Резюме від 25 травня 2024 Файл


Front-end developer

20 років

Контактна інформація

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Rudenko Vyacheslav
Degree Name
Frontend Developer | React Enthusiast KPI, September 2020 – Present
Location: Kyiv, Ukraine
KPI.ua | Role Frontend developer
Mobile: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
Email: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація») ● Implemented and maintained a large-scale codebase
Website: portfolio.com to develop a web application consisting of 30 pages.
LinkedIn: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація») Optimized website performance resulting in a 30%
GitHub: github.com/Slava-11 increase in overall efficiency.
● I have utilized various technologies such as Sass,
PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY JavaScript and Vite to build features on projects. All
my work has been developed using the BEM
I am a passionate Frontend Developer with expertise in
methodology to ensure clean and scalable code.
creating engaging and user-friendly web experiences.
Specializing in React development, I have a strong
Ibis online store. | Role Frontend developer
understanding of proper architecture and utilize tools
● On this project, I worked on over 40 fully responsive
like Tailwind CSS to streamline the development process.
pages for the Ibis website. I implemented unique and
With a history of delivering high-quality work, I'm
engaging animations using cutting-edge technologies
committed to meeting deadlines and taking on additional
such as Vite. In addition, I created various
tasks when necessary.
components such as a product catalog, slider, burger
menu, and more. As a result of these efforts, the
Mamontovadesign | Frontend Developer website's effectiveness increased by 15%.
May 2022 - Present | Kyiv, Ukraine ● I utilized technologies such as Sass, JS, and Vite to
● Proficient in React, actively participating in medium- build website features, and also implemented
complexity web projects. animations on websites. In addition, I designed and
● Engaged in email template design, utilizing Sass, coded email templates using the MJML framework.
JavaScript, Vite, and MJML for email development.
● Collaborating on the development of React-based Dnipro-m online store. | Role Frontend developer
Single Page Applications (SPAs), ensuring smooth
user interactions and seamless experiences. ● I introduced my fresh ideas that made the
website more visually appealing with
Etcetera Agency | Frontend Developer
animations, blazing fast, and ranked high in
May 2021 - Apr 2022 | Kyiv, Ukraine search engines. As a result, I boosted the
● During my time at Etcetera Agency, I primarily website's effectiveness by 20%.
focused on front-end development, including the
creation of over 25 responsive pages with engaging ● I utilized cutting-edge technologies such as Sass,
animations, all built using BEM methodology.
JS, and Vite to bring animations to life on the
● On this job, I utilized skills in Sass, JavaScript, React,
TypeScript, TailWindCSS Vite, and animation.
● Additionally, I played a pivotal role in the
development of visually stunning React components AWARDS AND ACCOLADES
that enriched the user experience IT Academy
● I completed comprehensive web development
SKILLS courses at IT Academy, with a strong emphasis on
Programming Languages React, where I delved into React's intricacies in great
● Proficient in: HTML, CSS, SASS, JS, TS, REACT, detail. My educational journey included constructing
TAILWIND, MATERIAL UI, BOOTSTRAP, MJML. numerous responsive and dynamic web applications,
● I excel in React, API integration, and UI frameworks utilizing cutting-edge front-end frameworks like Vite.
like Tailwind CSS and Material-UI, creating This experience has equipped me with a thorough
captivating web applications. proficiency in front-end technologies and software
engineering principles, ensuring I am well-prepared
to excel in any project.

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