
Software Engineer C++

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Контактна інформація

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Додаткова інформація

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Software Engineer C++

SUMMARY:Proficiency in the software design, development and implementation
utilizing object-oriented approach. Strong analytical and interpersonal skills.
Self-motivated and responsible.
LANGUAGES:C/C++, Visual Basic, VB and Java Scripts, DHTML, XML/XSLT,
SOFTWARE:Visual C++, MFC, ADO, VB.NET, ActiveX, IIS, MS SQL Server, MS Office, CorelDraw
OPERATING SYSTEMS: Windows XP, Windows 2003 Server, Windows Vista
02/07 – presentSoftware engineer.
•Implemented Web-based application as a part of custom CRM systems.
•Implemented generation, download, and parsing of XML using VBScript, IIS, C++ and COM
•Worked within a team of developers on, a networked software with the client-server architecture, Windows front-end and any ODBC compliant SQL database as a back-end
•Worked on the core object-oriented framework of the application, important parts of the user interface, as well as database schema and stored SQL procedures.
•Designed and developed Administration and Upgrade Wizards.
•Created automation objects that exposed application functionality as a COM library.
•Developed COM controllers to integrate application with MS Word, Outlook and other Office Applications.
•Utilized Visual C++, MFC, DAO, ADO, ATL and Visual Basic for design and development.

03/05 - 02/07Software engineer. The joint-stock company Kiev, Ukraine
•Created requirements and specifications for the software applications.
•Designed architecture of the system as well as its functional components.
•Developed main subsystems including stored procedures on the database server and front-end applications for the clients.
•Communicated with the end users in process of design and implementation of new features and enhancements as well as finding and fixing software problems.
•Provided support for newly implemented system as well as an existing application.
•Designed and implemented projects included:
- project provided handling and managing of the TVcable network;
- project produced forms, billing, reports, graphical and analytical information for the customers and a management;
•Designed the WEB pages using HTML, VBScript.
•Used MS Visual C++5.0, MS Access 97, MS Visual Basic 5.0, SQL server 6.5.
•Designed and developed an application that supported the math model of the parabolic antennas and phased lattices.
•Participated in full execution of the project life cycle.
•Utilized MS Visual C++, MS Access, MS Visual Basic.

2005 Kiev State Technical University. Kiev, Ukraine M.S. Computer Science (cum laude).

References available upon request

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