Резюме від 29 травня 2024 Файл


QA engineer

39 років
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Завантажений файл

Версія для швидкого перегляду

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NAME: Uliana Pobazhanska

JOB TITLE: Quality Assurance Engineer

More than 3 years experience in manual testing of Web applications and API
(functional, regression, acceptance).
More than 1,5 years experience in manual testing of Desktop application (functional, regression,
More than 1,5 years experience in UI automation testing of Web product (Java) via Selenium
(WebDriver) and supportive framework (Geb).
4 month experience in API automation testing of Web products via Groovy rest-client.
Experience with continuous integration processes and tools (Bitbucket/Jenkins).
Experience of working with version control systems (GIT).
SQL basic knowledge, experience with DBeaver database manager.
Analizing network traffic (Fiddler).
Experience with Jira bug-tracking system.
Experience with running and supporting testcases in Testrail and Qase test management platforms.
Understanding of Agile methodology processes (Scrum).
Experience in estimation of QA activities required for the project.
Experience in writing test documentation.
English intermediate level, work with technical documentation, communication with customer's
business analysts.

Quality Assurance Engineer
Oct 2021 – May 2023
Manual functional and regression testing of Desktop Application
Used technologies: Fiddler
Working in development team, manual testing of sprint scope and regression, reproducing and
analyzing newly logged client’s issues.
Creating and supporting testcases.

General Quality Assurance Engineer, NIX Solutions LTD, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Nov 2019 – Oct 2021
UI automation testing of Web Application (Groovy)
Used technologies: Groovy, Selenium WebDriver, Geb, Maven
Analyzing of smoke and regression scripts running, logging bugs.
Running automation scripts on Jenkins jobs, configurating of jobs running schedule.
UI automation scripts supporting and creating, creating and reviewing pull requests.
Creating QA stories and tasks in Jira for writing new automation specs or updating of existing.
Creating and updating the matrix of automation tests coverage.
Manual functional and regression testing of Web Application
Working in production support team, manual testing of sprint scope, regression testing, reproducing
and analyzing newly logged client’s issues.
Deploying the code-fixes to the QA testing environments.
Grooming of the tickets from the client’s candidate list before each sprint starting.
Creating and reviewing check-lists for the user stories.
Raising tickets to the technical support and DevOps teams regarding project issues.
Creating and keeping up-to-date project articles.
Collecting information about sprint scope and backlog defects, preparing overview reports based on
 July 2019 – Nov 2019
API automation testing of Web Application
Used technologies: Groovy rest-client, Gradle, MongoDB
API automation scripts supporting and creating, creating and reviewing pull requests.
Manual functional and regression testing of Web Application
Working in development team, manual testing of sprint scope and regression.

Quality Assurance Engineer, NIX Solutions LTD, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Aug 2018 – July 2019
Manual functional and acceptance testing of Web Application
Manual functional and acceptance testing.
Working with technical documentation, analyzing requirements.
Covering requirements with test cases, creating check-lists, preparing test data.

Metrological Engineer, JSC Ukrainian Railway, Kharkiv, Ukraine
September 2006 – August 2018
Control and maintenance of technical condition of control and measuring equipment.
Testing manual, electronic and semi-automated measuring devices.
Validating equipment issues.
Developing specifications for the methods of technical control.
Managing technical documentation.
Verifying and approving gained measuring results.

Specialist degree at Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport, Kharkiv, 2006
Specialty: Rolling Stock and Special Equipment

Additional trainings of software testing:
Software Testing (Quality Assurance) at “Source IT” Courses, 2016

English: upper-intermediate; Ukrainian: native; Russian: native

Інші резюме цього кандидата

Схожі кандидати

20000 грн, Дистанційно



Drive Test Engineer (GSM, UMTS, CDMA, LTE), водій кат. А, В, С, D, Е
Дистанційно, Київ, Інші країни

Manual QA Engineer
Дистанційно, Полтава, Інші країни


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