Резюме від 3 червня 2024 Файл


PHP developer

27 років
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Завантажений файл

Версія для швидкого перегляду

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First Name: Taras
Last Name: Zhupnyk
Email: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
PHP developer with 6 years of experience

Language Skills
English - Upper-Intermediate

Technical Skills
PHP, Symfony, REST API, Api platform, Microservices, PostgreSQL, MySQL,
Kafka, Symfony messenger, Redis, Sentry, Docker, Doctrine, PHPunit,
Composer, Nginx, Apache, Linux

Professional Experience
01.2024 - now - Checkbox
03.2023 - 01.2024 - Corcentric
06.2020 - 03.2023 - Quodari
05.2018 - 03.2020 - API2Cart

Checkbox (01.2024 - now)
Position: PHP developer
My responsibilities encompassed:
- Developing the backend infrastructure for a service aimed at streamlining
interactions with the tax office for commercial entities.
- Collaborating on integrating the service with the company's REST-based
gateways and third-party software systems.
- Implementing various features, including push notifications, in-app
messaging, and asynchronous service operations, to expand the service's
functionality and accommodate evolving business requirements.
- Creating unit and integration tests to ensure the reliability and robustness of
the developed functionality.
- Documenting technical specifications and procedures to facilitate
understanding and future maintenance of the developed systems.
PHP 8.1, Symfony 7, Api platfrom, REST API, Microservices, PostgreSQL,
Redis, Symfony messenger, Kafka, Docker.

Corcentric (03.2023 - 02.2024)
Position: PHP developer

Responsibilities included:
Building backend for a CRM system.
Existing codebase improvements.
Architecture contribution.
Adding unit tests.
PHP 8.1, Symfony 5, MySql, Docker.

Quodari (06.2020 - 03.2023)
Position: Middle PHP developer
Responsibilities included:
Building backend for a social network.
Features implementation.
Working on integration with REST based company's gateways and third party
Collection of business requirements straight with the investors.
Updating and altering application features to enhance performance.
Upgrading tech stack version.
Adding unit & integration tests. Writing technical documentation.
Leading and managing a team of 2 developers. Newcomers mentoring.
PHP 8.1, Symfony 6, REST API, PostgreSQL, Redis, Docker, CircleCI.

MagneticOne (05.2018 - 03.2020)
Position: Junior PHP developer
Project: API2Cart
Responsibilities included:
Building and maintaining REST API service that provides unified access to
multiple e-commerce platforms.
PHP 7.0, REST API, MySQL, Vagrant.

Galician College Ternopil
Specialty: Computer Sciences


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