Резюме від 27 травня 2020


Senior Ruby on Rails Developer

Повна зайнятість, неповна зайнятість.
43 роки
Місто проживання:
Готовий працювати:
Дистанційно, Одеса

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон та ел. пошту.

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I am B.Tech. with Computer Science & Engineering in 2004 from UPTU and Having more than 8 years experience in Ruby on Rails (4.5 years), PHP(3.5 years), MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, JQuery, Prototype, JavaScript, AJAX, Smarty.
Have experience in working with Heroku, Github, bitbucket, SVN, Engine Yard.
Have experience with HAML, SASS, SCSS, Rspec, Cucumber.
Have worked on Rspec, created rest based apis, SOAP, web 2.0, implemented apis like yahoo, google, facebook, twitter, LinkedIn, youtube, msn, eventful, aol, outlook.
Have worked with CMS and Frameworks as Typo(rails), helixblog(rails), fatfree crm(rails), Wordpress, OS-Commerce, Codeigniter, Cakephp, YII, Shopify, Zend framework.

Software Exposure:
Database skills:MySQL 5, SQLite3, PostgreSQL, MongoDB.
Web/Programming skills:Ruby on Rails, Ruby(1.8.7, 1.9.x), rails 2.3, rails 3.x, PHP5(Cakephp, Zend, YII, Wordpress), OOPS Concept, Jquery, CoffeeScript, Prototype, JavaScript, AJAX, XML, HTML, XHTML, HTML5.

Project Profile:

1. http://www.talentwire.me
I was the lead developer for RoR team, when I started development. I worked a lot in this project for apis for iphone and android, admin panel, job section, search.
2. GEO location heroku project (Ruby on Rails / PostgreSQL / Heroku): Implemented flickr api to fetch geo located photos and get their exif info, meta data, latitude, longitude, login/signup with devise. Fetch venues from foursquare.

3. http://studyplaces.com(Ruby on Rails / MySQL / Github):

Worked on college, university, campus, course modules to manage these things in administrator and for front end as well.

5. http://blooming-spring-4540.herokuapp.com/

(Heroku, RoR, PostgreSQL- Task manager for sales people)
Key features - jQuery calender, calculation in calender for tasks, devise implementation, different types of logins – facebook, twitter, google, linkedin, highrise, salesforce. Leads apis are integrated for salesforce and highrise, bootstrap.

6. http://www.iloveyoutool.com/

(Heroku / Ruby on Rails / PostgreSQL) - Worked on Devise, user management, data import from excel, Data entry screens.

7. http://kuhcoon.com

(Heroku, Ruby on Rails, MongoDB) – Associations between models, devise ajax login, New relic, HTML change, admin panel.

9. http://mergerbuddy.heroku.com

(Heroku, RoR, PostgreSQL) - 4 step form submission, Issue fixing, admin panel.

10. http://thelivingbalancesheet.com

(Insurance web portal in Ruby on Rails, MySql, JQuery, AJAX):
This is insurance project. It has banners on other site(Google, Yahoo...), text ads on google. This project is based on fatefree crm. This project include reporting(Ruport) and charts for Analysis that are generated with google charts. It includes Campaign, Leads, Advisor, Agencies.

Roles & responsibilities: Reporting section including google charts, Mailer system, Landing pages, validation using Formtastic and validatious-on-rails, Campaign system, RSS generation, test cases in RSpec, issue fixing, data populator.

11. http://ganeshane.com

(Music web portal in Ruby on Rails, MySQL, JQuery, AJAX, haml): This is for searching and listening songs (without refreshing the page), making the play list and then purchasing the play list. User can listen songs without opening the pop-up, and without refreshing the page Ajax is used for it. This project is also developed for android and iphone client. For these clients we have also developed web services for login, accessing XML of play list and songs. We have stored songs, album art and lyrics at amazon s3.It also has admin section from that data can be imported from CSV files, User management and Meta data management.

Roles & responsibilities: Rest based apis for iphone and android, haml templating, Uploading songs on amazon s3 using attachment_fu, Import export csv, Submission of data in admin section.

13. http://sweat365.com

Wordpressmu - blogging project : It provides facility to share the ideas and experience of users for making their fitness by blogging. Blogging is with the help of wordpressmu and having many customizations that can be done by user. User can change their theme and can also change the settings.

Roles & responsibilities: Integration of themes, Modification in wordpress plugins, fixing issues.

14. http://healthypeach.com

Pharmaceutical Ecommerce site (PHP, MySQL, AJAX, JavaScript, Smarty, Pear) : This is Pharmaceutical site which has medicines with 3 level categories. And has special offers, featured products, discount on products, Worldpay payment gateway, and admin panel for managing site(Categories, Products, Special offers, Import and export of product data with XML).

Roles & responsibilities: Worked independently on it including interaction with client, all the functionality is given by me except HTML design.


Інші резюме цього кандидата

Схожі кандидати

Ruby on Rails developer
Львів, Інші країни, Дистанційно

Ruby on Rails developer
Івано-Франківськ, Дистанційно

Ruby on Rails розробник

Ruby on Rails developer
Одеса, Дніпро , ще 6 міст

Ruby on Rails developer

Ruby on Rails програміст

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