Резюме від 28 травня 2024 Файл


Java developer

20 років

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Java Developer GitHub
Kyiv, Ukraine

Highly motivated Java Developer, who obtained good knowledge and experience in Java
programming, including such additional skills as resolving product or service problems, determining
the cause of the problem, diagnosis of non-obvious problems and finding solutions for solving
them. Seeking a position as a Java developer to improve my technical knowledge and experiences
for developing applications. I am well familiar with Java Core and frameworks, have experience
with popular testing tools. I can prove myself as an accurate, hard-working and reliable team

Technical Skills
- Java Core, Java 8, Collections, OOP, SOLID
- DB: JDBC, Hibernate
- Web Development: Servlets, Tomcat, JSP, HTML/CSS, XML, JSON
- Spring (Spring Core, Spring Web, Spring Security, Spring Boot)
- Tools & Libraries: Maven, JUnit, Mockito, Docker, Mapstruct
- Enterprise/integration design patterns
- Operating systems: Windows
- Version Control Tool: Git
- IDE: IntelliJ IDEA
- English Level: Upper - Intermediate

Project name: Taxi-Service
Link: Github
Technologies used: JDBC, Tomcat, Servlets
This is a simple CRUD web app simulating how taxi service works. User could add and delete cars,
manufacturers, assign drivers to cars. Drivers are created through registration. Also exists a simple
cabinet where driver could see information about himself, his assigned cars and assign to him
another cars

Project name: Cinema-app
Link: GitHub
Technologies used : JDBC, Tomcat, Servlets, Hibernate, Spring
This is a simple back end logic of CRUD app that emulates how the cinema app works. It’s built
according to REST architectural style. I've made it to understand the work of frameworks and
figure out how to work with them. I've implemented many endpoints, understood how Dtos, Daos,
Services work. Also understood how to configure framework with annotations.
It's done using the hibernate and spring frameworks.
Project name: Car-Sharing-Service
Link: GitHub
Technologies used: SpringBoot, Swagger, MySQL, Liquibase, Stripe Java, JWT, Telegram Bot,
Docker, Maven
This is a group pet projects where I took part. It’s not i usual CRUD projects, because it include
Stripe payment service, can send notifications via telegram. It’s also use Sring Security module
including JWT tokens.
Generally, it is pretty simple at all but it gave us possibility to feel the work flow of entire team, not
only how the lonely developer works. We had morning plannings, we had our team lead and of
couse had some organisation troubles. It improved all out skills like a IT team members.

Project name: E-commerse website “Phone catalog”
Link: GH Pages
Technologies used: HTML + CSS, React.JS, Bootstrap
This is a big Frontend pet project, which helps me to train all technologies needed for such
development. I also managed to implement some components that were interesting for me. I could
to feel the whole way from start of the development, when I see start files to the end when
everything works and responds to the clicks. I also met pretty much bugs and experienced pleasure
of solving it, understood how much time I need for different types of tasks. The main point is, that
I understood in which direction should I to develop.

University National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute"
Education and Research Institute of Mechanical Engineering
Department (Specialization) Department of Aircraft Production Technology
Degree Bachelor Degree Applied mechanics
Dates 2021-2025

Mate academy
Full-time Java developer courses, 2023

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