Резюме від 11 квітня 2024



31 рік
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Готовий працювати:

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон .

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Досвід роботи

Project manager

з 01.2023 по нині (1 рік 5 місяців)
IguVerse, Калуш (IT)

•Planning and coordinating implementation of project updates based on the ongoing activities in the crypto industry.
•Supporting and cooperating BizDev and Marketing departments with related activities.
•Outlook with potential investors and collaborations with other project.
•Coordinating and maintaining community department in social media groups (Telegram,Discord, Instagram, Tweeter)
•Following trends and implementation according to the project demands.
•Coordinating QA department for bug fixing and pretesting period.

Operation manager

з 10.2021 по нині (2 роки 8 місяців)
Aptiv, Калуш (Машинобудування)

• Define concise goals and objectives within a project framework
• Ensure all project requirements and/or objectives are correctly gathered, understood and properly translated for execution
• Conduct project risk reviews and appropriate mitigation actions
• Facilitate communication as appropriate to all involved and manage stakeholders.
• Support forecasting project budget and staffing needs for current and future site needs
• Remain accountable for overall project success of low complexity projects and for more complex projects contributes to overall project success - including cost, schedule, quality, and scope management
• Manage the overall budget of assigned projects
• Remain accountable for customer satisfaction / relationship both internal and external as deemed relative or necessary to project success
• To understand and exceed customer (internal or external) needs and expectations
• Identify creative ways to implement corrective actions in a cost effective manner
• Develop and own project plan, establishing a road map with clear dates and clear deliverables
• Provide regular project updates to project team, relevant departments, stakeholders, project champions and senior leadership as needed
• Provide weekly communication forum for the exchange of ideas and information for projects including project status, resolving project issues and changes
• Work with stakeholders to define project road maps and deliverables
• Clarify and communicate project objectives and success criteria
• Ensure all sensitive and confidential information is handled appropriately
• Identify and prepare proposals that close gaps and mitigates risk


з 08.2021 по 10.2021 (2 місяці)
Kostal, Бориспіль (Машинобудування)

Main functional duties:
• Lead the project core team;
• Сustomer interface: lead the customer communication
• Lead the project schedule
• Lead project change management
• Define targets and goals within the project.
• Monitor, control and communicate globally the project status to stakeholders
• Forecast and control project budget
• Responsible for the operational and organizational structure of the project
• Manage the assigned resources
• Conduct project risk reviews and appropriate mitigation actions
• Responsible for maintaining project risk management
• Monitor the project specific status using reports delivered by project core team members


з 10.2017 по 08.2021 (3 роки 10 місяців)
Leoni, Коломия (Машинобудування)

Organization and controlling all processes related to the project based on project phase.
Transfer processes organization(internal/external)
Organization customer requirement based on CAPEX.
Budget and Capex planning.
Planning production concept
Following serial production.
Ordering and following ordering process based on the project and timeline
Organization of team members to follow up all needed processes, according to customer requirements, and production plant.
Controlling expenses, monthly(weekly) according to project planning(budget)
Collaboration activities with all suppliers, according to tasks and kind of equipment, related to Budget, and customer wishes.
Head-Count planning(direct\indirect)
Supervises the realization of Project Management activities Serial Projects
Ensures required development of new production equipment and processes in coordination with PPE Central Function
Ensures and contributes to the customer satisfaction
Complies with deadlines
Fulfills the quality requirements


Львівська Політехніка

Приладобудуванн, Львів
Вища, з 2009 по 2015 (6 років)

Знання і навички

Продуктивність Уміння аналізувати Управлінські навички MS Excel Управління ІТ-проєктами Управління проєктами (виробництво)

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