
Software Engineer .NET

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Sergei (Insert Your Name)
Software Engineer .NET

Software Quality Assurance Engineer with solid understanding and 2 and a half years of experience in testing Windows and Web-based applications throughout lifecycle. Seeking challenging position in growing company that would provide learning opportunities and potential of professional and career growth

OPERATING SYSTEMS: Windows XP/Vista, Windows 2003 Server


SOFTWARE: Visual Studio, Web Services, .NET 3.0, MS SQL, ORACLE, IIS 7.0, ADO.NET, DHTML, AJAX, MSSQL Reporting Services, Crystal Reports, Visual SourceSafe, Team Foundation Server, MS Office

2005 Technical University KPI, Kiev, Ukraine

Professional Experience
04.2005-Present Software Test Engineer
Software Outsourcing Company, Kiev, Ukraine

1.Participated in the design and development of an e-commerce application. Built on the agile .NET technology, this is a sales tool helps small to medium-sized businesses. It is designed as an n-tier system, consists of the following components:

•MS SQL Server database. It contains information about merchandise, clients and orders, and also store procedures, functions, triggers and constrains which provide data integrity.
•Business logic components and Web Service. This middle-tier has rights to retrieve and modify data from the SQL Server database using stored procedures and user defined functions.
•Client application (windows-based) represents user interface and is usually used by clients to access their accounts in the database (client's name, password, contact information etc.) and to manage their own orders. As it uses the Web Service components the client application can be installed on any computer with access to the Internet.
•Administration tools. It is necessary to maintain the database (as merchandise catalog etc.) and process clients’ orders (using Web Service for data exchange).

Designing normalized data schemas using MS SQL Server 2005 / 2000 - Enterprise Manager.
•Creating stored procedures, user defined functions and special software roles, which restrict access to data from the database. Using a variety of tools and techniques, which include SQL Server Profiler, Query Analyzer, index tuning etc.
•Developing business logic components as a middle-tier between database (C#, ADO.NET) and the client application \ administration tools (web-services, C#, ASP.NET and IIS).
•Implementing data exchanging between server and administrator’s application using .NET Remoting technology.
•Designing User Interface (C#, Win Forms), developing front-end parts.

2.Developed an tracing and logging system. This application, based on the client/server technology, allows software developers or system administrators to efficiently and effectively receive and store various information messages from other applications. The client part provides for reviewing the stored messages as well as for setting the parameters for receiving and storing processes.

•Developing the client-side component including the GUI design, the on-line data analysis and the implementation of data representation. Adding a feature to run, suspend or stop the server modules from Console.
•Developing a back-end component for gathering information on the running server-side components, their load levels and performance.
•Writing technical specification documents and use-cases.
•Analyzing and improving the application performance.

•Native speaker of Russian and Ukrainian
•Written English

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