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Контактна інформація

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Igor O. Pogorelskyi, Retired Colonel

52/3 Y. Zdanovskoi Street, Apt. 39 Mobile phone: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
03191 Kyiv, Ukraine [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)


Birth date and place: 1964-03-28, Vinnytsia, Ukraine
Marital status: married
Citizenship: Ukraine
September 1994 – June 1996.
Master’s degree in Defence Management in International Relations, Academy of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Kyiv. Qualification of operative level officer.

September 1981 – June 1986.
Engineer’s degree in Computer Assisted Equipment Technical Support, Military Engineer Institute named after Mozhayskyi, St Petersburg, Russia. Qualification of electronic engineer.

September 1971 – June 1981.
Comprehensive school, Vinnytsia.
February – May 2012
International Business Security Course, Kyiv (sponsored by the Government of Norway)

January – June 2009.
German Course and Program in Advanced Security Studies, Marshall Centre, Germany

September – December 2007.
German Course, Language Institute, Defence Academy, Vienna, Austria

January – February 2002.
CIMIC Course, Ottawa, Canada

June – July 2000.
Advanced Peacekeeping Course, Pearson Peacekeeping Centre, Canada

Work experience:
11/2013-till now
Senior Project Manager, Contact Directorate, State Company “Ukrspecexport”
• Concluded and managed contracts on provision of military aviation goods and services to some countries;
• Prepared and participated in the different level talks on the relevant issues both in Ukraine and abroad;
• Provided the Directorate and the Company management with the analytical materials on the performing contracts and propositions on prospective projects;
• Conducted correspondence with the foreign counterparts and the related ministries and agencies of Ukraine on the relevant matters;
• Supervised and coordinated the subcontractors’ activity within the effective contacts both in Ukraine and in the customers, countries.
Senior Project Manager, Demining Subdivision, State Enterprise “Ukroboronservice”
• Participated in coordination of Ukrainian deminers activities within international demining missions abroad sponsored by IOs;
• Provided the Subdivision and the Enterprise management with analytical materials regarding possibility of participation in other international demining missions.
Since 01/2011
Chief of Section, External Relation Directorate, MOD of Ukraine (Kyiv)
• Was responsible for cooperation with European countries and NATO
• Prepared and participated in the different level talks on the issues of the bilateral cooperation both in Ukraine and abroad
• Provided the higher commanders with the analytical materials
• Conducted correspondence with the foreign counterparts and the related ministries and agencies of Ukraine on the matters of international cooperation
• Supervised the subordinates’ activity on the above mentioned and other issues
Deputy Chief of Peacekeeping Section, Euro-Atlantic Integration Directorate, General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (Kyiv)
• Monitored activity of the Ukrainian peacekeeping contingents and personal
• Took part at the training and rotation of the Ukrainian peacekeeping contingents and personal
• Provided reconnaissance for the future deployment, took part in the deployment and inspection of the Ukrainian peacekeeping contingents (Lebanon, Sierra Leone, Kosovo, Liberia)
• Participated in the different level talks on the peacekeeping issues
• Provided the higher commanders with the analytical materials
• Conducted correspondence with the related ministries and agencies of Ukraine as well as with the UN DPKO and NATO on the matters of peacekeeping
Liaison Officer, US CENTCOM (Tampa, Fl, USA)
• Monitored the situation in the area of responsibility
• Coordinated the rotation of the Ukrainian peacekeeping contingent in Iraq, evacuation of wounded in action and killed in action
• Participated in the briefings and other US CENTCOM coalition’s events
• Provided the higher commanders with the analytical information and recommendations
Senior Officer, Peacekeeping Section, Euro-Atlantic Cooperation Directorate, General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (Kyiv)
• Monitored activity of the Ukrainian peacekeeping contingents and personal
• Took part at the conducting of the rotation of the Ukrainian peacekeeping contingents and personal
• Took part at the conducting of the deployment and inspections of the Ukrainian peacekeeping contingents
• Participated in the different level talks on the peacekeeping issues
Senior Officer, Treaty Implementation Analytical Section, Strategic Offence Arms Treaty Implementation Centre, 43rd Rocket Army (Kyiv)
• Monitored the fulfillment of the Treaty and related agreements
• Provided the higher commander with the analytical materials
• Organized working meeting with the officers of the US On-Site Inspection Agency, foreign (US and German) contractors and representatives from the related ministries and agencies of Ukraine
• Carried out customs clearance of import of the goods within the Cooperative Threat Reduction Program
Psychologist, Signal Centre, Air Forces of Ukraine (Vinnitsa)
• Did psychological research of the personnel
• Provided the higher commander with the recommendations
Different engineer positions, Space Launching Site Baykonur (Leninsk, Kazakhstan)
• Provided maintenance of electronic equipment
• Supervised duty technical shifts

Other skills:

Languages: Ukrainian and Russian – native languages;
English and German – fluent;
French – intermediate (French Institute in Kyiv).

Computer: Technically proficient in MS Word, Excel and PowerPoint.

Driving license: B Category.

Additional Information:

Personal qualities: honesty, responsibility, sociability, efficiency, high working capacity, leadership.
Hobbies: sports, theater, travelling, culture, politics.

Abroad trips experience: during my military and civilian career I travelled numerous times to the USA, Canada and almost all European countries, as well as some Asian (Kazakhstan, Lebanon, India, Israel, Pakistan and Iraq) and some African countries (Sierra-Leone and Liberia).

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Київ, Вінниця, Дистанційно

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