and API testing.
• Mobile testing: cross-platform mobile application testing using Emulators, Browser Stack, and real
devices, using Android Studio.
• Web testing: smoke, functional/non-functional, system testing, regression, exploratory, GUI, E2E testing.
• Developed and executed detailed test cases, test executions, and capture test results.
• Created and ran SQL queries to extract data from the database and ensure data integrity.
• Jan 2017 - Masters Geneticist
• Aug 2019 - NIX Education.
• Sep 2020 - QA TestLab training center.

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Дистанційно, Київ



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