Резюме від 27 квітня 2018 PRO


Web, full stack/backend Senior developer, 90 000 грн

Повна зайнятість, неповна зайнятість.
49 років
Місто проживання:
Готовий працювати:
Дистанційно, Запоріжжя

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон та ел. пошту.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Досвід роботи

Middle Front end developer

з 09.2014 по нині (9 років 9 місяців)
Marka IT company, Запорожье (Системы АСУ ТП, Информационные корпоративные системы)

Developing the web-mail client system. Under one interface united functions: mail client with the ability to connect any external mail the accounts for easy management from a single interface, contact sheets including corporate, calendar with the ability to create group events, file-based storage to its own cloud storage, connectivity external Dropbox data storage, a task manager, notes manager.
The development is built on the principles of OOP Dojo 1.6. The system is based on the paradigm of modular programming with the possibility of creating widgets completed modules. Improving library-based classes to reach required results. Performance optimization of the algorithms for having responsible widgets behavior due the high loading logic.

Middle Front end developer. Developing the email client system.
Technology used: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Dojo 1.6 (Dijit, Dojox), DropboxAPI, PHP

Frontend, Backend developer

з 09.2013 по 08.2014 (11 місяців)
Degital Arrow Technologies, Запорожье (development of web-site)

Software development
development of web-site for a company “Foundation Beyond Belief”
Project description: Web-site for collection of eleemosynary help in behalf on Beneficiaries. The reception of payments is realized with the use of the payment systems of PayPal Derect, Google Wallet, PayPal (Credit Card API). Creation of regular - monthly payments and reception of valid for one occasion payment. Creation of reports and collection of statistics of payment for distribution on funds.
Technology used: PHP5, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Dojo, JQuery, JqTable, PayPal Derect, Google Wallet, PayPal (Credit Card API)

Наемная фирма

з 01.2012 по 03.2013 (1 рік 2 місяці)
Сберегательный банк Украниы (Разработка ПО для приема платежей населения)

Разработка программного обеспечения для «Сберегательного банка Украниы» - Прием платежей населения. Проектирование БД на PostgreSql под управлением CentOS. Клиентская часть разработана на Delphi 7 (толстый клиент). Моделирование бизнес процессов, оптимизации работы персонала. Внедрение и сопровождение системы.

Заместитель начальником отдела разработки программного обеспечения Управления информационного сопровождения, Департамента Информационных технологий

з 06.2007 по 03.2012 (4 роки 9 місяців)
АКБ «Индустриалбанк» (Банковская бухгалтерия)

Разработка ПО под MsSQL. Расчет резерва. Бухгалтерская и экономическая сфера.


Запорожский Государственный Технический Университет

Программное обеспечение автоматизированных систем, Запорожье
Вища, з 1993 по 1994 (9 місяців)

Повышение квалификации. Последипломное образование.

Знання і навички

PHP Linux Windows NIX Dojo 1.6

Додаткова інформація

Andrii Voropai

Language proficiency
Ukrainian — Native English — Intermediate

I have extensive experience in IT sector. My specialization is software development. I have been working for 23 years as a software engineer. I designed considerable and sophisticated software systems for large enterprises. I have a vast experience in developing large multi-user projects.
Last 3 years I have been focusing on ALPR technology . During this time 3 pilot projects and 1 working project associated with ALPR and pattern recognition were successfully launched. These programs automatically detect and recognize license plates using traffic camera datas.
I have 10 year experience in:
- working in development teams,
- communication with clients,
- setting up technical requirements according to clients needs.
I'm versed in building of software project architecture using distributed data stores. I was 3 years experience as a Team Lead. Size of the teams I was managed is up to 10.
My experience in building extremely large databases with hundreds objects and trillions numbers of rows is 15 years.
Professional experience

2017/10 - present
Development and Maintenance of all web projects for Logix ITS
Project description: Development of Web applications to manage road safety systems.
The development was conducted in seven directions. Development of Web applications with mvc model based on Zend Framework. Development services serving road equipment controllers. Development of a model license plate recognition.
Was used an evolutionary approach to development which combines test-first development where you write a test before you write production code - Test-driven development.
Made the system for Automatically detecting and recognition license plates from surveillance video from the traffic cameras.
Technology used: PHP 5.5, 7.0, Zend framework (1.12, 2, 3), PHPUnit (5 & 6), HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, Python, Git, Jira, TESTRAIL, OpenCV
Platforms / OS: Ubuntu, Amazon Web Services
Position: Team lead
Role on the project: Senior software development

2016/11 - 2017/10 Development and Maintenance of all web projects for a company “Fintegro”
Projects description: Development of Web applications to manage road safety systems.
The development was conducted in seven directions. Development of Web applications with mvc model based on Zend Framework. Development services serving road equipment controllers. Development of model recognition system for cyclists in road traffic. Development of a model license plate recognition.
During the development of web projects was used PHPUnit a programmer-oriented testing framework. Was written more than 1100 tests to verify operability ensure reliable Web projects tests covered more than 90% of the original code PHP (about 30,000 lines of code, 1600 functions and methods among the objects 200).
Made the system ALPR (NDA).
Technology used: PHP 5.5, 7.0, Zend framework (1.12, 2, 3), PHPUnit (5 & 6), HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, Python, Git, Jira, TESTRAIL, OpenCV, OpenALPR, Google Cloud Vision API‎
Platforms / OS: Ubuntu, Amazon Web Services
Role on the project: Senior software development

2013/10 - 2016/11 development of website for a company “Marka Software”
Technology used: Dojo v.1.6, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, Git, Jira, TESTRAIL
Project description: Mail UI.
Position: Software development Frontend
Role on the project: Middle software development

Technology used: PHP5, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, JqTable, PayPal Direct, Google Wallet, PayPal (Credit Card API), Wordpress, Git, JetBrains PhpStorm, OpenCV
Project description: Website for collection of eleemosynary help in behalf on Beneficiaries. The reception of payments is realized with the use of the payment systems of PayPal Direct, Google Wallet, PayPal (Credit Card API). Creation of regular - monthly payments and reception of valid for one occasion payment. Creation of reports and collection of statistics of payment for distribution on funds.
Position: Software development Frontend & Backend
Role on the project: Middle Software development

Схожі кандидати

Frontend/Web-розробник, Full-stack developer (QA Manual)
12000 грн, Одеса, Дистанційно

Junior Front-end/Back-end/Full-stack Developer
20000 грн, Дистанційно

Front-End, Back-End, Full Stack Developer

Full-Stack програміст (Wordpress, PHP, SQl, Front and Back-End technologies), Web Designer

Senior Full-stack Web Developer
120000 грн, Київ, Дистанційно

Java-Backend Developer, Full-Stack Developer
Чернівці, Дистанційно

Усі схожі кандидати

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