Резюме від 15 травня 2024



Повна зайнятість, неповна зайнятість.
23 роки
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Контактна інформація

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Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Досвід роботи

Shopify Developer

з 02.2024 по 04.2024 (2 місяці)
Matcher, Дистанційно (Роздрібна торгівля)

Optimizing Shopify Store Performance

Work performed: ⠀
- Performance Audit
- Theme Optimization
- Responsive Mobile Devices Optimization
- Image Optimization
- Mega-Menu Redesign
- Conversion-Enhancing apps Integration

Shopify Developer

з 10.2023 по 02.2024 (4 місяці)
The Instapreneurs, Дистанційно (IT)

Shopify Developer, Shopify Development, Shopify E-commerce Solutions, Shopify Customization, Shopify Theme Customization, Shopify Templates, HTML/CSS for Shopify, Responsive Design for Shopify, Shopify Website Design, Shopify Dropshipping, Shopify Store Setup, Product Management on Shopify, Shopify E-commerce Website Development, Shopify Store Design, Shopify Migration, E-commerce Store Optimization with Shopify, Conversion Rate Optimization on Shopify, Website Speed Optimization for Shopify, Custom Shopify Themes, New Page Creation on Shopify, Shopify App Setup, Shopify Integrations, Shopify Account Configuration, Shopify Store Enhancement, Shopify Store Optimization, Shopify Page Customization, Shopify Functionality Improvement, Custom Shopify Features, Shopify Theme Development, Shopify Security, Responsive Shopify Design, Shopify Website Redesign, E-commerce Platform Integration with Shopify, Shopify Troubleshooting, HTML/CSS Theme Tweaking for Shopify, Shopify Performance Optimization, Shopify Theme Installation, E-commerce Upgradation with Shopify, Shopify Backup and Recovery, Shopify App Configuration, E-commerce Security with Shopify, Shopify Migration Assistance, Shopify Website Customization, E-commerce Support and Maintenance with Shopify, Shopify Bug Fixing, HTML/CSS Theme Customization for Shopify, Shopify Content Management, User Experience Enhancement for E-commerce with Shopify, Shopify Theme Update and Maintenance, Custom Shopify Development Solutions, Shopify SEO Optimization, Shopify Blog Integration, Shopify Social Media Integration, Shopify Analytics, Shopify Inventory Management, Shopify Order Processing, Shopify Checkout Customization, Shopify Payment Gateway Integration, Shopify Multilingual Development, Shopify API Integration, Shopify Plus Development, Shopify Local Development, Shopify POS Customization, Shopify Facebook Pixel Integration, Shopify Google Analytics Setup, Shopify Cross-Border Selling, Shopify Dynamic Checkout Buttons, Shopify Theme Sections Customization, Shopify API Rate Limiting, Shopify Inventory Syncing, Shopify Custom Shipping Rules, Shopify Theme Liquid Markup, Shopify Custom Notification Emails, Shopify Multi-Currency Setup, Shopify Metafields Implementation, Shopify Breadcrumbs Customization, Shopify Product Reviews Integration, Shopify Dynamic Product Recommendations, Shopify Continuous Integration, Shopify Data Migration, Shopify Theme Unit Testing, Shopify Liquid Programming, Shopify App Store Submission, Shopify Custom Reports, Shopify Script Editor, Headless Shopify Development, Shopify Local Development, Shopify Subscription Models, Shopify Website Prototyping, Shopify Coding Specialist, Shopify Speed Optimization, Shopify SEO Implementation

Shopify Store Developer

з 10.2021 по 10.2023 (2 роки)
Freelancer, Дистанційно (IT)

