Резюме від 22 травня 2024 Файл


Project Manager

36 років
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Контактна інформація

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Версія для швидкого перегляду

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Daria Kovalchuk
Senior Project Manager

Address: Tbilisi, Georgia

Phone: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)

Email: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)

Webpage: https://dariakovalchuk2024.wixsite.com/daria-kovalchuk

LinkedIn: Daria Kovalchuk

Results-oriented Senior Project Manager with a talent for leading cross-functional teams and forging
enduring client partnerships. Proven ability to deliver exceptional project outcomes on tight deadlines
through strong communication and meticulous organization. Foster a collaborative and respectful
environment, prioritizing both kindness and high performance.

Communication HubSpot CRM, WordPress,
Organizational Skills Jira,
Leadership MSO: Word, Excel, PowerPoint,
Attention to Detail Slack, Zoom, Google Meets,
Team Collaboration Photoshop

Work History
2022-01 - Senior Project Manager
Current Yellow Images, Vancouver, Canada (Remote)

• Managed over 1000 projects in two years, maintaining effective cost and
timeframe control.
• Mentored junior project managers and team members to enhance their skills.
• Developed and implemented project plans and budgets to ensure successful
• Monitored project progress and team member performance, identified risks, and
implemented corrective measures.
• Regularly reported project budget, progress, and technical issues to managers.
• Provided outstanding customer service through effective communication and
prompt issue resolution to facilitate future business opportunities.
• Scheduled and facilitated meetings among project stakeholders.
• Championed innovative approaches for complex problems.
• Ensured deliverable quality and adherence to specifications.
• Conducted post-project evaluations to implement corrective actions for future
2021-01 - Customer Support Agent
2021-12 Yellow Images, Vancouver, Canada (Remote)

• Managed customer support across multiple channels including email, live chat,
and phone.
• Maintained a customer satisfaction rating exceeding 95% through effective
problem resolution and positive communication.
• Documented and managed DMCA claims efficiently and accurately.
• Collaborated with product and IT teams to address customer-reported issues and
resolve technical challenges.
• Reported customer feedback and collaborated with sales and marketing teams
to identify opportunities for growth and promote products.
• Created articles for the Help Center and Internal Knowledge Base.

2018-08 - Travel Agency Owner
2020-03 Come To Georgia, Tbilisi, Georgia

• Planned and managed operations of a successful travel agency, overseeing
business development, customer service, and operations.
• Managed budgeting and financial aspects, including handling customer inquiries
and ensuring exceptional satisfaction.
• Built strong vendor relationships to deliver high-quality services at competitive

2015-07 - Tour Guide
2020-02 Georgian Association of Tour Guides, Tbilisi, Georgia

• Managed and guided groups of up to 60 people on tours across diverse regions
in Georgia, showcasing strong multitasking abilities.
• Coordinated tour logistics and engaged visitors by answering questions and
providing educational insights.
• Increased customer satisfaction through personalized tour adjustments based on
group interests, demonstrating exceptional client support and conflict resolution

2014-09 - Lecturer in Linguistics
2015-06 Caucasus University, Tbilisi, Georgia

• Managed large class sizes effectively, maintaining an orderly learning
environment conducive to student success.
• Conducted engaging presentations with a focus on audience engagement and
feedback to guide lecture delivery.
• Cultivated a dynamic classroom atmosphere by delivering compelling subject
matter to inspire enthusiasm and participation.

2014-06 Course: Tourism Management
Grigol Robakidze National University - Tbilisi, Georgia
2010-06 Master's Degree: Linguistics
Donetsk National University - Donetsk, Ukraine


2024-03 Foundations of Project Management

2022-09 IBM Customer Engagement Specialist

2018-03 Positive Psychology: Resilience Skills


Social Dancing

Tabletop Games

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