- Файл
Full-stack Node.js, Nest.js, React.js, Angular developer
- Вік:
- 37 років
- Місто проживання:
- Черкаси
- Готовий працювати:
- Дистанційно
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I'm a full-stack Node.js back-end and React.js front-end developer. I focus primarily on cloud
technologies I have been in IT industry more than 8 years. I started as a junior Node.js back-end developer.
I have good problem solving and communication skills. I have a good knowledge of Node.js, Nest.js and
JavaScript. I am also comfortable with Typescript.
My primary role involved utilizing AWS services, where I discovered its potential as one of the leading
platforms for business development and project execution.
As a Node.js back-end developer, I was responsible for the creation, support, and enhancement of REST
APIs. I have developed new Lambda functions connected to API Gateway, employing the Express framework to
proficiently manage API requests.
Software developer, EPAM Systems, https://www.epam.com/
Customer: Company APAC
Customer Description: Retail & Distribution
EPAM Project Description: The goal of the Company APAC Project is to implement Chinese localization and
enhancements of the Company official website, utilizing the expertise of EPAM in software development. Focus
on runway shows, seasonal campaigns, new products and special events to drive brand heat.
The main objectives of the website are Chinese localization of the user experience. Modules are HP/LP, PLP,
PDP, My account, Shopping bag, Recommendation, Checkout.
Website implementation using front-end micro-services, while for back-end we use BFF pattern. Besides
integration with API layer (AWS interconnection).
GitLab CI/CD, best EngX practices in place, multiple QA environments for the simultaneous delivery and
flexibility to release features.
Tech Stack: JavaScript, Typescript, Node.js, AWS Cloud services, Express.js, AWS lambda functions, DynamoDB
and Datastax database, Commerce tools API
During the business aim, I also worked in another team to speed up a feature release. Collaboration with others
team are also a huge part of the success of implementation of the feature
Project Roles: Key Developer, Cloud Application Support, Cloud Platform Developer, Developer
• In a project, I was focused on the China API for the renowned company. My role in this project is
multifaceted, encompassing the creation, updating, and support of micro services;
• To achieve the business objectives, I leverage a range of technologies and languages that include
Node.js, JavaScript, Typescript, and Express.js. I also utilize AWS Cloud services, which provide a robust
and flexible platform for our project needs;
• One of my key responsibilities is the addition of new features to enhance the functionality and user
experience of the API. This involves a thorough understanding of the business requirements, devising
effective solutions, and implementing these features in a way that aligns with the overall project
• Furthermore, I am involved in code reviews, a critical process that ensures the quality and
maintainability of our codebase. By examining my teammates' code, I can provide constructive feedback
and suggestions for improvement, fostering a culture of continuous learning and improvement within
our team;
Tools and Technologies: Datastax, Amazon DynamoDB, Cucumber JS, Express, ESLint, Node.js, Jest, AWS
Lambda, Amazon S3, AWS CloudFormation, Node.js, Amazon CloudWatch, AWS API Management, Amazon
EventBridge, Typescript, AWS SQS, Commercetools Platform, Wechat, JavaScript, New Relic, AWS Secrets
Manager, AWS AppConfig, SAP HANA Platform
Pascalium company projects:
Middle Back-end developer, NDA
Customer: USA
Project Description: NDA
Project Roles: Support, update and create new services
• As part of my ongoing responsibilities, I am tasked with the support, updating, and creation of new
services. This entails a broad range of activities that collectively aim to enhance the functionality,
efficiency, and overall performance of our projects
• Supporting existing services is a critical aspect of my role. This involves troubleshooting and resolving
any issues that may arise, whether they are technical glitches, performance bottlenecks, or user-
reported problems. I work diligently to ensure that these services continue to operate smoothly and
effectively, minimizing downtime and disruption to our users
Tools and Technologies: Amazon DynamoDB, ESLint, Kubernetes, AWS Lambda, Cloud Platforms, Amazon S3,
Node.js, AWS Amplify
Middle Back-end developer, NDA
Customer: NDA
Project Description: SaaS service to connect people by interests or to find mentor or mentee. Comprehensive
management and development of micro services and API endpoints. The project aimed to facilitate connection
and mentorship among users with similar interests. The team adopted a SCRUM-based approach to consistently
discuss project features, architecture, and issues. Utilizing the Nest.js framework, Azure Cosmos DB, and Azure
Service Bus, the team successfully facilitated seamless communication between micro services using robust
messaging infrastructure (topics and queues) ensuring improved system efficiency, resilience, and scalability
Project Roles: Support, update and create new micro services and API endpoints
• I played role in supporting, creating, and updating micro services. This involved a wide range of
activities, from troubleshooting and resolving issues to implementing updates and developing new
services to meet evolving business needs
• To facilitate these tasks, I utilized the NestJS framework, a progressive Node.js framework that allows
for the efficient creation of scalable server-side applications. NestJS provided a robust foundation for
our micro service architecture, offering a blend of object-oriented programming, functional
programming, and functional reactive programming
Tools and Technologies: Azure Cosmos DB, SwaggerHub, Telepresence, Log management tools, Azure Service
Bus, ESLint, Monitoring and log management tools, Sentry, supertest, Jira, Kubernetes, OpenAPI Specification
(OAS), Typescript, AngularJS, Express, JavaScript, Microsoft Azure, Node.js, NestJS
Back-end developer, Kokoro
Customer: Kokoro - Create the right conditions for successful teams
Project Description: Kokoro offers services and software to help teams move and improve
Use our tool to understand employee experience, hold better meetings and build healthy high performing
teams. Key features included the development of real-time, bidirectional, and event-based notifications using