Shopify Developer, Shopify Development, Shopify E-commerce Solutions, Shopify Customization, Shopify Theme Customization, Shopify Templates, HTML/CSS for Shopify, Responsive Design for Shopify, Shopify Website Design, Shopify Dropshipping, Shopify Store Setup, Product Management on Shopify, Shopify E-commerce Website Development, Shopify Store Design, Shopify Migration, E-commerce Store Optimization with Shopify, Conversion Rate Optimization on Shopify, Website Speed Optimization for Shopify, Custom Shopify Themes, New Page Creation on Shopify, Shopify App Setup, Shopify Integrations, Shopify Account Configuration, Shopify Store Enhancement, Shopify Store Optimization, Shopify Page Customization, Shopify Functionality Improvement, Custom Shopify Features, Shopify Theme Development, Shopify Security, Responsive Shopify Design, Shopify Website Redesign, E-commerce Platform Integration with Shopify, Shopify Troubleshooting, HTML/CSS Theme Tweaking for Shopify, Shopify Performance Optimization, Shopify Theme Installation, E-commerce Upgradation with Shopify, Shopify Backup and Recovery, Shopify App Configuration, E-commerce Security with Shopify, Shopify Migration Assistance, Shopify Website Customization, E-commerce Support and Maintenance with Shopify, Shopify Bug Fixing, HTML/CSS Theme Customization for Shopify, Shopify Content Management, User Experience Enhancement for E-commerce with Shopify, Shopify Theme Update and Maintenance, Custom Shopify Development Solutions, Shopify SEO Optimization, Shopify Blog Integration, Shopify Social Media Integration, Shopify Analytics, Shopify Inventory Management, Shopify Order Processing, Shopify Checkout Customization, Shopify Payment Gateway Integration, Shopify Multilingual Development, Shopify API Integration, Shopify Plus Development, Shopify Local Development, Shopify POS Customization, Shopify Facebook Pixel Integration, Shopify Google Analytics Setup, Shopify Cross-Border Selling, Shopify Dynamic Checkout Buttons, Shopify Theme Sections Customization, Shopify API Rate Limiting, Shopify Inventory Syncing, Shopify Custom Shipping Rules, Shopify Theme Liquid Markup, Shopify Custom Notification Emails, Shopify Multi-Currency Setup, Shopify Metafields Implementation, Shopify Breadcrumbs Customization, Shopify Product Reviews Integration, Shopify Dynamic Product Recommendations, Shopify Continuous Integration, Shopify Data Migration, Shopify Theme Unit Testing, Shopify Liquid Programming, Shopify App Store Submission, Shopify Custom Reports, Shopify Script Editor, Headless Shopify Development, Shopify Local Development, Shopify Subscription Models, Shopify Website Prototyping, Shopify Coding Specialist, Shopify Speed Optimization, Shopify SEO Implementation

Додаткова освіта та сертифікати

IBM-SkillsBuild, Web Development Fundamentals

2023, 2 місяці

IBM-SkillsBuild, Basic Principles of Design

2024, 1 місяць

IBM-SkillsBuild, Working in a Digital World: Professional Skills

2024, 1 місяць

IBM-SkillsBuild, User Experience Design Fundamentals

2023, 1 місяць

Shopify, Liquid Storefronts for Theme Developers Certification

2023, 3 тижні

Знання і навички

Web Design HTML Css Web Development Shopify Javascript E-commerce Conversion Rate Optimization Shopify Theme Customization Ecommerce Website Development Shopify Website Redesign Stripe PayPal Responsive Design

Знання мов

  • Українська — вільно
  • Англійська — вище середнього
  • Румунська — вільно
  • Російська — вільно

Додаткова інформація

My focus is on growing your eCommerce business via the optimization of the Shopify platform. I prioritize clear and thorough communication, full commitment to your project, and a dedicated work ethic to achieve the desired results

Throughout my years of experience, I have achieved the following accomplishments:

- Successfully satisfying numerous clients.
- Working with one of the fastest-growing marketing education platforms in Ukraine, «The Instapreneurs».
- Collaborating with diverse clients from different industries to create attractive and user-friendly web designs based on their ideas.
- Boosting a client's Shopify success by making their website 60% more effective, which increased their monthly revenue from $10,000 to $16,000.
- Accumulating over 2000 hours of designing and developing E-commerce websites.

Схожі кандидати

Shopify Developer (технічна підтримка онлайн-магазинів)
Дистанційно, Вінниця , ще 5 міст

WordPress, Shopify Developer
Дистанційно, Дніпро

Full stack web developer (PHP, Laravel, Vue, React, Shopify)
70000 грн, Дистанційно, Київ , ще 3 міста

Front-end developer (Shopify, WordPress)
Дистанційно, Львів, Інші країни

Shopify Developer

Shopify developer, Web-розробник
60000 грн, Дистанційно, Інші країни

Усі схожі кандидати

Кандидати у категорії