Резюме від 23 грудня 2008


Chief information officer (CIO), Head of IT-Department

Повна зайнятість.
50 років
Місто проживання:
Готовий працювати:
Дніпро, Київ, Одеса

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон та ел. пошту.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Знання і навички

Пользователь ПК

Додаткова інформація

Serhii Hlodin (Sergii Glodin)

Phone: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
Birthday: 14 Jul 1973
Marital status: single
Moving possibility yes

Chief information officer (CIO).

- practical experience of creation from "zero" and management of Department IT;
- the complete, introduced projects; practical experience of carrying out of tenders;
more than 20 years of practical work on personal computers;
- administration and maintenance of trouble-free work of servers and the server equipment;
- Unix/Linux Administrator, one of participants of a command of developers of system ALT Linux.

1990 - 1999 Lutsk Government Technical University, chair of technology of mechanical engineering. Received the diploma about higher education.
Speciality - the process engineer.

2006 - 2008 "Trade House "West Milk Group" Ltd. Project manager.
"Trade House "West Milk Group" Ltd - the leading Ukrainian company in the market of dairy production which has holding structure and includes more than 20 branches and 8 factories on all territory of Ukraine.
Practical realisation of projects:
- creation and introduction of the project of a corporate network between the central office, branches and factories on all territory of Ukraine;
- introduction of system of electronic document circulation "Paydox";
- organisation of the protected access to an internal local area network of mobile users with access granting to all information resources of business from Internet;
- creation of the concept of protection of the information of business;
- optimisation and the cost control on cellular and general purpose telephone service;
- realisation of tenders for delivery of computer engineering and cargo motor transport;
- realisation of tender for choice ERP-systems for a business management;
- cost optimisation on software legalisation, introduction of alternative operating systems for non-admission of sanctions of from outside checking bodies;
- a monitoring system of trouble-free work of a corporate network;
- the organisation and realisation of the centralised anti-virus protection of workstations and servers;
- the organisation and ensuring of trouble-free work of information systems in the conditions of state of emergency;
- the organisation of the centralised access to the Internet within the limits of a corporate network, the organisation and the control over access of employees to resources in the Internet;

2004 - 2006 Continium-Ukr-Resurs Ltd. Chief information officer (CIO) of Group of the Companies of "Continium".
Group of the Companies of "Continium" - one of the largest financial and industrial groups in Ukraine, has large holding structure.
Practical realisation of projects:
- creation, the organisation and ensuring of work of Department of an information technology;
- realisation of audit of information systems, standardization of jobs and represented services;
- the organisation and realisation of tenders for delivery of computer engineering;
- the organisation and realisation of the centralised anti-virus protection of workstations and servers;
- the organisation and ensuring of trouble-free work of information systems in the conditions of state of emergency;
- the organisation and the control over access of employees to resources in the Internet;
- the analysis and cost optimisation on acquisition the computers and office equipments, consumables as a whole on Group of the companies;
- optimisation of IT-departments by businesses for the purpose improvement of quality of work, cost optimisation and the control over their activity;
- automation of the account of confectionery factories on the basis of a program complex "1C";
- automation of the account of shopping centre on the basis of a program complex "1C".
Creating of the internal standards regulating activity of an information technology.

1993 - 2004 Volyn regional department of National Bank of Ukraine. Leading engineer-programmer.
- participation in creation of a corporate network of information of National bank of Ukraine;
- participation in creation of e-mail system of of National bank of Ukraine;
- participation in creating of the internal standards of National bank of Ukraine regulating activity of an information technology;
- automation of calculation of payments.

1990 - 1993 Private Enterprise "Vizor". Engineer-programmer.
Practical realisation of projects:
- automation of calculation of payments at the enterprises and the organisations of the Volyn region (garment factories, hospitals, etc).

Additional info:
Freely the use of the personal computer (professional).
Languages: russian, ukrainian - excellent, english - technical read and write.

Personal qualities:
Analytical mentality, working capacity, ability to forecasting, persistence.

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