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Цей шукач вирішив приховати свої особисті дані та контакти, але йому можна надіслати повідомлення або запропонувати вакансію.

Цей шукач вирішив приховати свої особисті дані та контакти. Ви можете зв'язатися з ним зі сторінки https://www.work.ua/resumes/10712763/



Контактна інформація

Шукач приховав свої особисті дані, але ви зможете надіслати йому повідомлення або запропонувати вакансію, якщо відкриєте контакти.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Завантажений файл

Версія для швидкого перегляду

Це резюме розміщено у вигляді файлу. Ця версія для швидкого перегляду може бути гіршою за оригінал резюме.

Лопушен Євгеній Юрійович

Дата народження 21.11.1991
Освіта вища, магістр, “Комп’ютерні системи та мережі”, Національний технічний університет
України «Київський політехнічний інститут імені Ігоря Сікорського»
Телефон [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
Адреса: м.Київ, вул Самійла Кішки 5А, кв 332

Маю 12 років досвіду роботи (з 2012 року) як Backend developer на рівні від Junior до Lead.
Працював над проектами в таких предметних галузях як нерухомість, іпотечне кредитування,
телекомунікації, електронна комерція, відеоконференції. До моїх обов’язків входить обговорення
вимог до програмного забезпечення з замовником, постановка задач команді, планування роботи,
code-review та контроль виконання задач, комунікація з іншими командами, продуктовими
менеджерами, співробітниками технічної підтримки, безпосеедніми користувачами, реалізація
критичних компонентів системи.

Здебільшого я займаюся backend-розробкою на Java (починаючи з 6 і по останні версії).
90% backend & 10% frontend. Окрім Java є досвід з Kotlin та Javascript. На всіх проектах
● Spring Boot, Spring Framework та іншу Spring інфраструктуру (Spring Data, JDBC, Security,
Batch, Cloud).
● SQL та NoSQL бази даних: PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQL Server, Cassandra, ElasticSearch,
● Message Queue (MQ) технології: JMS, ActiveMQ, RabbitMQ, NATS
● Cloud-технології: Amazon EC2, S3, SQS/SNS, DigitalOcean, Heroku.
● Веб-сервіси: REST, JSON, SOAP, GRPC
● Інші інструменти: Docker, Git, TeamCity, Postman, Liquibase, Google Web Toolkit
Наразі працюю на посаді Lead Software Engineer в компанії GlobalLogic. До команди, яку я очолюю,
входять 5 Java та NodeJS розробників.
До моїх обов’язків входить обговорення вимог до програмного забезпечення з замовником,
постановка задач команді, планування роботи, code-review та контроль виконання задач,
комунікація з іншими командами, реалізація критичних компонентів системи.
Володію англійською мовою на рівні Advanced, як підтвердження маю сертифікат IELTS з
загальним баллом 7.5 (W7 R8 L8 S7 - С1).

Нижче приєдную повне CV.
Yevhenii Lopushen
Lead software developer
[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація») | [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація») | Kyiv, Ukraine


Software developer with 11 years of experience. I have worked in teams of various sizes, both local and distributed. I mostly
worked with Agile and Scrum. Worked on all steps of the software development lifecycle: both on projects from scratch and
up to the support phase. Experienced in troubleshooting, including production issues. Designed and developed the
functionality for multiple overseas clients, led a team of 7 engineers and got the startup to an accelerator in Finland. Also,
currently, I am leading and coaching a team of 5 backend engineers in Globallogic, a large outsourcing company. Always
eager to learn and share knowledge among co-workers. Aimed to develop a high-quality product and to look for suitable


Front End CSS, JavaScript, JQuery

Programming Java, Kotlin, Javascript

Frameworks Spring (Spring Boot, Spring Data, Spring Social, Spring Security), JPA (Hibernate)

Data Stores PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQL Server, H2, Cassandra

Middleware RabbitMQ, Amazon SQS, JMS, Apache Camel, Hazelcast

Web Servers Apache Tomcat, Jetty, JBoss

Test Frameworks JUnit, Mockito, EasyMock, Selenium, RestAssured

Build Tools Maven, Gradle

Operating Systems Ubuntu, Windows 10


Lead Software Engineer | Globallogic Ukraine | Kyiv, Ukraine | 2021 – Present
Video conferencing tool for enterprises, medical and educational facilities
● Implemented the critical parts of the system such as integrations with various medical systems.
● Planned the work for my team, breaking down the client’s requirements into tangible tasks
● Designed the new parts of the system, working with the other team leaders to figure out the best possible way to
interact with the components of the system
● Triaged and fixed critical production bugs, working closely with the support team as well as the client
Technologies: Java, Spring (Spring Boot, Spring Data, Spring Social, Spring Security), JPA (Hibernate), MySQL, JMS,
Tomcat, GCP, NodeJS
Java Development Contractor | Comergence Compliance and Monitoring | Kyiv (remote); Mission Viejo, California, USA
2017 – 2021

