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Контактна інформація

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Версія для швидкого перегляду

Це резюме розміщено у вигляді файлу. Ця версія для швидкого перегляду може бути гіршою за оригінал резюме.

Curriculum Vitae

Natasha Kolesnyk

Contact phone:[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація») (mobile)
Date of birth: the 3rd of February 1975
Marital status: married, has 2 sons

Seeking a position of PR Manager, which could give me a possibility to use my knowledge and extend experience.


2000 – till now
Different kind of business & personal development trainings
January, 2015 – May 2015
Executive Development Program of “Effective Communications: Public Relations for Modern Business” in KMBS (Kyiv-Mohyla Business School)
October 3-5, 2013
Executive Development Program of “School of Brand management” in KMBS (Kyiv-Mohyla Business School)
November 2012 –April 2013
Executive Development Program of “Marketing School”in KMBS (Kyiv-Mohyla Business School)
December 1999 – March 2001
Courses of Marketing in MIM (Management International Institute)
1992 - 1997 Nizhyn Pedagogical University, Faculty of foreign languages
Specialty: Teacher of English and German languages
1982 - 1992 Secondary school, diploma with honors

Working Experience:
July 1997 – September 1998 - Ukrainian Airline Company “Sanair”
Position: Personal Assistant to the General Director
• Business correspondence.
• Arranging meetings of foreign guests
• Translation of business and technical papers.
• Interpreting at the meetings.
October 1998 – March 1999 - “Danfoss TOV”
Position: Personal Assistant to General Manager
• Business correspondence.
• Coordination of business meeting of the General Director.
• Working with foreigners: visa support, hotel accommodations, and registration in Ukraine.
• Control over the registration of the Company in Ukrainian Authorities.
• Work with lawyers, making up agreements, participation in the courts.
• Translation of business and technical documentation.
• Arranging of business trips: visa support, hotel accommodations, booking air and train tickets.
• Arranging of VIP trips.
• Coordination of work with VIP and Government authorities.
• Arranging of company parties.
• Making monthly accounting reports and presentations for General Manager.
• Assistance in selection of the candidates on the vacate positions in the company through different sources: mass media, Internet, work with Recruiting Companies.
• Arranging of trainings for employees.
March 1999 – July 2001 - “Danfoss TOV”
Position: Marketing Assistant
• Arranging of direct mail.
• Working with mass media.
• Arranging of seminars for customers.
• Arranging of participation in exhibitions.
• Arranging of advertising, article and promotion campaign.
• Taking stock of literature and giveaways.
• Event marketing
• LB activities – planning & implementations
• PR activities - planning & coordination
• Sales promotion & incentive campaigns – development & implementation
• Product Launch campaigns - development & implementation
July 2001 – till now - “Danfoss TOV”
Position: Marketing & PR management
Areas of Responsibilities:
• Participation in the building yearly Sales Strategy in Ukraine
• Creating of yearly marketing & PR strategy
• Making yearly action plans
• Marketing budget handling
• Key customers events & conferences: initiation and conduction
• Development of new direction: Trade marketing, Residential renovation business
• Administration & coordination of Marketing team (5 people)
• Coordination of Sales Transformation process & KA management

• Strategic minding
• Critical thinking
• Initiative
• Communicative.
• Able to work either independently or in a team.
• Good organization & coordination skills
• Have coaching skills (Business training in Coaching)

• Travelling
• Books
• Cooking

Additional information:
Ukrainian - native, English - good.
Computer skills - Word, Excel, Power Point.

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