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Full stack програміст, PHP-розробник

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Anton Denisenko
Date of birth: 22.06.1986
Cell phone:[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
E-mail: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)

Skype: master_wp
linkedin: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)

Telegram: https://t.me/kam4ik22

Fullstack Web Developer, FrontEnd Developer, BackEnd Developer.

Platforms: Windows, Linux

Programming Languages: HTML, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript , PHP 5.3 - 8, Perl, SQL.

Technologies: AJAX, JSON, XML, OOP, MVC, SOAP, REST API, SSH, cron, bash, shell, Apache, JIRA, highload.

Applications: PHPStorm, Vim and others.

CMS and Frameworks: Codeigniter 3, WordPress, Yii2, Symfony 3/4/5, React , Redux, Vue, Vuex, Laravel 5/8/9

Databases: MySQL, HP Vertica DB, PostgreSQL.
Version control systems: Git, SVN.

Career history
Time Frame: August 2023 – February 2024
Company: *.
Project: Admin panel for conducting currency exchange and cryptocurrency transactions
Technologies: PHP 8.1, Laravel 9, REST API, MySQL, Vue.
Description: Create exchange statistics, profit statistics.

Time Frame: March 2023 – July 2023
Company: Cine Books
Project: Cine Books (Service for read / listen / watch books)
Technologies: PHP 7.4,REST API, MicroService architechture.
Description: Implementation of an authorization/authentication microservice.

Time Frame: February 2022 – September 2022
Company: Postindustria.
Project: AdRev Publishing(CMS based on Youtube Studio)
Technologies: PHP 7.4, Laravel 8, REST API, PostgreSql, Vue/Vuex, RabbitMQ.
Description: Improve new features such as global search and Bug Fixing.

Time Frame: September 2021 – January 2022
Company: Uppercode.
Position: TeamLead.
Project: 4events and others
Technologies: PHP 7.2, Laravel 5/8, Yii2, jQuery, REST API, websockets, push message, MySql.
Description: Code review for all developers on all projects , Refactoring projects. Conducting interviews, setting and distributing tasks.

Time Frame: September 2017 – November 2020
Company: Brightech.
Project: Dispatchland TMS (Transport management system )
Technologies: PHP 7.3, Symfony 5, REST API, Doctrine ORM, websockets, push message, Node js, React/Redux , mongo DB.
Description: Creation of a project architecture, creation of an accounting system, Creation of a time and geo tracking system. Support 24/7 for more than 20 servers and Bug Fixing.

Time Frame: December 2016 – September 2017
Company: GeeksForLess Inc.
Project: Portal
Technologies: PHP, REST API, ACL rules, jQuery, Javascript, AMD JS, Vue JS.
Description: Integration of applications for domain / hosting services. Development features. Development of a communication system between system components. Bug Fixing.

Time Frame: July 2014 – November 2016
Company: GeeksForLess Inc.
Project: GFL Reporting Tool
Technologies: PHP, Codeignaiter 2, REST API, Doctrine ORM, HP Vertica DB, JS, jQuery, jQuery UI, JS modules, cron scripts.
Description: Development of the company's reporting system in terms of the performance of tasks, writing code, covering the code with tests, the time for executing administrative tasks, etc. Display of analytics of time of loading of sites. Development of a system that displays output data in the form of tables, graphs, PDF, CSV formats. Create an admin panel for the application.

Time Frame: November 2013 – July 2014
Company: Geeksforless Inc.
Project: Retail sites (Aplus.net, Deluxe.com).
Technologies: JS, jQuery, CSS, REST API
Description: Developed new features such as promotional offers, product kits. Bug fixing .


National University of Shipbuilding

Department: Institute of Electrical Engineering.

Specialty: Control and automation systems.

Degree: specialist.
Language skills

Ukrainian – native
Russian – native
English – Pre Intermediate

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