Web application for automation of the relation management between parties in the mortgage industry and compliance
checking of potential partners using data from third-party systems and social networks.
● Implemented backend logic of the application in compliance with requirements and service-level agreement
● Took part in the R&D process: suggested ways of implementing features, analyzed potential pitfalls
● Took part in the requirements composition together with business analysts
● Showed per-sprint demos of the newly-developed features
Technologies: Java, Spring (Spring Boot, Spring Data, Spring Social, Spring Security), JPA (Hibernate), QueryDSL,
Liquibase, SQL Server, Gradle, JUnit, Mockito, Git, TeamCity

Software development lead | Stronghold | Kyiv, Ukraine 2016 – 2017

Stronghold's primary product was a distributed application for checking integration quality between parties in the ad tech
industry. In fact, it was an automated tool for troubleshooting of integration between supply (SSP) and demand-side (DSP)
● Formalized the idea of the product together with the domain expert and set the initial goal for engineers
● Designed and coded the application in a startup-like environment
● Coached and led a team of 7 highly qualified engineers
● Brought in the potential investors and advisors
● On behalf of the company participated in the Startup accelerator in Helsinki, Finland
● Technologies: Java, Kotlin, Spring (Spring Boot, Spring Data), Hazelcast, Yandex Clickhouse, Gradle, Git

Java Software Developer | Levi9 Ukraine | Kyiv, Ukraine 2016 – 2017

Levi9 Ukraine is a Netherlands-based outsourcing company with a development office in Ukraine. On behalf of Levi9, I
participated in the development of the omnichannel digital banking platform. With this product banks can enhance their
existing digital banking platform or create one from scratch.
● Took part in the R&D process: suggested ways of implementing various features, analyzed potential pitfalls
● Implemented the backend part of the product in an agile environment and test-driven approach
● Provided improvements for teams that develop the tools our team depended on (code-generation plugins, custom
CQRS and Event Sourcing framework)
● Showed per-sprint demos of the newly-developed features
● Consulted automation QA teams about improvements in their testing framework, established code review process
among QA engineers
● Technologies: Java, Spring (Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, Spring Data, Spring Social, Spring Security), Apache Camel,
JMS, Liquibase, MySql, H2 database, Elasticsearch, Gradle, JUnit, Mockito, RestAssured, Git, GoCD

Software Engineer | EPAM Systems | Kyiv, Ukraine 2015 – 2016

EPAM Systems, Inc. is a global provider of software engineering and IT consulting services with an office in Kyiv, Ukraine. On
behalf of EPAM systems, I participated in developing an application for POS terminals to handle purchases and transactions
for EPAM's customer from Canada.
● Took part in requirements analysis and discussions
● Implemented the backend part of the application in an agile environment and test-driven approach
● Developed REST APIs for frontend engineers
● Performed integration of the product with third-party services through REST APIs and SOAP
● Technologies: Java, Spring (Spring Boot, Spring Data, Spring Security), Liquibase, MySql, H2, Maven, JUnit, Mockito,
Git, Jenkins

Software Engineer | EPAM Systems | Kyiv, Ukraine 2015 – 2015

EPAM Systems, Inc. is a global provider of software engineering and IT consulting services with an office in Kyiv, Ukraine. On
behalf of EPAM systems, I participated in developing an e-commerce website for EPAM's customer from Canada.
● Implemented custom AdobeCQ/AEM components using JSP and Javascript
● Developed cache to increase performance when working with remote data sources
● Implemented backend of the application and exposed it through REST APIs
● Technologies: Adobe CQ/AEM, Jackrabbit, Sling, Slice, Maven, JUnit, Mockito, Git, Jenkins, OSGI

Java Developer | Cybervision Inc. | Kyiv, Ukraine 2013 – 2015

Cybervision inc. is a US-based provider of software engineering and IT consulting services with an office in Kyiv, Ukraine. On
behalf of Cybervision inc. I took part in the development of an order management system for SIP Trunking provider in the
USA, that facilitated keeping track of employees' work.
● Analyzed existing business requirements in mostly direct communication with on-site product owners
● Implemented backend and frontend part of the product
● Developed external REST APIs, exposed to third-party systems
● Integrated the product with third-party services
● Implemented tools for system recovery in case of incidents, which decreased the loss of data by 70%
● Technologies: Java, Spring(Spring Boot, Spring Data, Spring JDBC Template, Spring Security), Liquibase, MySql, H2,
RabbitMQ, Cassandra, Maven, JUnit, Mockito, Git, Jenkins

Junior Java Developer | Cybervision Inc. | Kyiv, Ukraine 2012 – 2013

Cybervision inc. is a US-based provider of software engineering and IT consulting services with an office in Kyiv, Ukraine. On
behalf of Cybervision inc. I took part in the development of a business process management system for a VoIP service
provider for business telecommunications.
● Analyzed software requirements and took part in discussions
● Implemented Web-based UI using JSF
● Developed the backend part of the product
● Integrated the application with third-party services
● Performed troubleshooting and performance optimization
● Technologies: Java SE/EE, SQL Server, Hibernate, JUnit, SVN, Jenkins

Master’s degree | National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” | Kyiv, Ukraine
2009 - 2013
● GPA - 4.26
Bachelor’s degree | National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”e | Kyiv, Ukraine
2013 - 2015
● GPA - 4.36

IELTS General band 7.5 - W7 R8 L8 S7 | IELTS Official 2019

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