Резюме від 16 квітня 2024 Файл



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Контактна інформація

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Sergiy Bobovskiy
QA Engineer Manual
Always ready to identify and help solve problems before they appear on the market. My
attitude to work is dedicated and responsible. I want to be part of a team that is constantly
improving and working on expanding knowledge and skills in the field of testing, aimed at
achieving high standards of product quality. The ability to work in a team is one of the key
skills for me, because I believe that this is the only way to achieve a good result and satisfy
the needs of users and business. I don't have bad habits like smoking.

Work Experience
Manual QA Egineer Targer | Rivne Ukraine 07/2023 -

Phone My main task on the project is full regression testing, smoke testing of the mobile
[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація») application on iOS and Android platforms, and execution of test cases. Bringing bugs to
Jira and helping to reproduce them for developers at the time of the fix.
Email Worked on writing user documentation. Cases with requirements and already written
[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація») tests worked on the creation of the Traceability Matrix. If necessary, I run emulators in
Android Studio, install and test the application on virtual devices.
Rivne, Ukraine I have basic knowledge and skills in using Postman, but I do not actively use it in work
processes, as there is no need. Occasionally use Swagger for API and Dev Toolbar testing.
http://[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
Use SmartLook to view a user's interaction session with the product and identify various
9937731b1 negative cases. If necessary, test the correct arrival of events triggered during user
interaction with the application.
Education Worked from a laptop on Linux for a while, but now have experience with macOS.
During testing, I use Figma to check the designs and what is actually in the application.
RFK NUBiP of Ukraine
In the seventh month of work, having the opportunity to learn new skills during working
Software engineering hours, they began to automate the testing of mobile applications using the Appium
Educational qualification: bachelor Inspector/Server GUI. For writing automated tests, the Python language was started. In
Graduated in 2022 with a red diploma the best time, I plan to attend English language courses.

IT Step School
Content-manager Targer | Rivne Ukraine 06/2022 - 06/2023
Completed the manual testing
Filling the database with goods and checking those already added. Tracking tasks
through the Trello board. Working with Google Sheets and PyCharm
Gradueted in 2023

Tools Skills
Basic knowledge of OOP
Basic knowledge of Windows/MacOS/Linux;
Wrote 170 test cases for mobile application
Understanding of HTML, CSS, Rest API
Working with databases SQL Server Management Studio
Practical experience using all main types of testing
Tested a mobile application using Android Studio emulators
Appium Inspector/Server GUI
Experience writing test documentations including Test Cases,
Dev ToolBar
Bug Reports and UserStories
Figma Understanding and experience of metodologies Agile, SCRUM
Zephyr Scale (plugin in Jira)
Using Swagger for testing API
Android Studio
Knowledge of software development life cycle (SDLC) and
Firebase Analytics
software testing life cycle (STLC)
SQL Server Management Studio
Understanding the creation criteria and directly creating a Traceability Matrix
Mobile application analytics testing
Language Writing user documentation. Use cases
Writing auto-tests in Python for a mobile application on the Android platform
• Ukranian - Native Working with Appium Inspector/Server GUI. Creating an Appium
• English - A1 Inspector session with physical Android devices and emulators in
Android Studio

Схожі кандидати

QA engineer
Львів, Вінниця , ще 4 міста



Львів, Дистанційно

Trainee Manual QA Specialist
Львів, Дніпро , ще 4 міста

QA engineer (trainee)
Львів, Дистанційно

Усі схожі кандидати

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