
System engineer

Повна зайнятість, неповна зайнятість.
51 рік
Місто проживання:
Готовий працювати:
Дистанційно, Рівне

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон та ел. пошту.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Досвід роботи

Head of it-department

з 01.2009 по 08.2017 (8 років 7 місяців)
Rivne State enterprise “Rivnestandartmetrology” csmc.rv.ua, Ровно (State Enterprise “Rivnestandartmetrology” provides services of certification, conformity assessment, product testing, standardization and metrology.)

Programming language: C/C++ (STL, threading), Pascal/Delphi, Assembler x86 (TASM), ASP.NET.
Programming tools: GCC, GDB, Turbo Debugger (Borland).
Network programming: TCP/IP.
Script programming languages: Win2K.cmd batch command (DOS), Unix shell csh, Awk, Perl, VBScript,SQL.
Programming technologies: WIN API, OOP, DOM, SQL.

Web-programming technologies: backend CGI (C/C++), Php, javascript (bootstrap, jquery), HTML/DHTML/XML, CSS, JavaScript, SSI.
English: Intermediate.
Skills: I have a skills in administrating:
System FreeBSD, (Linux Ubuntu) and services SAMBA, OpenLDAP, SQUID, APACHE, DNS (BIND), firewall, NIS, PSE installation, SSH, OpenSSL, NFS, POSTFIX/SENDMAIL, OPENWEBMAIL, RDMBS (POSTGRESQL, MYSQL, Interbase) (installing and configuring).
Windows 2003-2008 server – installing, configuring PDC (primary domain controller), Active Directory, and Security Group Policy.
Virtualization: Oracle VirtualBox, VMware, Hyper-V.
Development Tools:
Windows: Visual Studio 2015, Borland C++, MS SQL Server, TestTrack, Perforce, Unix: G++, GCC, GNU Make, vi.
Additional courses/education:
BrainBench: Linux Administrator, passed (2003)
BrainBench: Network Authentication, passed (2007)
Sololearn: С ++ tutorial, passsed (2020)
Edx: C programming with Linux Dartmouth IMTx id: 7ce7b222764f425b8ba6c35f0ce2e20b, passed (2020, 3 місяці).


з 04.2008 по 09.2008 (5 місяців)
“SoftServe” www.softserve.com (Software developing, outsourcing)

Bug fixing (CGI C/C++, HTML/XML, JavaScript) IP Monitor, code writing (C#) Exchange Monitor, developing scripts (VBScript, Perl, SNMP/WMI) for the applications of the network monitoring Orion NPM/APM

Lead Engineer

з 08.2005 по 03.2008 (2 роки 7 місяців)
services “Infocom” www.rv.infocom.ua (communication services)

Support mail server (Postfix+ClamAV) FreeBSD, data server Unix FreeBSD, VPN-server.
Monitoring communication services intranet ukrpack.net on Rivne region.
Configuring network device (routers NSG Cisco 3640) and laying up FrameRelay channel through its.
Work with modems Telindus-1421, Aster 4, switches, routers NSG NX-300, Cisco 3640
Developed Web interface (CGI C/C++, HTML, Apache) for billing system IPA/IPFW.
Developed and programming the database Access (SQL)/ VBA account network devices.
OS Updating servers.


National University of water management and nature resources use

Mechanical power engineering, Rivne
Вища, з 1990 по 1995 (4 роки 9 місяців)

Додаткова освіта та сертифікати

Методика професійного навчання за модульною системою.


Додаткова інформація

Head of Department in Rivne State enterprise “Rivnestandartmetrology” (http://csmc.rv.ua)
Implement and manage the strategy for IT and IS developments that provide on-going cost-effective solutions or all aspects of the organisation’s business activity and development and ensures IT capacity to adequately support current and projected business volumes.
Responsible for all IT and IS systems including, but not exclusively, in-house software and hardware, networks, outsourced operations, bought in services and portable devices.
Administrating virtual server’s (host OS Freebsd/ Oracle VirtualBox, Guest OS Windows 2003, 2008).
Implementing and response for the company’s information security policy (Firewall, Nat, Squid, Symatic, AVG).
Administrating and supporting and programming under ERP-system 1c Accounting 7.7, 8.2.
Administrating and supporting corporative software MeDOC, Leonorm OS and other.
Administrating and supporting RDP.
Administrating servers OS FreeBSD (NAT, HTTP, SMTP, DHCP, APACHE, DNS, POSTFIX, POP3, SQUID, IPFW, SAMBA, LDAP, SSH, Firewall, VPN).
Backup planning, implementation, and maintenance Acronis.

