Резюме від 1 липня 2016 PRO


Program, Project, Delivery manager in Software development

Повна зайнятість.
48 років
Місто проживання:
Готовий працювати:
Інші країни, Київ

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон та ел. пошту.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Досвід роботи

Program Manager / Lead Project Manager

з 07.2014 по нині (9 років 11 місяців)
Luxoft, Kyiv/London (IT-Software Development)

Results: Ensured successful “Green” delivery of several key projects for big investment bank in Regulatory & Control Reporting area. Facilitated and ensured significant ramp-up at the end of 2014 (Subdomain head count grew from 140 up to 250. My program grew from 40 to 80). Discovered and satisfied new client needs. New contract has been signed.
•Contract negotiations and approvals on quarterly basis
•Management of Client expectations
•Staffing and People Management
•Business development
•Facilitation of process improvements
Tools and technologies:Jira/Atlassian tools, MindManager, MS Office

Freelancer. Consultant. Project Manager

з 06.2013 по нині (11 років)
Freelance, Kyiv (IT, Software development, outsourcing)

I'm managing a mobile project for task tracking. It consists of Android App and server part with RESTful API and web interface.
Tools and technologies: MS Office, MindManager, TargetProcess, BitBucket, Gliffy, Moqups

General Manager

з 08.2012 по 05.2013 (9 місяців)
Scandinavian House Ukraine (IT-outsourcing)

LLC “Scandinavian House Ukraine” was reregistered. New office was opened in Kiev. All necessary business processes were set (Development, administration and support, management). The work with remote development teams (Simferopol) was organized. Sales are located in Norway.
Two projects were developed and delivered. One of them is a mobile application based on iOS and Android platforms for customers of petrol stations. Another one is a web application for purchasing in banks and their suppliers.

•Ensuring the functioning of company in Ukraine (administration, management, budgeting, finances)
•Coordination and organization of projects (using Scrum and Kanban)
•HR, personnel development
•Product backlogs (requirements), estimates and project reports verification

Tools and technologies:MS Office, MindManager, Jira, Tempo, BitBucket, HockeyApp and TestFlight, Flurry, iOS Developer Program, Gliffy, Moqups

•Kjell Espen Leirvaag (COO / Partner, Scandinavian House)
•Christian Wehn (CFO / Partner, Scandinavian House)
•other available on demand

Operations and Project Manager

з 02.2011 по 08.2012 (1 рік 6 місяців)
ISS (e-commerce, software development)

The company’s profit was increased. Implemented system for motivation of employees that was specially designed to maintain and increase websites profits. The business processes were described and the KPI monitoring at important stages was set up. The management dashboard was implemented using BI (OLAP) technologies. It helps to see and respond to changes in business situations (KPIs). IT work was also organized using SCRUM and Kanban methodologies.

•Business process organization, monitoring and optimization
•Goals management and KPIs development and monitoring
•Participation in strategic planning
•Organization of the corporate DWH, OLAP, reporting system and management dashboards
•Monitoring and improvement of business units performance: Internet Marketing, Project Management, IT, Maintenance and Support

Tools and technologies:MS Office, MindManager, BI Pentaho, Jira, Google Analytics...

•Oleg Sivograkov (HR director, ISS)
•Vladimir Buzmakov (President, Ukrainian CIO Community)
•other available on demand

Business Development Director

з 11.2008 по 01.2011 (2 роки 2 місяці)
Business Force (e-commerce, software development, system integration)

Several IT projects and services were sold and implemented for some financial companies (loans, factoring, investments) and some Ukrainian banks. Partnership with Terrasoft CRM company has been established. During the crisis the Business Force company focused on e-commerce. The web stores www.ukrsteklo.com.ua, www.persten.com.ua, www.zolota-rybka.com.ua, www.rushnyk.com.ua were launched. The numbers of visitors went up from 20 to more than 1000 per day. Sales went up too.

•Organization of business processes in project implementation and service delivery (Using Agile-Scrum, PMBOK)
•Negotiations with clients and partners
•Project estimations and proposal preparation
•Project management in IT systems development and implementation (Debt Collection, Loans, CRM)
•Presentations and negotiations with clients. Communications with clients
•Strategic planning
•Web stores organization
•SEO and advertising organization
Tools and technologies:Prompt Credit, Prompt Collection, .NET, Terrasoft CRM, MS Office, MS Project, SVN, Zen Cart, osCommerce, php, html, MySQL, PagePromoter, AdWords, GoogleAnalytics

Vitaliy and Yanina Pravduk (Co-owners, Business Force)

Head of banking technology development department

з 02.2007 по 11.2008 (1 рік 9 місяців)
Platinum Bank (Finance, banking, and insurance)

•IT department work was reorganized
•Number of projects for new business process (business directions) were developed and implemented: Cards project, Cash Loan project, Insurance, Extended guarantee, Internal Web portal and others
•IT infrastructure was organized
•The efficiency of Call centre and Collection department was increased
•Project Management Office was organized
•The IT and software development processes such as requirements management, configuration management, testing, deployment, support etc. were deployed in IT department (Using ITIL and SCRUM).
•The tender for choosing the lending system was organized.

