Резюме від 17 червня 2024 Файл


.Net developer

35 років

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон та ел. пошту.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Завантажений файл

Версія для швидкого перегляду

Це резюме розміщено у вигляді файлу. Ця версія для швидкого перегляду може бути гіршою за оригінал резюме.

JON D. STONE JR. Kyiv, Ukraine
A passionate developer looking for a professional workgroup to implement [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
knowledge and various gained experiences, with the opportunity to grow and [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)


AFFIRMA CONSULTING | MICROSOFT – Lead C# and Azure Developer
MAY 2020 – NOVEMBER 2021, OCTOBER 2022 – AUGUST 2023

Dev Lead and .NET Core and Azure Developer for SiGMa - Driver Servicing at Microsoft; part of the Windows Update team that
stores and manages data used by other internal teams and external partners to determine the suitability of drivers in the
Windows environment.

Key Technologies used:
• .NET Core 2.0 used for backend, with some TypeScript and React for front-end (current and new projects)
• ASP.NET Swagger for the creation and maintenance of REST APIs
• Azure Service Bus, CosmosDB, Application Insights, Search Service, and other Azure resources used to maintain and
control various services
• Work closely with Project Managers across various teams to provide new features
• PowerShell scripting for Azure Migration and Azure DevOps and Pipelines
• Azure DevOps (ADO) for collaboration and deployments between developers
• Bicep Templates for code and resource deployments

• Lead Developer, oversaw junior devs and BA’s across multiple teams in Driver Servicing
• The main project in Q2 FY’23 was moving the Driver Automation (DA) out of a shared Azure Subscription and into its
own subscription, setting up new alerts, indexes, deployment pipelines via Bicep
• In Q3 and Q4 FY’21, moved Driver Servicing (DSQ) from a shared Azure Subscription to its own and delivered on
dozens of new features for DSQ
• Migrated team’s solution in Azure DevOps to a new repo, ending reliance on a shared repo
• Moved shared projects into independent NuGet Packages, eliminating the reliance on sharing across teams and
possible downtime due to unknown changes
• Lead on new development work, including the creation of new REST APIs for multi-Driver packages and began work on
a new Project to act as a SSOT for all teams
• Wrote Unit-Tests and integrated them into the pre-deployment pipeline
• Wrote a custom and scalable job to run queries in CosmosDB to determine and alert the team if anomalies were
detected in various packages
• Wrote an algorithm to determine what stage current packages are in, and what stage they should move to next, to help
various teams in their decision making
• Created and managed custom alerts using Kusto in Azure Application Insights
AFFIRMA CONSULTING | META REMOTE – Python Developer and Pipeline Engineer

Python developer at Meta, supporting and maintaining internal tools used for the uLED team at Oculus. My team develops low-
powered LED technology for the next generation of VR headsets. The sole developer who maintained internal applications and
pipelines used by Data Scientists where they could make data driven decisions in their design work.

Key Technologies used:
• Python for pipeline and desktop applications.
• PHP, MySQL, and React combined with proprietary Meta software for front facing tools
• GitHub for collaboration and deployments
• AWS and SFTP for data storage

• Sole developer collaborating with over two dozen Data Scientists and Managers based in Cork, Ireland
• Re-architected an internal application using VS Code, QT Designer, and Python 3.8.5 to process incoming vendor data
for various Data Scientists.
• Added and enabled SFTP for file sharing across teams
• Built new Pipelines and Jobs using proprietary algorithms to process and move data for different teams and scientists
at uLED.
• Fixed bugs and added features on an internal UI data storage site using Hack (HHVM)

AUGUST 2016 – APRIL 2020

a la mode is a leader in the appraisal industry, with half of all appraisers in the United States utilizing our mobile, desktop and web
software. a la mode’s tools and products power over fifty percent of all residential real estate transactions in the United States
each year.

a la mode was recently purchased by CoreLogic, a leading provider of consumer, financial and property data, analytics and
services to various businesses and governments.

Key Technologies used:
• C# .NET developer for desktop flagship and in-house products
• XML and XSLT 1.0 for appraisal solution products
• PowerShell scripting for Team City and Continuous Integration
• Maintaining proprietary code based off VB6 and C++
• Team Foundation Server, GitHub and Bitbucket for collaboration between developers
• Tableau and SQL for creation and maintenance of reports
• Jenkins for QA automation testing

• Owned lead on projects for the Nation’s leading lending institutions, completing all projects ahead of schedule
• Moved team to a Scrum deployment with two-week sprints
• Managed sprints and backlog items in Jira and utilized TestTrack to record and track features and bugs
• Built an in-house tool to automate testing of team-related products, reducing QA time from approximately 8 hours to 30
• Ownership of migrating the team off an outdated SCM to a modern architecture, including automatic deployment
through Team City CI, reducing build time from 30 minutes to 30 seconds
• Created new and managed forms development using Visual Basic
• Eliminated backlog of over 200 items, including customer driven requests and software issues

An award-winning photographer and videographer currently based in Puget Sound, with a focus on landscape, Real Estate,
Portrait, and Wedding Photography.

Key Technologies used:
• Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom for photo editing workflow
• Adobe Premier Pro for video editing and Audition for audio enhancements
• HTML5.0, CSS3.0, PHP, JavaScript, and MySQL for website deployment
• AWS for virtual machine and backup solutions

• 20 years of front-end dev experience used to custom build personal and commercial websites
• Utilization of PHP and JavaScript to build a custom shopping cart check-out tool
• Work featured in prominent local and international galleries and all national U.S. news networks
• Consultant for Live Storms Media
• Best of Show and various other awards at art shows


AUGUST 2012 – MAY 2016

• Majored in Aerospace Engineering, with a concentration in Meteorology
• G.P.A. 3.10/4.00
• Composite Rocket Senior Capstone

AUGUST 2010 – AUGUST 2012

• Majored in Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics, with a minor in Mechanical Engineering •
Undergraduate Research Assistant and Engineering Tutor

Схожі кандидати

Київ, Дистанційно

Junior C#, .Net Developer

Junior .Net Developer
10000 грн, Київ, Харків , ще 2 міста

.NET C# Developer

C# .NET Developer
Київ, Дистанційно

.Net developer

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