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Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон , ел. пошту, Facebook, Instagram та LinkedIn.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Завантажений файл

Версія для швидкого перегляду

Це резюме розміщено у вигляді файлу. Ця версія для швидкого перегляду може бути гіршою за оригінал резюме.

Katerina Shkarbul UI/UX designer

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[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)


I really enjoy working on the design and thinking through the logic of the future product. With

each new project, my experience grows, and the desire to develop creativity and stability cannot

be taken away. I understand that I have chosen the right profession that gives me the opportunity

to help people and self-develop. I am ready to work on new projects and prioritize continuous

improvement of skills.

SKILLS Education
Basics and principles of usability 3 3
10.202 - 0 .2024 Alpaca School

Research and analysis

XUI/U designer

(Persons, User Flow)
- Idea, structure, concept de elopment v .

- Analysis of competitors. Study of CA

C .

System components and design
- Prototyping. Typography. olor theory
Prototyping - Auto layout. C omponents

- W arframing and sitema p

Interface design and adaptation
- Adapti e desig n

Typography and color - Mobile v ersion of the sit e

- Basics of W ebflow

2017 - 201 9k vn yi ational ikk
. . arpenko-
Mobile design
k ary theatre, cinema and tele ision v
TOOLS u v ni ersity. P H D in Cinematography and

ilm/ ideo P roduction

- E diting based on the scenario .

Adobe Photoshop
- Analysis of raw material .

Adobe Premier PRO - W ork with multi-camera shooting .

- Seamless connection of video frames .

Adobe Illustrator
- Adherence to the rhythm and logic of the

W story during editing .


- Time coding and marking
Da inci resol e v - C ropping and scaling .

E - Multiscreen installation .

- Added slow-down and speed-up effects .

Trello v
- Impro ement of v ideo q uality .

- Adding transition effects .

anguages - Adding titles and subtitles .

- C olor correction .

E nglish B2 - Ex port of material.

Ukranian nati e v 2005 - 200 9k vn yi ational ikk
. . arpenko- k ary

theatre ,

cinema and tele ision v u v ni ersity. Bachelor s '
degree, C inematography and F V
ilm/ ideo

P roduction 12
previous work experience

05.2023 - 07.24 Present Baza Trainee Ukraine Worked in a team on a landing project

I've developed designs for various "Anti-Corruption"
business sectors, including
Worked in a team on a landing project

Worked both independently and in a team "Mistofest"
Led the “animal protection” landing project. - UX research.

- Selection of references.

- Optimized for web and mobile.

- Сreating a prototype.

- The site illuminates the legal and emotional

- Work with components.

aspects of the problem, reinforcing it with design.

- Preparing Presentation Materials.

- Delivered the project to the

- Working with a team in Trello.

development team on time.
- Landin, optimized for web and mobile applications.

Independent frelance project :
 - Collaborating with development teams.
Dental landing project.
- Communication with the client

- Determination of project implementation terms.

- Conducting market and competitor analysis.

- Selection of references for the future project.

- Creative framework

- Development of web and mobile version design
Delivered the project to the development
team on time.

2017 - 2024 KNUTK and TV named of Karpenko-Kary.
Head of the photo precinct
- Planning photo shoots
- Content creation for official university
- Event photography
social media pages

- Documentary photography
- Publication of photographs in scientific
- Website photography

- Collaboration with other departments
- Publication of photographs in posters

- Technical maintenance of equipment
for theatrical performances

- Student consulting
- Teacher of the process of processing
- Photography for print publications photo films and photos in Photoshop and
F rom 2010 Freelance photographer
- Handled photo retouching.

- Creating photo books.

- Designing business cards.

- Lookbooks.

- Creative printing.

- Advertising products.

Katerina Shkarbul UI/UX designer

[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)

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