Резюме від 4 червня 2024 Файл




Контактна інформація

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Romana Nakonechna
Junior Marketing Assistant
[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація») | LinkedIn | 07506866487 | London, UK |


Energetic and adaptable marketing professional with hands-on experience in orchestrating all facets of
marketing within a startup environment. Skilled in crafting and implementing comprehensive marketing
strategies under tight budgets, thriving in fast-paced scenarios. Looking to bring my expertise to a dynamic
team to contribute to the company's marketing success.

Work Experience

Junior Marketing Executive
SideUp Limited (Remote) August 2023 - Present
• Conducted detailed market research to ensure a strategy built on data-driven insights, tailored to meet
industry standards and audience expectations.
• Developed and orchestrated a comprehensive marketing strategy for SideUp's market debut,
incorporating SEO, content marketing, PPC, and event planning to ensure a robust online presence and
effective audience engagement.
• Managed a tender process to select and collaborate with external agencies and freelancers, aligning
with strategic objectives and budget constraints for high-quality execution.
• Coordinated closely with product development and design teams to ensure marketing strategies were
fully integrated with product offerings, reinforcing a cohesive brand message across all platforms.
• Facilitated stakeholder alignment through the preparation and presentation of detailed strategy
documents, ensuring clarity and consensus on the marketing direction.

Social Media Marketing Intern
Floom Creative (Hybrid, Bristol, England, United Kingdom) May 2022 - September 2022
• Initiated and managed social media strategies that enhanced engagement by 20% and increased
followers by 87% organically within three months, demonstrating ef cient use of limited resources.
• Introduced a new brand style for social media, aligning with the company’s tone and values to improve
online brand representation.

Marketing Intern
MGID (On-site, Kyiv, Kyiv City, Ukraine) May 2021 - September 2021
• Assisted in preparing technical documentation and client guides, proposed innovative monetisation
solutions, and enhanced key account performance.
• Analysed statistical data and compiled detailed performance reports for client ad campaigns, aiding in
strategic decision-making.


University of Bristol Bristol, UK
BSc in Marketing September 2020 - May 2023

• Strategic Marketing & Planning • Data Analysis & Market Research
• SEO • Project Management
• Content Creation & Marketing • Stakeholder Communication
• PPC Campaign Management • Budget Oversight & Management
• Event Planning & Management • Adobe Creative Suite
• Cross-Functional Collaboration • HubSpot CRM

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