Резюме від 4 грудня 2016


Business analyst

Повна зайнятість.
34 роки

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон та ел. пошту.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Досвід роботи

Business analyst/ QA specialist

з 07.2016 по нині (7 років 11 місяців)
CloudRoute, Киев (IT)

⦁Business and QA analytics
⦁Creation of process flow diagrams
⦁Test plans, test cases and test strategy creation to test the product and its modules
⦁Testing of the product
⦁Regression testing using test-cases
⦁Performance testing of the product
⦁Stress testing
⦁Use cases creation for acceptance testing
⦁Analysis and testing of the requirements
⦁Test cases creation
⦁Check lists creation
⦁User guides creation
⦁Scrum meetings participation
⦁Participation in the requirements creation
⦁Defect tracking
⦁Reporting bugs in TFS

Consultant of Microsoft Dynamics CRM and BPM’online

з 05.2015 по 06.2016 (1 рік 1 місяць)
BIT Consulting, Киев (IT)

⦁Customers’ business requirements gathering
⦁Communication with clients
⦁Foreign customers support
⦁Preparation and writing of the project documentation (technical specifications, testing protocols, presentations, user guides)
⦁Functionality testing
⦁Test checklists creation
⦁Active collaboration with developers
⦁Creation of technical tasks for developers
⦁Tasks assignment to developers
⦁Developers' work coordination
⦁Clients consulting

Microsoft Dynamics CRM:
⦁Setting up the system (creation of the objects, forms, fields, relationships (one-to-many, many-to-one, many-to-many))
⦁Creation and modification of the unmanaged solutions
⦁Creation of system views and personal views
⦁Default reports customization and supplementation of the custom reports for specific needs
⦁Custom dashboards creation and charts creation
⦁Security roles and security groups creation
⦁Assigning security roles to the users
⦁Creation of the business rules, business processes and business process flows
⦁Setting up duplicate detection rules
⦁JavaScript Form Scripting for Microsoft Dynamics CRM
⦁User account creation in AD
⦁MS SQL Server Deployment

⦁System customization (creation of the objects and sections, fields, relationship (one-to-many, many-to-one), registers customization, groups and tags creation)
⦁Business-processes creation
⦁Creation of work places
⦁Functionality testing
⦁Reports creation and customization
⦁Customization of dashboards
⦁Diagrams creation
⦁Details creation
⦁Add new users to the system
⦁Object access distribution
⦁Distribution of access rights to operations
⦁Writing SQL query to delete records from the system objects

Finance Consultant of Microsoft Dynamics NAV and Consultant of Microsoft Dynamics CRM

з 07.2014 по нині (9 років 11 місяців)
TechStandard, Киев (IT- консалтинг)

⦁ Customers’ business requirements gathering
⦁Communication with clients
⦁Preparation and writing of the project documentation (technical specifications, testing protocols, presentations, user guides)
⦁Functionality testing
⦁Active collaboration with developers
⦁Creation of technical tasks for developers
⦁Tasks assignment to developers
⦁Developers' work coordination
⦁Clients consulting
⦁Microsoft Dynamics NAV:
⦁Setting up the system in the financial module
⦁Writing technical specifications for developers
⦁Adding the fields to the forms and tables
⦁Reports creation

Microsoft Dynamics CRM:
⦁Setting up the system (creation of the objects, forms, fields, relationships (one-to-many, many-to-one, many-to-many))
⦁Creation and modification of the unmanaged solutions
⦁Creation of system views and personal views
⦁Default reports customization and supplementation of the custom reports for specific needs
⦁Custom dashboards creation and charts creation
⦁Security roles and security groups creation
⦁Assigning security roles to the users
⦁Creation of the business rules, business processes and business process flows
⦁Setting up duplicate detection rules
⦁JavaScript Form Scripting for Microsoft Dynamics CRM

Website creation using WordPress tool

Engineer developer of planning and budgeting system IBM Cognos TM1

з 05.2013 по 06.2014 (1 рік 1 місяць)
LTD Signum-IT, Киев (IT консалтинг)

- Creation of the dimensions, subsets, attributes
- Creation of the cubes
- Writing rules for the cubes
- Creation of the active forms
- Formatting of the active forms in Perspectives
- Customization and optimization of the forms on WEB
- Assign user access rights
- Working with IBM Cognos Insight, Cognos TM1 Performance Modeler, Perspectives, Architect
- Working with advanced functions of IBM Cognos TM1
- Making the presentations for users, users training
- Manual testing

Finance Consultant of Microsoft Dynamics NAV

з 06.2012 по 04.2013 (10 місяців)
Innoware, Киев (IT консалтинг)

- Setting up the system in the financial module (General Ledger, FA, Payables, Receivables, Tax Accounting)
- Writing technical specifications for developers (specifications to modify reports)
- Functionality testing, writing test protocols
- Writing test-scripts for users for RTC
- Dataport creation for data migration



Faculty "Information Systems and Technologies": Occupation "Economic Cybernetics" -Faculty "Psychology": Occupation "Economics Teacher", Киев
Вища, з 2007 по 2012 (4 роки 10 місяців)

Додаткова освіта та сертифікати

QA Start Up

2016, 2 months


2012, 1 year

Course “IBM Cognos TM 1: Analyze and Share Data”

2013, 1 week

Знання і навички

MS Access BPM bpm'online BPWin Cognos CRM Eclipse MS Excel IBM IntelliJ IDEA Jira Microsoft Dynamics CRM MS Dynamics NAV MS Office MS Outlook Performance testing MS PowerPoint MS Project Sublime Text Azure DevOps Server MS Visio MS Word

Знання мов

  • Російська — вільно
  • Українська — вільно
  • Англійська — середній

Додаткова інформація

08/2015 - certificate of completing the exam “bpm’online service 7.6”
08/2015 - certificate of completing the exam “bpm’online marketing 7.6”
08/2015 - certificate of completing the exam “bpm’online sales 7.6”
06/2015 – certificate of completing the exam “MB5-705 Managing Microsoft Dynamics Implementations”
02/2015 – certificate of completing the exam “MB703 – Microsoft Dynamics CRM Customization and Configuration”
08/2014 - certificate of completing the exam “Presales Technical Specialist assessment for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013”
08/2014 - certificate of completing the exam “Sales Specialist assessment for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013”
- TM1 Practice Accelerator Training
- IBM Mobile First

Схожі кандидати

Внутренний аудитор, методолог, бизнес-аналитик
120000 грн, Київ

Business Analyst

Team lead, analyst, бізнес-аналітик
Київ, Житомир, Дистанційно

Business analyst
Київ, Дистанційно

Junior Business analyst
Київ, Дистанційно


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