socket.io for iOS and Android apps. We designed and integrated comprehensive DB schemas and utilized Nexmo
SMS and MailGun services for efficient user communication. The project emphasized real-time user interaction,
an efficient back-end, and seamless database management
Project Roles: Develop FE and mobile back-end from scratch
• I also integrated the Nexmo SMS service into our application, a feature that allowed us to send text
messages to our users. During this process, I encountered and successfully resolved bottleneck issues,
ensuring that our SMS service was able to handle high volumes of messages without compromising
• Lastly, I implemented a mail service using MailGun, a powerful email service provider. This allowed us to
send, receive, and track emails effortlessly, improving our communication with users
Tools and Technologies: MongoDB, ESLint, WebSockets, Mail Gateways, SwaggerHub, Express, SMS, Notifications
in iOS, Node.js, MongoDB, Android SDK, OpenAPI Specification (OAS)
Back-end developer, Virtuprofs
Customer: Virtuprofs - educational platform accessible by call
Project Description: Virtuprofs
Intended for all students from primary to secondary school, the VirtuProfs application provides you with
qualified teachers, thousands of multiple choice questions, course notes, lessons, documentation and telephone
or SMS support 7 days a week
Allows students to realize their full potential by providing them with an educational platform accessible by call
Project Roles: Develop mobile back-end from scratch
• I had the exciting opportunity to develop a project from scratch, providing me with a blank canvas to
architect, design, and implement a robust and scalable solution
• One of the significant features I implemented in this project was a payment system. Recognizing the
importance of providing users with multiple payment options, I integrated two popular payment APIs -
Orange Web Payment API and Paypal Payment API
Tools and Technologies: MongoDB, JetBrains WebStorm, ESLint, Jest, WebSockets, Express, Electronic Payment,
Notifications in iOS, Node.js, MongoDB, Android SDK, OpenAPI Specification (OAS)
Middle Back-end developer, NDA
Customer: NDA, Internal Poll Management
Project Description: NDA
Project Roles: Support, update and create new services
Responsibilities: I was tasked with the development of a back-end server from the ground up. This was a
comprehensive task that involved various aspects of back-end development, requiring both technical
proficiency and a deep understanding of the project's requirements
Tools and Technologies: MongoDB, WebSockets, Express, SMS, Notifications in iOS, Node.js, Android SDK,
Mongoose, OpenAPI Specification (OAS), TypeScript, WebSockets, JavaScript, SMS, Notifications in iOS, Node.js,
Android SDK
Middle Back-end developer, NDA
Customer: NDA, Financial System
Project Description: NDA
Project Roles: Support, update and create new services
Responsibilities: As a back-end developer, I was responsible for creating and maintaining the server-side logic
of the company's applications. Involves designing and implementing efficient algorithms and data structures to
handle financial transactions and data
Tools and Technologies: MongoDB, JetBrains WebStorm, ESLint, Jest, AngularJS, Express, Node.js, MongoDB,
OpenAPI Specification (OAS)
Middle Back-end developer, Transfer.ck.ua
Customer: Transfer.ck.ua. Internal management system
Project Description: The project involved the development of the back-end infrastructure from scratch to
support the operations of Transfer Cherkasy. This included adjustments to services due to geopolitical changes
affecting routes and operations, enhancing safety and quality of transportation services. The system was
designed to integrate updated car models, safety measures, and bespoke passenger services coordinated with
both local and international travel requirements
Project Roles: Develop back-end infrastructure
Tools and Technologies: MongoDB, ESLint, New Relic, Jest, TypeScript, WebSockets, JavaScript, Node.js,
Middle Back-end developer, Delica, Guardian, Parking App (One Client)
Customer: Delica
Project Description: Delica, Guardian, Parking App (One Client)
A parking application serves as a comprehensive solution for managing and streamlining parking operations,
whether it's for a small parking lot or an entire city's parking infrastructure. The application aims to make
parking easier, more efficient, and more convenient for both drivers and parking operators
Project Roles: Support, update and create new services
• I was responsible for supporting, creating, and updating the REST API. This responsibility was crucial as
APIs are the backbone of any application, enabling different software applications to communicate with
each other and exchange data
• Supporting the REST API involved troubleshooting and resolving any issues that arose, ensuring the API's
smooth operation. This task required a deep understanding of REST principles and a keen eye for detail
to identify and fix any problems quickly
Tools and Technologies: MongoDB, ESLint, Jest, WebSockets, JavaScript, Node.js
Middle Back-end developer, Papirux 2
Customer: Documentation platform
Project Description: Papirux 2
In this pivotal update of an established application, we undertook a comprehensive reworking of several core
functionalities to enhance user experience and system efficiency. Significant improvements were made to the
document versioning and storage capabilities, ensuring more reliable and scalable management of user data
Project Roles: Develop back-end infrastructure
• I was tasked with integrating a paid subscription feature, an important enhancement aimed at
generating revenue and providing additional value to our users. The chosen platform for this task was
Stripe.io, a leading online payment processing platform known for its flexibility, security, and ease of
Tools and Technologies: MongoDB, Node.js API, JavaScript, Stripe
Faculty/College: Computer Science
Department: Computer Sciences
Specialty: Computer ecology-economy monitoring
Degree (diploma): Specialist
Discipline: MongoDB, Node.js advanced course, etc.
Інші резюме цього кандидата
40 000 грн
Вища освіта · Повна зайнятість, неповна зайнятість
- Back end програміст, EPAM, 4 роки 7 місяців
Схожі кандидати
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90000 грн, Дистанційно -
Full-Stack JS Developer (React, TypeScript, Node, Express, MongoDB, Firebase)
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Junior Front-End/Full Stack (React, Node) Developer
Дистанційно, Вінниця -
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Дистанційно, Львів