Резюме від 21 травня 2024 Файл



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Контактна інформація

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Версія для швидкого перегляду

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Valieiev Andrii
.NET / Salesforce Developer
Salesforce, SFDX, Apex, LWC, SOQL, SOSL, Jest testing, C#, .Net Framework, .Net Core, Microsoft
Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code, Management Studio, ASP.Net, Blazor, gRPC, SignalR, Git, Jira,
LINQ, SQL, Oracle DB, MySQL, MS SQL, SQL Server, Azure, AWS, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap,
HTML, CSS, Angular, Vue, Svelte, Docker, Windows 10, Linux Ubuntu

Contact Experience
Phone February 2021 – December 2023
[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація») Avenga
Software Engineer
Email SF web application is engineered to address the complexity of planning and adjusting
[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
interactions with many customer stakeholders through multiple channels. The new
Address solution draws intelligent insights from prior HCP interactions to modify alignments,
Mira Avenue 95/1a, targets, and engagement plans on demand. SF web application is a robust system for
Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine Territory/Geography alignment mechanisms that provide different analytical assets
like reports and charts for deeper analysis. This is a comprehensive enterprise
architecture that includes Salesforce, Snowflake platforms, and AWS.
[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація») Identifying problems and discovering solutions, testing project components, working
on ongoing projects based on specifications or drawings, collaborating with teams of
Education other engineers, experience in writing solution designs, working on the cross-project
CI/CD pipeline.
2020-2023 Environment and Tools: Salesforce, AWS, Snowflake, DBeaver, Apex, LWC, Jest,
Lviv Polytechnic National University Python (AWS Lambda), VS Code
Master, Software development December 2020 – February 2021
Web-Systems Solutions
2018-2020 Software Engineer
Lviv Polytechnic National University Development of comprehensive and flexible solution to cover all areas of government
Bachelor, Software development for Transport business processes. The system implemented leveraging a micro-
services Architecture. It consists of a couple of databases, multiple back-end services,
2014-2018 and multiple front-end React applications.
Khm. Polytechnic college Environment and Tools: Visual Studio, SVN, Oracle DB, .Net Core, Entity Framework
Associate degree, Software development Core.

Expertise August 2019 – August 2020
Junior Software Engineer
Experience in software development using C#
I have created an internal project for a real-time presentation. The system is
and .NET, with related Microsoft technologies
implemented using a client-server architecture. It consists of a single database,
Experience in software development using
variations of the client, and back-end services implemented using Blazor, Vue.js,
SalesForce platform and related
Svelte, and Angular.
I have created a test project for booking courts using Google Calendar API and
Good experience in SQL, SOQL, SOSL and ASP.NET MVC project.
database management, design and analysis Environment and Tools: .Net Core, ASP.NET MVC, JavaScript, Studio, Git, MS SQL,
Solid background in Object Oriented Google API, Blazor, Vue, Angular, Svelte, Entity Framework Core.
Programming, Object Oriented Design, DDD
January 2018 – March 2018
and CQRS SoftBistro
Experience in developing applications using Trainee .NET Developer
JavaScript including SPA application As a part of the .NET team, I have implemented the MVC project for collecting and
development filtering demand skills in IT.
Environment and Tools: Windows, IIS, Visual Studio, MS SQL Server.
Cloud platform experience in Azure, AWS

Language Certification
English JavaScript Developer I Microsoft Certified: Azure
Salesforce, 2022 Fundamentals
Salesforce Certified Platform Developer I Microsoft, Apr 2024
Salesforce, 2021
Salesforce CI/CD
SaltoLeap, 2023

Схожі кандидати

25000 грн, Дистанційно

.Net developer

.Net developer


.Net developer
Дистанційно, Київ

.Net developer

Усі схожі кандидати

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