Резюме від 15 травня 2024 Файл



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Контактна інформація

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Behance LinkedIn
UX/UI designer, Poland

I'm a Junior UI/UX designer from Ukraine, I took
Adobe Photoshop

courses from Google, Creative Practice and CalArts on
Coursera. I am looking for a place where I can use my Adobe Illustrator

experience and archive new goals Adobe XD


Experience Confluence


2023-2024 / SaaS AI product that connects with

your databases / UX/UI designer
await.ai is a company that produces chat bots for
websites to use as a support service, you can connect it
to your database to answer specific questions and
receive usage statistics and feedback User Research and Strategy

My functions
Competitors Research

Conducted research and developed a product Wireframing and Prototyping

strategy for several months ahead
Information Architecture (IA)

I developed the interface for the application
User Analytics

I picked up the product at the production stage Customer and Competitor Analysis

and ran it for a year

Completed documentation in Confluence and Jira
Responsive and Adaptive Design

I created two features thanks to which we found a
Mobile Design (iOS, Android)


Web Design

We used the Human Interface Guidelines and
Material Design
User Personas and Scenarios

Created a system design with all design tockens User Flows and Customer Journey

(auto layouts, variants, variables, components etc.)
Strategic Thinking

Created structure to organize the files related to my Knowledge of Color, Typography
project and Composition

Material Design and Human
June 2023 / Brand identity for real estate company
/ UX/UI designer, illustrator Interface Guidelines

DUB41 is a real estate company based on Dubai Atomic Design

My functions

Develop a logo, and variations of it

Create brand identity and organized it in file for California Institute of the Arts on
customers Coursera

UX\UI Design certificate
March 2023 to July 2023 / Startup project: app rate
and share hookah with friends / UX/UI designer Google UX Design Professional
Smokesday is an application in which you can create a Certificate

session where you can add friends and share hookah
UX/UI Design certificate
parties, rate and comment on tobaccos, and see what
ratings other people have given
Creative Practise

Before developing the app, I conducted research and
UX/UI Design certificate
I conducted several interviews with the customer Language
(startup founder) from whom I was guided to
understand the concept of the application
English - Upper Intermadiate

Conducted research on other applications that are Ukrainian - native
already popular and have similar functions

Created the first wireframes
Conducted interviews among the participants of I love to read fiction, I can't imagine
the usability study
life without the gym and sport

All the time she coordinated everything with the
Work-life balance is everything

Started implementing wireframes and creating a UI

Transferred the project to the customer for the

Additional experience
From June 2022 to October 2022 / smm

I worked as an SMM specialist, creating content and
using material to promote an Instagram account

National Agrarian University of Vinnytsia


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