Резюме від 20 травня 2024 Файл


Back end engineer

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Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон .

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Завантажений файл

Версія для швидкого перегляду

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Andrii Haluza

Node.js Developer

I bring seven years of commercial JavaScript development experience, covering both
back-end and front-end domains. My expertise enables me to contribute effectively across a
spectrum of web development projects, from intuitive user interfaces to robust server-side

TESTIMONIAL 28/06/1994
I confidently recommend Andrii for any Node.js development EDUCATION:
project. He consistently demonstrates diligence and reliability in his MSc in Applied
work, whether collaborating within a team or working independently. Mathematics, Uzhhorod National
Andrii is someone you can depend on to deliver results. His strong University,
technical skills and responsible approach make him an asset to any 2011 - 2017.
Control and Cybernetics
project team. - IT Project Manager
(09/2001 - 07/2002);
Uzhhorod, Ukraine
ASAP, full-time
[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
Programming languages: Version control systems:
JavaScript - 7 years; Git - 7 years.
TypeScript - 4 years.
Frameworks\Technologies: Amazon Web Services - 2 years;
Node.js - 7 years; Google Cloud services - 2 years;
Express - 7 years; Cloudflare - 2 years;
NestJs – 3 years; RESTfull APIs - 7 years.
KoaJs(Strapi) – 2 years; Nginx - 2 years;
React - 3 years; Docker - 3 years;
NextJs – 1 year; CI\CD(Gitlab, Github) - 2 years;
Vue.js - 2 years; Bash;
Nuxt – 1 year; SocketIO;
Jest - 2 years; Sentry;
Ejs templating - 3 years; Cronicle;
Databases: PlayMarket purchases and subscriptions;
Postgres - 3 years; AppleStore purchases and subscriptions;
MariaDB\MySql - 2 years; Pub\sub;
Mongodb - 5 years. Micro-services;
Mongoose - 5 years;
Sequelize - 3 years;
Redis – 4 years;
ElasticSearch – 3 years;
Meilisearch – 2 years;

Mar '21 – Apr '21 (part-time)
May '21- Mar '22 (full-time)
May '22 – Nov '23 (part-time)
Nov '23 – Mar '24 (full-time)

Project Description: Dating mobile application.

Solo development of back-end as a full-time member; Code-reviewer
as part-time member; Implemented RESTful APIs; Utilized caching
Responsibilities: mechanisms like Redis for faster response times; Improved application
performance by addressing code and database bottlenecks.

Node.js, Next.js, Express.js, MongoDB, Socket.io, ElasticSearch, AWS
Technologies & Tools:
(s3, Beanstalk, SSM, stripe, google\apple playmarket purchases and
subscriptions, google pub\sub).
Mar '22 – May '22 (part-time)
May '22 – Nov '23 (full-time)

Project Description: Customizable marketplace web application.

Developed server-side applications using Node.js and designed
microservices; Implemented RESTful APIs for front-end and back-end
communication; Created front-end components with Next.js;
Optimized database queries for efficient data handling; Conducted
unit and integration testing (e.g., Jest) and resolved issues; Improved
application performance by addressing code and database
bottlenecks; Utilized caching mechanisms like Redis for faster
response times; Collaborated with a team of developers using Git for
version control; Participated in code reviews to ensure code quality
and standards.

Node.js, Express.js, Koa.js, Strapi.s, MariaDB, Meilisearch, Cronicle,
Technologies & Tools:
Auth0, NextJs, Socket.io, Jest, Sentry, Stripe, microservices.

ThinkMobiles(2017-2021) 2019 - 2021

Aggregator of various Software and Services. Web application
Project Description:
prioritized on page speed rendering and SEO.

Tech Lead.
Mentoring team members: Providing guidance, support, and
knowledge sharing to help team members develop their skills and
meet project goals; Code review: Ensuring the quality and
consistency of the codebase by reviewing and providing feedback on
team members' code contributions; Fully developing server-side
rendering applications: Taking a leading role in designing,
developing, and maintaining the server-side rendering aspects of the
project to meet project requirements; Testing SEO strategies:
Implementing and testing search engine optimization (SEO)
techniques to improve the project's visibility and performance in
search engine results, contributing to its online success.

Node.js, Postgres, ejs for simple ssr rendering, Vue js for complex
Technologies & Tools:
managing pages, cloudflare, nginx, google cloud platform.

Схожі кандидати

Front-End, Back-End, Full Stack Developer

Back-end Engineer
Дистанційно, Львів

Junior Front-end/Back-end програміст

Junior Front-end/Back-end/Full-stack Developer
20000 грн, Дистанційно

Back-end програміст
30000 грн, Дистанційно, Київ, Інші країни

Усі схожі кандидати

Кандидати у категорії

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