Сайт пошуку роботи №1 в Україні
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Менеджер з продажу
- Місто:
- Луцьк
Контактна інформація
Шукач вказав телефон .
Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.
Отримати контакти цього кандидата можна на сторінці
Завантажений файл
Це резюме розміщено у вигляді файлу. Ця версія для швидкого перегляду може бути гіршою за оригінал резюме.
Svitlana Didovych
September 2008 - June 2019
Liceum No.14 in Lutsk.
Contact September 2019 - July2020
Phone Lesia Ukrainka VNU, Faculty of International
[відкрити контакти ](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація») Relations.
[відкрити контакти ](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація») September 2020 - June 2024
Lutsk National Technical University, Faculty
Nowy Dwor Maz., Jasna 3
of Architecture, construction and design.
Skills During studies, I occupied an active position among students,
participated in competitions, scientific research. I was a member of
Fast learner the Student Council of the city Luck, where we created many charity
events, helped geriatric homes , orphanages, organized a fund-raising
campaing for seriously ill children and actively helped the “Heart for
Work in a team Heart” foundation.
Negotiative skills
Ability to quickly solve problems
under time pressure
December 2019 - January 2021
Hobby and Interior lightning studio “Unique HOME”
Sales manager/consultant
Travels Creating a welcoming atmosphere in the
Learning languages store.
Polite, high-quality and fast service to
Help and advice when choosing a product.
Language In my previous job, I took care of order at the workplace, in the
store and organized the store`s warehouse in a new way. I tried to
English -C1 understand the approach to each client, because each of us is
Polish -C1 different, in such a way that everyone is satisfied. e have gained a
Ukrainian - permanent base of customers who appreciated the service of our
native furniture showroom, thanks to which our store is currently the
Russian - market leader.
German -
September 2008 - June 2019
Liceum No.14 in Lutsk.
Contact September 2019 - July2020
Phone Lesia Ukrainka VNU, Faculty of International
Lutsk National Technical University, Faculty
Nowy Dwor Maz., Jasna 3
of Architecture, construction and design.
Skills During studies, I occupied an active position among students,
participated in competitions, scientific research. I was a member of
Fast learner the Student Council of the city Luck, where we created many charity
events, helped geriatric homes , orphanages, organized a fund-raising
campaing for seriously ill children and actively helped the “Heart for
Work in a team Heart” foundation.
Negotiative skills
Ability to quickly solve problems
under time pressure
December 2019 - January 2021
Hobby and Interior lightning studio “Unique HOME”
Sales manager/consultant
Travels Creating a welcoming atmosphere in the
Learning languages store.
Polite, high-quality and fast service to
Help and advice when choosing a product.
Language In my previous job, I took care of order at the workplace, in the
store and organized the store`s warehouse in a new way. I tried to
English -C1 understand the approach to each client, because each of us is
Polish -C1 different, in such a way that everyone is satisfied. e have gained a
Ukrainian - permanent base of customers who appreciated the service of our
native furniture showroom, thanks to which our store is currently the
Russian - market leader.
German -
Схожі кандидати
Регіональний менеджер, керівник відділу збуту
40000 грн, Луцьк -
Менеджер інтернет-магазину
Луцьк -
Менеджер інтернет-магазину
Луцьк -
Менеджер з продажу авіаквитків
Луцьк -
Менеджер з продажу
Луцьк -
Менеджер інтернет-магазину
15000 грн, Луцьк