Резюме від 27 травня 2024 Файл


.Net developer

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Контактна інформація

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Dmytro Tsetsyk
Senior Full-stack Developer

Contact Information Phone Number: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
Email Address: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)

Summary of
I am a full-stack web developer with more six years of experience. I have good communication
and interpersonal skills. As well as, I took an active role in the full development life-cycle.
Knowledge of .NET and front-end development are strong parts of my skills. Also, I like to
initiative to meet and resolve challenges. I also show a methodical and rigorous approach to
achieving tasks and objectives.

Skills Programming Languages/ Technologies Frameworks

 C#/ADO.NET/Windows  Angular.js
Forms/WPF/WCF/ ASP MVC  Angular 2+
.NET Framework/.NET Core/.Net 7  Entity Framework
 JavaScript/Ajax/jQuery  Bootstrap 3/4
 HTML/CSS/SCSS/CSS Animation  Vue.js
 WebGL Three js  Dapper ORM
 CSS Grid  NUnit /Moq
 XML / JSON  Jest
 UML  Chai
 GRASP, SOLID  Sinon
 Autofac  Kendo Grid
 Automapper Development Tools
 Azure/ Azure functions
 AWS  Visual Studio
 RabbitMQ  Visual Studio Code
 MSMQ  Sublime Text / Notepad
 Docker  Putty
 NServiceBus  XmlPad
 Jenkins  Git
 Kafka  Istanbul.js
 Rancher  VirtualBox
 Kowl  Papercut Smtp

 Cosmos DB
 PostgreSQL

 Agile, SCRUM
 Test Driven, Feature Driven, Behavior
Driven Development
Dmytro Tsetsyk
Senior Full-stack Developer

Experience NDA project
Project Description: Chain Risk Performance Network.
Customer: US company
Involvement Duration: 12 months
Project Role:
Full-stack Software Engineer
 Creating microservices to the specification of the project and
code refactoring;
 Creating unit tests;
 Bug fixing;
 Writing technical documentation;
 Code review;
 Legacy support
 Migration services to .net6
Project Team Size: 16 team members
Tools & Technologies: Microservice Architecture, ASP.NET Core, Entity Framework, PostgreSQL, REST API, DDD, MS
SQL, AWS, Jenkins, Rancher, ASP.NET, Kafka, Kowl, Docker.
NDA project
Project Description: Solution for advertising management.
Customer: US company
Involvement Duration: 11 months
Project Role:
Full-stack Software Engineer
 Creating new functionality according to the specification of the project and
code refactoring;
 Creating unit tests;
 Bug fixing;
 Writing technical documentation;
 Designing Technical Solutions;
 Creating and designing Azure Functions application;
 File management using Azure Blob Storage;
 Technical studies;
 Code review;

Project Team Size: 8 team members
Tools & Technologies: .Net 7 / .Net Core 3.1/ NUnit / Microsoft Azure/Azure Functions/ Azure DevOps/ JSON/Azure
Cosmos DB/ Vue (typescript)
Project Description: Chain Risk Performance Network.
Customer: US company
Involvement Duration: 5 months
Project Role: Full-stack Software Engineer
Responsibilities:  Creating microservices to the specification of the project and
code refactoring;
 Creating unit tests;
 Bug fixing;
 Writing technical documentation;
 Code review;
Project Team Size: 5 team members
Tools & Technologies: Microservice Architecture, ASP.NET Core, Entity Framework, PostgreSQL, REST API, DDD, MS
SQL, AWS, Jenkins, Rancher, ASP.NET, Kafka, Docker.


Dmytro Tsetsyk
Senior Full-stack Developer

Project Description: Cloud-based accounting software application.
Customer: US company
Involvement Duration: 20 months
Project Role: Full-stack Software Engineer
Responsibilities:  Creating new endpoints according to the specification of the project and
code refactoring;
 Creating unit tests;
 Bug fixing;
 Writing technical documentation;
 Creating/updating stored procedures;
 Code review;
 Creating new pages;
 Adding new features for deployment bot;
Project Team Size:  7 team members
 Mentoring
Tools & Technologies: Asp Net Core 3.1/ Git/ GitHub/ NUnit / Microsoft Azure/ Azure DevOps/ Entity framework Core/
JSON/ SQL Server/ Azure Cosmos DB/ Vue (typescript)/MSSQL

NDA project
Project Description: SaaS E-Commerce platform.
E-Commerce brands need real-time market data to track market share, exposure, and
product trends. Using this research module, you can search across multiple channels
to quickly discover market opportunities for new and existing products.
Customer: US company
Involvement Duration: 10 months
Project Role: Full-stack Software Engineer
Responsibilities:  New feature development;
 Bug fixing;
 Unit testing;
Project Team Size:  15 team members
Tools & Technologies: ASP .NET Core, Azure functions, Azure App Services, Azure Queues, ReactJs/redux,
EntityFramework, Ant, AmCharts, MSSQL, Redis, Azure blob storage/key vault

Influencers Marketing Platform
Project Description: Cloud-based service platform that offers complete white label solutions for influencer
marketing, gift cards, coupons, and other consumer-oriented mobile services. The aim
of this project was to develop a platform were people could be a part of different
advertisement programs. This project implemented with the CQRS architecture
pattern and uses microservices such as NServiceBus. Domain-driven design with
AngularJs framework used on the front-end part.
Customer: Sweden. Global alliance of influencer networks and media agencies
Involvement Duration: 8 months
Project Role: Full-stack Software Engineer
Responsibilities:  New feature development;
 Bug fixing;
 Design SCSS architecture;
 Mentoring;
Project Team Size:  6 team members

Dmytro Tsetsyk
Senior Full-stack Developer

Tools & Technologies: C#, JavaScript, Microsoft .NET Framework, ASP.NET MVC, MS SQL Server, ADO.NET,
Angular JS, Entity Framework, Dapper, NServiceBus, Gulp.

NDA project
Project Description: The application is an environmental health and safety (EHS) reporting and data sharing
application. App collect and store customer health and safety (EHS) data for use in
reporting, comparing and sharing data.
Customer: Canada
Involvement Duration: 5 months
Project Role: Developer
Responsibilities:  New feature development;
 Bug fixing;
 Dev testing an application;
Project Team Size:  4 team members
Tools & Technologies: C#, ASP MVC, Entity Framework, MsSQL, Jquery, JavaScript, Bootstrap, Angular.js,
React.js, Visual Studio Online.

NDA project
Project Description: Online shops with integrations of Shopify API:
 Admin panel for shops management (CRUD operations, access policies, sliders,
posters, site menu, etc...);
 Shopping online;
 User authorizations referral programs;
 Gifts system;
 Reports generators;
Customer: US company
Involvement Duration: 6 months
Project Role: Developer
Responsibilities:  New feature development;
 Bug fixing;
 Dev testing an application;
Project Team Size:  5 team members
Tools & Technologies: C#, ASP.NET MVC, Entity Framework, Autofac, MS SQL Server, JQuery, Bootstrap, SCSS,
JavaScript, Visual Studio Online, Shopify API.
Education Rivne State University of Humanities
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
Computer Science

Computer Academy “Step”
Developer [Department]


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Дистанційно, Київ

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