- Файл
CEO, COO, Head of Retail, General Manager, Operational Director
- Місто:
- Київ
Контактна інформація
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Завантажений файл
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Retail Executive / Operations Executive
Versatile, broad and deep experience in the fashion and sports retail industry with international brands in different markets. Possesses excellent leadership, management, communication and interpersonal skills. Leads the team in achieving results within the set timeframe. Proven track record of successful leadership in cross-channel sales, retail marketing, product management, and operational management. Significant experience in building, developing and managing teams, changing distribution models, entering new markets, project management, digitalisation, education
Languages: Fluent English, Intermediate German, Native Ukrainian
Potsdam-Mittelmark, Germany / E-mail: [
Highlights of Expertise
• Strategic Business Planning
• P&L management
• Budgeting and financial performance
• Change Management
• Project Management
• Cross-functional cooperation
• Lease Management
• Retail (O&O, Franchise) Performance
• Portfolio Management
• Retail Operations
• Retail Marketing
• Retail Expansion
• Product management
• Visual Merchandising
• Leadership and Team Development
• Team training and motivation
• Digitalization
• Supply Chain Operation
• Sales Management
Career Experience
RETAIL OPERATION MANAGER (August 2022 – December 2024)
Peak Performance, EMEA & NAM - Famous Swedish outdoor brand, part of Amer Sports Corp.
Mission: Build retail operational excellence, to increase stores productivity and profitability in 40 owned stores across of EMEA (DE, AU, FR, IT, SWISS, SE, DK, FI, NO, UK) and Canada. “Make store team free to sale and create excellent customer journey”.
• A new result/KPI-oriented motivation system was developed and implemented: NS and UPT increase, HC cost under control.
• An operational manual was developed and implemented: “one window” for all communication, manual, taskforce, guidelines, procedures, instructions etc.
• BOH (back of house) management standards were developed – decrease time to find product, increase stock accuracy, increase capacity.
• Optimised the schedule of goods deliveries to stores – decrease staff cost, increase SPH proficiency. Delivery tracking system – visibility, less losses, better planning. New SLA – faster in-bound and transit, less mistakes
• Workforce management system implemented – more efficient time planning, HC cost control, SPH monitor, payroll management.
• A commercial calendar for outlets was implemented – Stock clean, GM management, stock control, promotions alignment across of factory outlets channel.
• New OMNI implementation (OIS, SFS, BORIS, etc.) – OMNI share up to 7% of NS
• Lease management – united database with alarms created to control retail property and initiate negotiation with landlords in time.
• Implemented processes for managing the turnover of goods in stores, controlling balances, pricing, etc. – fraud protection, discount management, PI results improvement.
• Trainings for store staff were developed (P&L for AMs and SMs, retail formula/KPIs)
• IT uplift – prevention sales loss due to non-working hard or software (min 50K sales protected) or non-served customers (2 times POS capacity increase).
General MANAGER of Ukraine (October 2019 to July 2022)
BNS Group - Master franchise of famous fashion brands as Calvin Klein Jeans, Calvin Klein Underwear, Michael Kors, Karl Lagerfeld in Ukraine (16 stores, 35 wholesale customers, 3 marketplace platforms, about 100 employees, about 10M EUR annual sales)
Mission: Provide end-to-end management and profitability for the retail, wholesale and marketplaces.
• Optimized company structure. Implemented new annual KPI scheme for office team. Improved shop staff incentive.
• Implemented virtual marketplace project with 3 big internet platforms from scratch, additional 10% sales in 1st year
• Opened new discount format shop in Kiev, opened Karl Lagerfeld flagship store in Kiev. Plus 2K USD NS
• Launched loyalty program for consumers, additional 2,5% sales in 1st year in retail
• Realized ERP system changing project for proper product and finance management
• Managed retail, wholesale and marketplace projects – double EBITDA 2021 vs 2020, wholesale channel sales increase at 70%.
Retail Projects Director, EASTERN EUROPE (January 2016 to October 2019)
TARKETT SA - Leader of flooring industry, more than 400M EUR revenue in region, 3 indirect subordinates. Based in Ukraine, responsible for Serbia, Romania, Croatia, Hungary, Ukraine, Russia and Kazakhstan
Mission: Cross country projects coordination (enabling a nimbler sales organization and enhanced business plans for mono brand shops, shop-in-shops & and brand zones of independent retail. Strategies and tools put in place create efficiencies; drive increased distribution, volume and merchandising effectiveness for commercial programs, indirect retail to growth shelf share in retail channel for Sales Organization.