Developer in the pawnshop company “Rozman and companies”.
Develop and programming accounting system (С#, MS SQL 2005).
Programming export/import data for accounting system (С#, MS SQL 2005).
Administrating domain server Windows 2003 and MS SQL Server.

4.2008 – 9.2008
Developer in the company “SoftServe” www.softserve.com.
Bug fixing (CGI C/C++, HTML/XML, JavaScript) IP Monitor, code writing (C#) Exchange Monitor, developing scripts (VBScript, Perl, SNMP/WMI) for the applications of the network monitoring Orion NPM/APM.

8.2005 – 3.2008
Lead Engineer in company of communication services “Infocom” www.rv.infocom.ua.
Developed Web interface (CGI C/C++, HTML, Apache) for billing system IPA/IPFW.
Developed and programming the database Access (SQL)/ VBA account network devices.
OS Updating servers.
Support mail server (Postfix+ClamAV) FreeBSD, data server Unix FreeBSD, VPN-server.
Monitoring communication services intranet ukrpack.net on Rivne region.
Configuring network device (routers NSG Cisco 3640) and laying up FrameRelay channel through its.
Work with modems Telindus-1421, Aster 4, switches, routers NSG NX-300, Cisco 3640.
Quick acquiring a new knowledge.

2007 – Passed certificating on WWW.BRAINBENCH.com “Network Authentication”.

1.2004 – 8.2005
Lead programmer in Rivne center of standardizations, metrology and certifications.
Support internet server, data server Unix FreeBSD.
Programmer 1C. Develop and programming system registration journal certificating industrial food CGI (C++ STL), PostgreSQL, HTML, DOM , CSS, Apache.
Administrate two servers: ISP and PDC.

4.2003 – 6.2003 Gives a consultation in administrating network servers Rivne center of standardizations, metrology and certifications. Was installed and tuned server on system FreeBSD 4.7 with services Samba-2.8, LDAP, Squid, Apaches (primary domain controller) file-server P4 AsusP4TEi850/512Mb RDRAM/ RAID Controller Mylex - 5-(3xHDD –SCSI Seagate Cheetah 18Gb)=34 Gb.

7.2003 – 1.2004
System administrating in the firms “SAMGAS-RIVNE” and “Winner Ford Rivne”. Through the work I administrate two servers: ISP and PDC server on which installed FreeBSD/Samba. Also was occupied to support ATS which consist from 2 Panasonic PBX KX TD1232.
2003 – Passed certificating on WWW.BRAINBENCH.com:

5.1997 – 6.2003 (part time)
Teacher of operator PC courses in the training center at Rivne employment center.
Training listeners to work at PC with OS Windows, Microsoft Office and bases of Data Base and work with graphics program Corel Xara).
2003 – Collaborate in administrating ISP for training center at Rivne employment center (park is about 40 PC’s).
1999 – Got certification to right for teaching by modules system of employable skills.

7.1995 – 9.2002
Programmer of the Region Center teaching innovation technologies at National University of water management and nature resources use
2000 – Occupied in administrating network servers on base Windows 2000 Server, Free BSD 4.x. I seized of skills in installing, configuring: PDC (primary domain controller), Active Directory, FTP-server, SAMBA, SSH, NFS, SENDMAIL, firewall, squid, DNS.
1998 – Software support of work computer machines altogether university (park machines totalled up to 400 personal computers).
1998 – After successful passed attestative commission, I became programmer I-st category (next category is lead programmer).

Technical support of work computers park which consist from 15 of PC's, i.e. support software and hardware. Upgrade versions of new software, acquaintance with its specificity. Except standard software (OS, compilers, editors) I work with specific program for some faculties of university. Detect faulty devices of personal computer and replace its.

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