•IT strategy determination
•IT department management
•Projects management and coordination
•Software development process organization (RUP, Scrum)

Tools and technologies:Core banking system B2, IS-Card, MS Office, MS Project, MS Project Server, ARIS, RUP, StarTeam, MS SQL Server, MS Access

Project manager - Chief Information Officer

з 03.2003 по 01.2007 (3 роки 10 місяців)
Dogmat Ukraine "Eurocredit" (Financial Services, Loans)

The IT department was built from scratch , an effective system was implemented that allowed the company to become the leader in the Ukrainian market of consumer crediting. At the end of 2006 the lending system was deployed in more than 2000 selling points in different regions of Ukraine. There were about 500 workplaces deployed in central office in Kiev. The number of shop-partners was more than 10 000 and number of clients was more than 1 million.
Software development processes were organized using RUP. Another IT processes were organized using ITIL.

Responsibilities on position:
Chief Information Officer (CIO)
•Determining company’s IT strategy. Discussing company’s strategic tasks and making decision for IT
•Managing IT Department (more then 30 persons)
•Organizing company’s IT infrastructure
•Projects management(Corporate Analytical Crediting System “EuroCredit+”, “Credits Selling System”, “Inventory”, and others.)

IT department Manager
•Advising Top Management on strategic IT-tasks
•Projects management (Corporate Analytical Crediting System “EuroCredit+”, “Credits Selling System”)
•IT Department management (about 10 persons)
•Reporting about IT department activities

Project manager
•Project management (“Credits Selling System”)
•Reporting about project status
•Organization of software development process (using RUP)

Tools and technologies:MS Project, MS Project Server, RUP, Rational XDE, StarTeam, MS SQLServer, MS Access, .NET, VB 6.0, XML, XSL, IIS

•Timofiy Savritsky (Credit department director, Dogmat Ukraine "Eurocredit")

Head of development and support groups

з 01.2000 по 03.2003 (3 роки 2 місяці)
Softline (IT)

Development and implementation of Uniform Information and Analytical System “Employment” (UIAS) for the State Employment Center of Ukraine. (the article about system here: http://www.osp.ru/os/2001/12/034.htm)

Head of development and support groups
•Organizing software development work
•Organizing software support for service of employment. ( remarks and offers of the customer realization intensity has increased by 25% for the first month)
•Interacting with customers

Senior Software Developer / Team leader
Supervising simultaneously following subdirections:
•Data exchange (replication) between employment centers
•Multimedia course on UIAS
•Developing Test subsystem for the State Employment Center employees
•Organizing head hunting by means of touch screen kiosks
•Developing a corporate portal for the State Employment Center of Ukraine. Interaction with UIAS http://dcz.gov.ua
Tools and technologies:MSProject, Rational Rose, ErWin, XML, IIS, ASP, VB, Oracle8i, Java, XSL, Delphi 3-6

Software Developer
Development of subsystems of UIAS:
•Job seekers service
•Employers service
Tools and technologies:Informix, Delphi 3, Megapolis 1, VBScript, DCOM, SMTP, POP3


National Technical University of Ukraine “KPI”

Computer science, Kyiv
Вища, з 1993 по 1999 (5 років 10 місяців)

Додаткова освіта та сертифікати

Project-Management Business Consulting, Project management methodology


High inter-regional business school, Management


Startups. Customer development


Trainings “Leadership”, "Time management", “Efficient communication”


Oracle8i. PL/SQL Database Programming (certified)


Trainings “Efficient management”, “Efficient negotiations”


Знання і навички

MS Office CRM MS Project Управление проектами SQL Oracle Database АБС Б2 MS Power BI MS SQL Server IS-Card Terrasoft CRM ARIS SVN АБС Collections Опыт выстраивания с нуля и организации работы ИТ подразделений. Глубокие знания и опыт организации процессов кредитования, скори Коммуникации и переговоры. Опыт организации тесного и продуктивн Управление ИТ департаментом Бизнес и системный анализ Настройка и оптимизация бизнес процессов Создание эффективной команды Управленческий опыт в ИТ Management in IT Projects management

Знання мов

  • Англійська — просунутий
  • Польська — початковий


  • Christian Wehn

    Christian Wehn

    CFO / Partner, Scandinavian House

    Контактні дані приховані
  • Kjell Espen Leirvaag

    Kjell Espen Leirvaag

    COO / Partner, Scandinavian House

    Контактні дані приховані
  • Oleg Sivograkov

    Oleg Sivograkov

    HR director, ISS

    Контактні дані приховані
  • Vitaliy And Yanina Pravduk

    Vitaliy And Yanina Pravduk

    Co-owners, Business Force

    Контактні дані приховані
  • Other Available On Demand

    Other Available On Demand

    Контактні дані приховані

Додаткова інформація

More than 10 years of managerial experience in IT, software development, e-commerce
Implemented projects with mobile technologies, BI, complex business logic
Building from scratch and managing of numerous IT-departments and project teams
Setting up of development process, implementation, maintenance and support
Successful employees motivation that led to increase of websites profit and productivity of teams
In-depth knowledge of BP in it-outsourcing, e-commerce, finance and banks

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