• Файл


Management accounting specialist

29 років

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон та ел. пошту.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Завантажений файл

Версія для швидкого перегляду

Це резюме розміщено у вигляді файлу. Ця версія для швидкого перегляду може бути гіршою за оригінал резюме.

[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
Oleksii Bondarenko
Head of the Financial Support Department and Financial Controller
[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація») in CIVITTA
bondarenko-856b28154 (LinkedIn) Ukraine

Top Skills Summary
Bank Reconciliation
Problem Solving
Specialist in financial analysis and communication with English
English speakers. Have a lot of experience working with Northern
America and Europe markets. Fluent English speaker. Excellent
interpersonal, collaboration, analytical, and organizational abilities.

3 years 4 months

Head of Financial Support Department and Financial Controller
March 2023 - Present (1 year)
- Managing financial support department
- Providing financial analysis for the four branches of the company in-depth,
making audits, looking for the costs and revenues, monitoring their income etc
as a financial controller
- Providing internal financial audit
- Communicating with the financial team for problem resolving and day-to-day
- Creating and delegating the creation of presentations and consolidating data
for partners and top management as well as their checking
- Creating different automation to ease the department’s work
- Supporting general company monthly, quarterly, and yearly processes
- Supporting the internal financial support mail with the financial issues and
answering the requests
- Supporting company’s platform - Timebase in the financial scope, as well as
troubleshooting, connection with developers
- Financial and other ad-hocs

Financial Analyst and Automation specialist
January 2022 - April 2023 (1 year 4 months)
Kyiv City, Ukraine

- Providing internal financial audit

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- Creating presentations and consolidating data for partners and top-
- Creating different automations to ease the department’s work
- Supporting general company monthly, quarterly, yearly processes
- Supporting the internal financial support mail with the financial issues and
answering the requests
- Supporting company’s platform - Timebase in the financial scope, as well as
troubleshooting, connection with developers
- Financial and other ad-hocs (making voice-overs for the training videos)

Junior Financial Analyst
November 2020 - December 2021 (1 year 2 months)
Kyiv, Kyiv City, Ukraine

- Provided internal audit to the company
- Supported work of the company’s platform
- Prepared calculations for the management

Ukrainian Helicopters
August 2019 - December 2019 (5 months)

- Monitoring company's financial activity and optimizing it
- Processing payments of the departments of the company
- Creating budgets of the departments within company and monitoring their
fullfilment monthly, on a
half-year and year basis.
- Working with insurance brokers and insurance companies in order to achieve
signing of the
agreements, necessary for the stable insurance coverag, providing assistance
in the calculation and
sustaining the terms of agreements.
- Working with foreign personnel of the company in a role of accountant and
- Creating and providing necessary calculations required by company
- Searching for new partners for the company in order to optimize the financial

The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company
Customer Service Specialist
September 2018 - December 2018 (4 months)
Kiev Region, Ukraine
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- Client and technical support
- Performing and processing of clients' orders
- Providing communication between branches of company

Client support and assistant to the accountant - transportation sphere
January 2017 - April 2018 (1 year 4 months)
Kiev Region, Ukraine

- Problem solving with B2B clients (receivables)
- Contacting partners to resolve operational issues
- Developing relationships with clients on a new directions and projects
- Managing payment documents, sending them to the clients and controlling
the payment process
- Creating statistics and reports on a day-to-day basis

Consulting Lane Ltd
Sales Manager
September 2015 - June 2016 (10 months)
Kiev Region, Ukraine

- Sales of financial products on Moscow stock exchange
- Client support
- Consultations

Kyiv National Economic University
Master's degree, Banking, Corporate, Finance, and Securities Law

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