Резюме від 4 вересня 2012


Operations Manager, Payments economist, 7 500 грн

Повна зайнятість.
37 років

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон та ел. пошту.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Досвід роботи

Leading economist of Treasury Back-Office transactions and Correspondent relations Operation Division

з 06.2011 по нині (13 років)
PSJC “Credit West Bank”, Kiev (Finance, banking, and insurance)

-Correspondent account operations maintenance
-checking requisites of outgoing clients payments orders to transfer currency, inputting payment orders in system Profix, SWIFT Alliance;
-inputting in system credit messages in foreign currency due to SWIFT Confirmations of Credit (MT 910), Single Customer Transfer (MT 103), primary currency control, crediting to 2603, inputting 1-PB reporting codes for consolidated statistics report;
-preparation of requests, investigations and info messages regarding money transfers in foreign currencies via SWIFT (MT 299,199,999) NBU electronic mail;
-daily reconciliation of data in account statements with data in Profix and NOSTRO position of Bank (including commission income and expenses);
-accounting of mutual settlement (of accounts) on money transfers Western Union, Privatmoney;
-Accounting of operations on currency exchange interbank resource market of Ukraine:
-Full accounting maintenance of FOREX tickets: -SWIFT Confirmations 300, Currency Purchase-Sale Agreements with counterparties, Set of entries on Currency purchase/Sale/Netting/Conversion;
-Full accounting maintenance of Money Market tickets:
--Money Market Credits/Deposits (Lent/Borrow), SWOP deals, SWIFT Confirmations MT 320, Accounting of Principal and interest Lending, Borrowing , preparation of payment orders on transferring money (MT 202) or memo UAH order, accounting side of pledge and Preparation of Pledge agreements, control of funds flow;
-Making-up entries on Forex report on the closing of operation day ( Purchase/Sale in currency position, on Interbank, offset etc);
-Obtaining Letter of Credit operations from the side of issuing Bank, accounting maintenance.
-Completing documents of the day, archiving etc

Methodology of currency operations Team Leading Economist, Currency Control Division, Corporate Risk Department

з 12.2009 по 06.2011 (1 рік 6 місяців)
PSCJ Raiffaisen Bank Aval (Finance, banking, and insurance)

Participation in working-out of methodological explanations and regulation documents of Bank on international activity and currency transactions flow;

Methodological maintenance of conducting currency operations on legal entities and PI:

•Proceeding of transfers on current currency non-trade operations;
•Opening of current and deposit accounts of PI;
•Clients identification;
•Proceeding exchange cash operations;
•Conducting export, import, investment operations and non-resident loans;
•Expertise while composing international economical contracts due to current Ukrainian legislation;
•Currency legislation consulting in trade and non-trade operations, interbank deals, correspondence relations, SWIFT transfers of legal entities and PI;
•Development of optimization work-flow schemes

Treasury Back-Office Department, Specialist, Operation Division

з 10.2008 по 06.2009 (8 місяців)
PJSC Credit Europe Bank (Finance, banking, and insurance)

execute incoming transfers in hard currency according to SWIFT messages,
• accounting and execution of outgoing transfers in foreign currency according to the customer's payment order via SWIFT Alliance Workstation,
•proper execution and accounting of FX deals on behalf of client/bank on Ukrainian interbank and international markets, MT 103;
• proper execution and accounting of MM Borrow and Placements deals on Ukrainian Interbank and International Markets, preparation of SWIFT confirmations for the FX deals (SWIFT MT 300), MM (SWIFT MT-320) deals and signing of an agreement between Bank and counterparty,
•Replenishment operations account to account, etc.
•making up a statement on correspondent account to balance accounts reminders;
•posting with NBU, State security Committee

Currency Control Unit, Export operations Specialist

з 08.2008 по 10.2008 (2 місяці)
PJSC Alfa Bank (Currency Control Unit, Export operations Specialist)

•making file of documents, bearing a copy of the particular document (applications, contracts, invoices, declarations etc);
•verification of details in documents;
•stamping by the bank stamp on all pages of client’s application;
•preparing all amounts of approved applications for treasury;
•report to NBU about purchased volume by residents;
•prepare all required documents according to NBU regulation for payment orders and filing;
•control of prepayments under import transactions of clients;
•updating of currency regulation and consulting of commercials and clients;
•verification of customer’s payment orders with own fund;
•verification of the sets of documents justifying outgoing transfers of clients funds;
•maintaining of the daily table of the processed payment orders;
•control of incoming transactions in foreign currency;
•maintaining the registers of incoming and outgoing payments;

Customer Service Specialist, Customer Service Department Payments and Credits Support Division

з 11.2007 по 08.2008 (9 місяців)
PJSC Alfa Bank (Finance, banking, and insurance)

Identification of clients due to the Ukrainian legislation and internal bank procedures;
•Payroll and cash service support to PI;
•Opening and supporting of current and deposit PI accounts;
•Receiving and handing on applications from clients relatively additional card services ordering;
•Consulting clients regarding schemes of procedure for (of) calculation of interest on a deposits and credits, informing clients relatively new banking products;
•Conducting foreign currency transfers due to the clients payment orders

Internship Foreign Currency Unit, export and import operations

з 06.2006 по 08.2006 (2 місяці)
PJSC Citibank (Finance, banking, and insurance)

Conducting document of the day on export and import operations;
•Control of incoming customer declarations of large corporate clients;
•Support to the supervisor in completing reports;
•Marking contracts and execution of tasks given by the Head of Division,
•Translation of business correspondence ( engl-russ/russ-eng)


Kiev National Economic University named after Vadum Getman

International economy and management , Kiev
Вища, з 2004 по 2009 (4 роки 10 місяців)

Master's degree

Додаткова освіта та сертифікати

First city German language


Home Academy computer courses


Market economy school


Знання і навички

MS Office PC User Accounting ProFIX Internet banking Swift

Знання мов

  • Англійська — просунутий
  • Російська — вільно
  • Українська — вільно
  • Німецька — початковий


  • Юсуф Дагтекин

    Юсуф Дагтекин

    Президент ПАО "Кредит Европа Банк", ПАО "Кредит Европа Банк"

    Контактні дані приховані
  • Гринь Татьяна Алексеевна

    Гринь Татьяна Алексеевна

    Начальник кредитно-расчетного Департамента, ПАО "Альфа-Банк"

    Контактні дані приховані

Додаткова інформація

attentive to the details, communicative, friendly, flexibility, responsible, high level of organization, always ready to acquire knowledge and work hard with full dedication in work, prepared to work in deadlines, improving all skills and efforts with dynamic working team

Схожі кандидати

Усі схожі кандидати

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