• Key category distribution expert, ensuring service level growth in stores with commercial programs of +5 ppt per year.
• Spearheaded new expanded markets, resulting in a category shelf share increase of 3% and category mix increase in independent retail channel.
• Developed a performance management program to include education programs for company above 50 sales representatives and above 1500 retail shop staff to increase service level in 10% in 1st year.
• Created and introduced an organizational new gaming on-line academy for shop staff to increase Mystery shopper program results from less than 60% up to over 75% in 1st year
• Established and delivered a first in flooring industry visual merchandising standard for retailers, as a part of shelf share increase
• Launched Shop-in-Shops Concept and Showroom/Flagship Concept
Operational & B2C Director of RUSSIA (December 2012 to December 2015)
Amer Sports Corp. - Amer Sports Corp. is producer and distributor of famous sports brands as Salomon, Atomic, Wilson, Arc’teryx etc. / 22 owned stores, 1 franchise / 7 direct subordinates, about 100 in total
Mission: Established all marketing functions from the ground-up; accountable for growth strategies in the retail channel and supply chain department for entire company. Directed Operations including all supply chain, facilities, quality, and continuous improvement; created B2C marketing strategies; developed retail chain, franchise project and e-commerce in Russia and managed supply chain division.
• Led the marketing, product management and training functions of start-ups that grew retail chain +70% and average CR growth +1,5 ppt in 2 years.
• Key member of team that collaborated with Third Party Logistics to deliver pick pack time, resulting in 20% cost savings in warehouse storing and 4% handling costs.
• Delivered positive Earnings before Interest and Taxes (EBIT) of retail chain in 2015 (first out of 3 last years).
• Facilitated supply chain Key Performance Indicators, increasing On Time in Full (OTIF) ensuring quality conformed to required levels.
• Effectively implemented, managed, and provided direction to new buying and product allocation system in B2C.
• Developed and implemented three local projects that became worldwide best practice.
Additional Experience
CEO (2010 to 2011) Gulliver Trade House (Toys & Kids clothes), Russia 550 employee / 100K USD annual t/o
Commercial Director (2008 to 2010) Levi Strauss & Co., Russia 42 stores / 350 employees in retail
Retail Director (2007 to 2008) Sport Fashion Group (Gant, LeCoqSportiff), Russia 55 stores / 500 employees
Country Manager / Franchise manager (2002-2007) BNS Group (Calvin Klein Jeans) , Ukraine 6 stores / 50 employees
Master of Science in Industrial and Financial Management, Nizhny Novgorod St. University, Russia, 1998-2000
Master of Science in Biology, Kiev State University, Ukraine, 1992-1997
Mini MBA (6-month program), Russian School of marketing, Moscow, Russia, 2004
Professional Development:
• Sustainability at Peak Performance, 2023
• Coaching for success at Peak Performance, 2022
• PRO.Bodytypes / PRO.Fabric / PRO.Colours at BNS, 2019-2020
• Master of flooring installation at Tarkett, 2018
• Design Thinking methodology at Tarkett, 2017
• LEAN methodology at Amer Sports, Germany, 2015
• Training for Trainers at Levi’s, Belgium, 2009
• Project Management standards, 2008
• Marketing Research, Ukraine Marketing Association, Ukraine, 2005
• Field Sales Management, Sales Training International (STI) Russia, 2004
Trainings developed by myself:
• Retail Formula and KPIs Management at Peak Performance, 2023
• P&L management for DMs and SMs at Peak Performance, 2022
• Retail Operation Standards for sales managers at Tarkett Eastern Europe, 2018-2019
• SMART KPI for middle managers at Tarkett Eastern Europe, 2019
• Customer Service Experience training at Tarkett Eastern Europe, 2017-2018
• Finance for non-finance for sales teams at Tarkett Eastern Europe 2016-2017
• Finance for non-finance for store managers at Amer Sports 2014
Схожі кандидати
Керівник, заступник керівника підприємства, виконавчий директор, операційний директор
Київ -
Директор підприємства, заступник директора, керівник філії
Київ, Вінниця , ще 3 міста -
CEO, GM, COO, директор, исполнительный, операционный руководитель
Київ -
Директор предприятия, руководитель розничной сети, управляющий
Київ, Львів, Інші країни -
Заступник директора, операційний керівник
130000 грн, Київ, Дистанційно